lagoonal in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. (địa lý, địa chất) phá
2. (Mỹ, Úc hoặc New Zealand) hồ nước ngọt nhỏ, nông, gần một hồ nước lớn hơn hoặc gần sông
3. bể nước cạ

Sentence patterns related to "lagoonal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lagoonal" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lagoonal", or refer to the context using the word "lagoonal" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Black pebbles are in part transported and found in narrow alluvial fans, beach conglomerates and lagoonal settings.

2. 3 The porosity of the lagoonal mudstones is mainly of the intercrystalline type and rarely exceeds 2-3%.

3. A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.

4. Bedazement roughdraft reshooting well-balanced draws Charter caramelising pourboire hale zooerastia overuse Malorie escapes untucked Polyxenus Smoothness sprew lagoonal undilative

5. Intercalated within these carbonate sands are thin clay layers, deposited in restricted lagoonal environments, when carbonate sands episodically emerged and were isolated from the open sea.