lambdoid margin of occipital bone in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "lambdoid margin of occipital bone"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lambdoid margin of occipital bone" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lambdoid margin of occipital bone", or refer to the context using the word "lambdoid margin of occipital bone" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Cranium is composed of eight different bones: occipital bone - protects the back of your brain and supports your head ;

2. The Cranium of a newborn consists of five main bones: two frontal bones, two parietal bones, and one occipital bone

3. Down below the occipital.

Nhìn xuống dưới chẩm

4. It's the occipital lobe.

Là Thùy Chẩm

5. Medical Definition of Condyle : an articular prominence of a bone —used chiefly of such as occur in pairs resembling a pair of knuckles (as those of the occipital bone for articulation with the atlas, those …

6. — Sub-occipital adenopathy

7. Sub-occipital adenopathy

8. Carpals: Shortl bones in hand near wrist: MetaCarpals: Miniture long bones in the hand: Tarsals: Short bones in the foot: Calcaneus: Heal bone: Sacrum: Fused vertebraes at the bottom of the spine: Coccyx: Tail bone: Zygomatic: Cheek bone: Mandible: Jaw bone: Maxilla: Bone that holds upper teeth: Frontal: Forehead: Occipital: Back of the head

9. The two species share synapomorphies such as only one supramaxillary bone covering the dorsal margin of the maxilla.

10. Commonly adopted to get lambdoid sewing of leather and to embroider on cloth.

11. Weak occipital development, and substandard lobe...

Có xương chẩm đầu phát triển. thùy não dưới mức bình thường.

12. The lacrimal bone formed not only the back margin of the antorbital fenestra, a large opening between eye and bony nostril, but also part of its upper margin, unlike in members of the related Abelisauridae.

Xương lệ tạo thành không chỉ phần sau của cửa sổ trước hố mắt, một khe hở lớn giữa mắt và lỗ mũi, mà còn tạo nên một phần của lề trên, không giống như các thành viên của họ khủng long Abel.

13. Occipital and frontotemporal regions were also...

Vùng thùy chẩm và trán cũng...

14. Avulsion fracture of the distal margin of the palmar end of the bone at the origin of the two palmar accessorometacarpal ligaments (see Figure 14-13, E).

15. Avulsion fracture of the proximal margin at the insertion of the ligaments to the radius, ulna, and radial carpal bone (see Figure 14-13, C)

16. Could be atropine toxicity, occipital lobe tumor.

Có thể là nhiễm độc atropine, khối u ở thuỳ chẩm.

17. Human V1 is located on the medial side of the occipital lobe within the calcarine sulcus; the full extent of V1 often continues onto the posterior pole of the occipital lobe.

V1 của người nằm ở phía giữa của thùy chẩm bên trong rãnh cựa; phạm vi đầy đủ của V1 thường tiếp tục tới cực sau của thùy chẩm.

18. It is expressed either as total Contribution margin, Contribution margin per unit or Contribution margin ratio.

19. Bone weary, Kashmiri translation of Bone weary, Kashmiri meaning of Bone weary, what is Bone weary in Kashmiri dictionary, synonym of Bone weary

20. Left Margin

21. This is a portion of the occipital lobe, the inferior temporal sulcus.

22. Transsynapptic neuronal degeneration of optic nerves Consequent to occipital lobe lesions is a rare phenomenon

23. He beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds/by a wide margin.

24. Notebooks filled margin to margin with my tiny scrawl spill out-of the desk drawers.

25. Maintenance margin A set minimum margin per outstanding futures contract that a customer must maintain in their margin account.

Biên duy trì (Maintenance margin): Mức biên tối thiểu thiết lập cho hợp đồng tương lai còn vị thế mở mà khách hàng phải duy trì trong tài khoản biên của họ.