lamina basilaris ductus cochlearis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "lamina basilaris ductus cochlearis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lamina basilaris ductus cochlearis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lamina basilaris ductus cochlearis", or refer to the context using the word "lamina basilaris ductus cochlearis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Sometimes doctors can close the ductus arteriosus by administering medicine .

Đôi khi bác sĩ có thể làm kín ống động mạch bằng cách cho sử dụng thuốc .

2. Summertime lamina appears completely for green.

3. Bowmanova membrana (Bowmanov sloj, prednja granična lamina, prednja elastična lamina) je glatki, besćelijski, neregenerativni sloj, između površinskog epitela i strome …

4. Ridges appear first on the adaxial side of the lamina, accompanied by periclinal and oblique divisions in the middle lamina layers.

5. The eggs of two of these Anural species contained the actin lamina, another component of the myoplasm, whereas the third Anural species lacked the actin lamina

6. When you get stressed, your blood pressure goes up and forces open the ductus.

Khi mà cô căng thẳng, huyết áp tăng cao và làm cho ống đó mở ra.

7. The ductus arteriosus usually closes shortly after birth , which allows for normal blood circulation .

Ống động mạch thường đóng kín ngay sau khi sinh , giúp cho máu lưu thông bình thường .

8. An ectasia and enlargement of the basilar artery by a fusiform aneurysm is called megadolicho basilaris.

9. Vitreous detachment occurs at the anatomical vitreoretinal juncture, between the inner limiting lamina of the retina and the vitreous cortex, the surface of the lamina becoming smooth and without vitreous residues.

10. An internal elastic lamina may not be identified in the smallest Arterioles.

11. Pulmonary hypertension may occur in the fetus in the presence of Constriction of the ductus arteriosus

12. Posterolateral Arthrodesis: fusion between two adjacent vertebrae across the lamina and transverse processes.

13. Can be used to open Jiade Quin - Lamina Tumbler Lock technically.

14. Bilobate protuberance of the hemispermatophore connected to the distal lamina (Fig

15. Further variations of the rotated-lamina syndrome are described in Magnolia spp. and Rhamnus imeretinus, as well as an abnormal adult shoot of Ulmus glabra without lamina rotation.

16. Basilar: , Basilaris ( bas'i-lăr, bas-i-lā'ris ), [TA] Relating to the base of a pyramidal or broad structure.

17. A biliodigestive Anastomosis is a surgical connection between the common bile duct (ductus choledochus) and the

18. Rhizomes short and erect or ascending; lamina dull or lustrous adaxially; laminar segments arranged Catadromously except secondary segments of basalmost pair of pinnae of bipinnate fronds; if laminar segments arranged anadromously then lamina (2 or)3- or 4-pinnate and ultimate pinnules of lamina asymmetrical at base (Dryopteris sect

19. Lymphoid accumulations appear as true infiltrates scattered throughout the lamina propria cell elements.

20. Then blood flows through the ductus arteriosus and floods the vessels in the lungs , causing respiratory problems .

Sau đó máu chảy qua ống động mạch và làm ngập các mạch máu trong phổi , gây ra nhiều vấn đề về hô hấp .

21. Results The nuclear matrix - lamina - intermediate filament fine network remained after selective extraction.

22. Long (100–250 μm), sinuate, alate trapezoid phytoliths were unique to lamina tissue.

23. Immediately below the basal lamina the immunoglobulins formed irregular aggregates of various size.

24. Glycerophosphate and calcium-cobalt treatment gave only specific demonstration of alkaline phosphatase in regions of highest enzyme concentration (plexus cochlearis, acoustical nerve, capillaries).

25. Ampulla duc´tus deferen´tis (Henle's Ampulla) the enlarged and tortuous distal end of the ductus deferens