know-nothing in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. người ngu dốt, người không biết gì
2. (triết học) người theo thuyết không thể biết

Sentence patterns related to "know-nothing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "know-nothing" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "know-nothing", or refer to the context using the word "know-nothing" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. You know nothing, creature.

Mi chẳng biết gì hết, sinh vật hạ đẳng này.

2. You know nothing about war.

Cậu chả biết cái qué gì về chiến tranh cả.

3. You know nothing about her.

Cô gái này có lai lịch bất minh.

4. You know nothing of this matter!

Con chẳng biết gì về chuyện này hết!

5. I know nothing about an envelope.

Tôi chẳng biết cái phong bì nào cả.

6. They know nothing about exothermic chemical reactions.

7. I don't know nothing about birthing babies!

Tôi có biết đỡ đẻ đâu.

8. 2 Concerning his background, I know nothing.

9. But all I learned was we know nothing.

Nhưng tất cả cha học được, là chúng ta chả biết gì cả.

10. I'm sorry, I know nothing about your family.

Tôi rất tiếc, tôi không biết gì về gia đình anh.

11. You little rascals know nothing about our own history.

Các cô cậu không biết 1 tí gì về lịch sử dân tộc hết!

12. Warriors now know nothing of war and cattle raiding.

13. The opportunist was told what he deserved to know: nothing.

14. Rank amateurs who know nothing about how to cook the books.

Giới nghiệp dư, những người không biết gì về việc gian lận sổ sách.

15. We know nothing about the new neighbour; he is a cold fish.

16. I'm only a passerby and know nothing at all about this place.

17. Without ability, intelligence or cordiality; they know nothing of generosity or manly feeling.

18. 14 This might seem very perplexing to those who know nothing about it.

19. Many stations allow nameless, faceless fans to rail incessantly about things they know nothing about.

20. I know nothing about orders and abbots, but I know you will save the world.

21. Even for those who know nothing about investing , they 've heard of the stock market .

Ngay cả với những người không biết gì về đầu tư , họ cũng đã từng nghe nói về thị trường chứng khoán .

22. Your people know nothing about my physiology, and that's exactly the way I like it.

23. We think of Advent from the perspective of earthbound creatures who know nothing but this life.

24. Afflicted is a movie that you have to know nothing about to enjoy to it's fullest

25. Make hay thePull the chestnut out of fire . 46 . To know everything is to know nothing.

26. This is either some magic geometry of which I know nothing or it is a happy coincidence.

27. I know nothing about war hammer so can someone tell me who the hell the Burgomeister is

28. 1 We know nothing of what will happen in future, but by the analogy of past experience. 

29. Not only did Alvin know nothing about choreography, Shawn wrote, but he was not even a good dancer.

30. 3 We know nothing of what will happen in future,( but by the analogy of past experience. 

31. Jon Snow might know nothing, but we know that he has a look-Alike in another HBO actor: Christopher Abbott

32. And it is when Theseus came to Crete that Ariadne came into the story, for we know nothing about her childhood.

33. She was brought up to know nothing of the Blightings of poverty, but had every want gratified, and moved in the topmost …

34. He actually mentioned the fact that they proceeded down a path in the past, and, ultimately, as you know, nothing got done.

35. Cardigan Lyrics: Vintage tee, brand new phone / High heels on cobblestones / When you are young, they assume you know nothing / Sequin smile, black lipstick / …

36. No libretto is included, and as I know nothing of Anacreon, I don't even know what the plot is, but that doesn't take away from the fabulous music

37. Whatever is done towards carrying out the promises of the party con cerning Bimetalism, I know nothing that would beuefit our people as much as the right to do business on the credit of the state

38. After A little while, Granma tole me say, "Granpa, Granma say you don't know nothing 'bout playing cards." In the Family NOVEMBER The first couple months of the school year may have been A little iffy for you, Twin, but you're getting into a groove.

39. Ok so I just wanna see how well you all know me and my back up Admins this is the altament test whin it comes to the "do You Know ClaraSprite really Well" type deal so please if you fail you know you know nothing and if you do fail you can always come talk to me

40. "Astonish" them; and he thought, not without sadness, that when La Guepe should have published this young novelist's ghostly composition, the unconquerable bourgeoisie would know nothing about it, and would continue to devote itself to its favorite customs, such as tapping the barometer to know whether there was a change, or to heave a deep