labor force participation rate ( ratio ) in Vietnamese

tỷ lệ tham gia vào lực lượng lao động [ dân số hoạt động kinh tế trên tổng số dân ]

Sentence patterns related to "labor force participation rate ratio "

Below are sample sentences containing the word "labor force participation rate ratio " from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "labor force participation rate ratio ", or refer to the context using the word "labor force participation rate ratio " in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 12 The labor force participation rate of women increased more than 5 % between 1982 and 19

2. 7 Many in the labor force will not be ready for full participation in fishnet organizations.

3. There has, however, been limited success in improving the ratio of female to male labour force participation.

4. 5 Labor force participation rates measure the proportion of the population of working age that is either employed or seeking a job.

5. - Sizeable labor force and favorable demographics.

- Lực lượng lao động lớn, cơ cấu dân số thuận lợi.

6. The paper shows that the dependence reflects a measurement error arising from the interdependence of human capital accumulation, labor force participation rates and development levels.

7. Suppose the foreign country has a higher capital / labor ratio.

8. Fetal Heart Rate Accelerations (Accels) During labor and delivery, the heart rate of a fetus should remain steady but, with the application of force during contractions, may accelerate from the baseline rate

9. Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.

10. The AP® participation rate at Aldine High School

11. 26 Even to suggest that efforts he made to expand the labor force by increasing the domestic birth rate would seem slightly artful.

12. 14 The farm labor force is running down steadily.

13. For example, we define the ratio Causal contrast as where we allow RR to denote a risk ratio, rate ratio, or odds ratio

14. The dilution ratio is calculated from the dilution air flow rate and the split ratio.

15. Recent statistics are not available on Turkmenistan’s labor force.

Số liệu thống kê gần đây không có sẵn trên lực lượng lao động của Turkmenistan.

16. The economic policies adopted by Chamorro feminized Nicaragua's labor force.

Các chính sách kinh tế được áp dụng bởi Chamorro đã làm nẩy sinh lực lượng lao động của Nicaragua.

17. Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources.

18. Where labor hours are used, a burden rate or overhead cost per hour of labor may be added along with labor costs.

Trong trường hợp giờ lao động được sử dụng, tỷ lệ gánh nặng hoặc chi phí chìm mỗi giờ lao động có thể được cộng thêm với chi phí lao động.

19. • Send a reminder memo in order to increase the participation rate;

20. 15 It makes sense to enhance training surplus labor force.

21. 1 Serious efforts are made to expand the labor force.

22. Vietnam’s average labor productivity growth rate is about four percent.

Tuy nhiên, việc năng suất lao động vẫn tiếp tục tăng với tốc độ thấp là một vấn đề cần quan tâm.

23. The Germans would never squander a huge labor force like this.

Bọn Đức sẽ không phung phí nguồn lao động lớn như vậy đâu.

24. During this period, the country's labor force was in high demand.

Trong giai đoạn này, lực lượng lao động của đất nước có nhu cầu cao.

25. 10 Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources.