kurdish in Vietnamese

Danh từ
tiếng Iran của người Kurd

Sentence patterns related to "kurdish"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kurdish" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kurdish", or refer to the context using the word "kurdish" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ferhengî Henbane Borîne (Henbane Borine - هەنبانە بۆرینە) is a Kurdish Dictionary for translating from Kurdish to Kurdish and Persian (Farsi) by Abdurrahman Sharafkandi (Hazhar).In this version, only Kurdish to Persian and vice versa has been provided

2. Censed censer censing censor censored censorial censoring censorious censoriously cense in Kurdish Kurmanji English-Kurdish Kurmanji dictionary

3. Bedew translation in Kurdish Kurmanji-English dictionary

4. Contextual translation of "Actinisms" into Kurdish

5. Contextual translation of "Buck bean" into Kurdish

6. During the period 1858-1859, Mahmud Bayazidi and A.D. Jaba, wrote the first Kurdish-French and French-Kurdish dictionary, published in 1879.

7. Contextual translation of "Affidavy" into Kurdish

8. Contextual translation of "Ashen hued" into Kurdish

9. The town has been under Kurdish control since then.

Khu vực này nằm dưới quyền kiểm soát của Israel kể từ khi đó.

10. Arabic, Persian and Kurdish Letters as pronounced on Latin Keyboard

11. Kurdish ABC book “Zmane de” was published in 2002.

12. Contextual translation of "Biscuit colored" into Kurdish

13. Contextual translation of "Best intentioned" into Kurdish

14. The incident occurred shortly after Naki had declared that he was Kurdish and expressed support on social media for the Kurdish groups fighting against ISIS militants.

Vụ việc xảy ra ngay sau khi Naki tuyên bố ông là người Kurd và bày tỏ sự ủng hộ trên các phương tiện truyền thông xã hội cho các nhóm người Kurd chống lại các chiến binh ISIS.

15. Some 300,000 have been denied citizenship since the 1960s, and Kurdish land has been confiscated and redistributed to Arabs in an attempt to "Arabize" Kurdish regions.

16. Araban (Kurdish: Kele ‎) is a destrict o Gaziantep Province o Turkey

17. Fears of Crackdowns on Turkey’s Kurdish parties and voters Members of the pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party take part in a protest against the detention of HDP activists in Istanbul.

18. Many who spoke, published, or sang in Kurdish were arrested and imprisoned.

Nhiều người nói, xuất bản, hoặc hát bằng tiếng Kurdish đã bị bắt và bị bỏ tù.

19. He was also the representative of the Kurdish Revolution in Cairo until 1975.

Ông cũng là người đại diện của cuộc cách mạng của người Kurd ở Cairo, cho đến năm 1975.

20. The ISIS militant, who appears to be wearing traditional Kurdish clothes, Beheads one of the three hostages, said to be peshmerga fighters, after railing against Iraqi Kurdish officials, threatening to behead others

21. 30 Barzani stated that negotiations were continuing with the government for Kurdish autonomy.

22. Assyrians are not Arabian, we are not Kurdish, our religion is not Islam

23. 1The KIU contested the previous election as part of the main Kurdish alliance.

24. According to Kurdish sources, the emissaries of the letter were arrested and executed.

Theo các nguồn tin của người Kurd, các sứ giả của lá thư đã bị bắt và hành quyết.

25. Coalition forces also supported Iraqi Kurdish militia, estimated to number upwards of 50,000.

Các quân lực cũng hỗ trợ dân quân Kurd, có ước lượng hơn 50.000 người.

26. 24 It adds up to the greatest success in the annals of pan-Kurdish struggle.

27. A Kurdish Brigand chief with a large banking account in England sounds a wildly impossible conception

28. Such quasi statehood activities cause irritation among the non-Kurdish population – the Arabs, Assyrians and Turkomans.

29. In the 1940s when the Allies established a Radio Station in Jaffa, Goran served as Kurdish staff member.

30. In a treaty concluded that year between the two Kurdish dynasties, Abul-Fath declared himself a Hasanwayhid vassal.

31. Following the military coup of 1980, the Kurdish language was officially prohibited in public and private life.

Sau cuộc đảo chính quân sự năm 1980, ngôn ngữ người Kurd bị chính thức cấm trong đời sống công cộng và tư nhân .

32. As a consequence of the ISIL occupation, up to 200,000 Kurdish refugees fled from Kobanî Canton to Turkey.

Do hậu quả của sự chiếm đóng của ISIL, khoảng 200.000 người tị nạn người Kurd đã trốn khỏi Koban Canton đến Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ.

33. Most Kurds reside in the northeastern corner of Syria and most speak the Kurmanji variant of the Kurdish language.

Đa số người Kurd sống ở góc phía bắc của Syria và nhiều người vẫn nói tiếng Kurd.

34. In Iraq and the Kurdish region, wheelchairs and other mobility equipment have been delivered to people injured in conflicts.

Tại Iraq và khu vực của người Kurd, xe lăn và các thiết bị di chuyển khác đã được trao tặng cho những người bị thương trong các cuộc xung đột.

35. Talabani was the founder and secretary general of one of the main Kurdish political parties, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

Talabani là người sáng lập và tổng thư ký của một trong những đảng phái chính trị của người Kurd, Liên minh Ái quốc người Kurd (PUK).

36. The negotiations ultimately failed and the First Iraqi–Kurdish War erupted on 11 September 1961, lasting until 1970 and inflicting 75,000–105,000 casualties.

Các cuộc đàm phán cuối cùng thất bại và Chiến tranh Iraq-Kurd đầu tiên nổ ra vào ngày 11 tháng 9 năm 1961, kéo dài cho đến năm 1970 và gây ra 75.000-105.000 thương vong.

37. Phineas Fisher, the notorious Hacking Team hacker, stole $10,000 from a bank and donated the equivalent in Bitcoin to Kurdish Anticapitalists in Rojava

38. Democratic Confederalism (Kurdish: Konfederalîzma demokratîk ‎;) also known as Kurdish communalism or Apoism is a political concept theorized by Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan about a system of democratic self-organization with the features of a confederation based on the principles of autonomy, direct democracy, environmentalism, feminism, multiculturalism, …

39. Authorities in Baghdad have denounced as illegal the roughly 30 oil contracts negotiated between the Kurdish regional government and foreign energy companies like Addax.

40. For them – for the Turkish and Kurdish democratic forces – these negotiations constitute an exceptional lever for accelerating the changes that they consider to be necessary.

41. His father, Haydar, was the sheikh of the Safaviyya Sufi order and a direct descendant of its Kurdish founder, Safi-ad-din Ardabili (1252–1334).

Haydar là hậu duệ trực hệ của người sáng lập vương triều người Kurd, Safi-ad-din Ardabili (1252–1334).

42. Kurds Fear ‘Arabization’ of Iraq’s Kirkuk Sunday, 5 November, 2017 - 10:30 A member of Iraqi security forces takes down the Kurdish flag in Kirkuk, Iraq.

43. To the east and north stand Kurdish forces, known as the Peshmerga, keen to reclaim land taken from them by Saddam Hussein more than two decades ago.

44. Itinerant Kurdish teachers, carrying Blackboards on their backs, look for students in the hills and villages of Iran, near the Iraqi border during the Iran-Iraq war

45. Yoğun istek üzerine Sê Bîra grubunun seslendirmiş olduğu Kurdish Mashup çalışması içerisinden derlemiş olduğumuz Cane adlı eser video klibi ile sizlerle

46. Following the Iraqi defeat in the war, he was given the task of quelling the uprisings in the Shi'ite south of Iraq as well as the Kurdish north.

Theo sau Iraq bại trận trong cuộc chiến, ông chỉ huy càn quét cuộc nổi loạn người Chiisme tại miền Nam cũng như người Kurd tại miền Bắc.

47. According to the International Standard Bible Commentary, Assyria “extended from Babylonia northward to the Kurdish mountains and at times included the country westward to the Euphrates and the Khabur.”

48. Hacking Team hacker steals €10K in Bitcoin, sends it to Kurdish Anticapitalists in Rojava Phineas Phisher, the hacktivist who hacked Hacking Team, says he's now planning an even bigger heist.

49. Tehran, by virtue of its historical relationships with the Shi'ite parties and the Kurdish leadership, may wield greater influence than Washington in Baghdad, but it does not pull the strings.

50. The Begum ruling is a test of the UK’s policy to strip the citizenship of Britons who went to join Isis and are being detained by Syrian Kurdish groups without trial.