karst in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "karst"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "karst" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "karst", or refer to the context using the word "karst" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Forests now cover only one-third of the Karst.

Các cánh rừng hiện nay chỉ che phủ khoảng 1/3 diện tích khu vực Kras.

2. The west-coast district of the Burren around Lisdoonvarna has well-developed karst features.

Khu vực duyên hải phía tây Burren quanh Lisdoonvarna có đặc điểm karst phát triển mạnh.

3. 1 Karst landforms related more specifically to fluvial activity are discussed in Chapter

4. Two-dimensional resistivity imaging mapped the transition between the alluvium and karst.

5. The structure of and rock extremly complex in the discordance formation system in Karst area.

6. Groundwater in karst areas is just as easily polluted as surface streams.

Nước ngầm trong khu vực karst rất dễ bị ô nhiễm như là nước bề mặt.

7. In that respect, the karst plains belong to the accumulative tectonic-type landforms.

8. Karst Map of the Conterminous United States - 2020 (Public domain.) Thumbnail Medium Original

9. Karst was examined 12 and 26 days after incubation using magnetic resonance imaging.

10. There are many typical karst formations such as cracks, air holes, sinks and grikes on the plain.

11. This mechanism expels pre-event water from the fissured matrix and into karst conduits.

12. By-product obtained by pressing tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum Karst. during the production of tomato juice

13. The dip slope eventually merges with the Carboniferous limestone which outcrops in the karst landscape to the south.

14. The development of twist in Norway spruce boards (Picea abies Karst.) during normal temperature kiln drying was researched.

15. The two lakes near Le Pont have no outlets above ground; the water seeps away in the karst substratum.

16. Karst.) of the same age and origin but with differences in accumulated height growth and cold hardiness were investigated.

17. One of these karst regions, located in the northwestern part of Puerto Rico, was identified as a haven for the species.

Một trong những khu vực núi đá vôi nằm ở phía tây bắc của Puerto Rico, được xác định là nơi trú ẩn của loài vẹt này.

18. Hongfeng Lake, a key drinking-water source located in Karst areas, was selected to analyze the microorganisms associated with nitrogen cycle.

19. Both the Temple Butte and Surprise Canyon Formations were deposited on erosional unconformities, on karst terrains of the Muav and Redwall limestones.

20. 27 Nevertheless, it is appropriate to consider here those components of karst topography that owe much of their origin to weathering processes.

21. Purnululu is home to the Bungle Bungle Range, featuring spectacular “beehive dome” karst sandstone formations—some rising more than 600 …

22. Besides, the thesis has study the content and method of the information design and construction in the complex karst upgrowth of tunnel.

23. Karst is a geological term that describes an irregular region of sinks, caverns and channels caused by groundwater as it seeps and flows through underground rock formations. . . .

Karst là một từ địa chất miêu tả một vùng đất lồi lõm có hốc, hang và kênh do nước tạo thành khi nước chảy và rỉ qua lớp đá dưới đất...

24. The region is also the location of "Nullarbor limestone" and it has a reputation as a significant karst region with Oligocene and Miocene cave formations.

Khu vực này cũng là vị trí của "đá vôi Nullarbor" và nó có một danh tiếng cũng như một ý nghĩa đối với việc hình thành các Karst và hang động trong khu vực trong thời kỳ địa chất Oligocen và Miocen.

25. As part of the Huasteca Karst, it also contains many formations due to erosion of limestone, especially pit caves known locally as sótanos.

Là một phần của karst Huasteca, nó cũng có nhiều thành tạo do sự xói mòn của đá vôi, đặc biệt là hang hố được biết đến tại địa phương như sótanos.

26. 17 Tianmen Mountain is an integrated synclinal geological unit which has the landform of middle-mountain karst platform with peak groups and canyons.

27. Kungur Ice Cave is a karst cave located in the Urals, near the town Kungur in Perm Krai, Russia, on the right bank of the Sylva River.

Hang động băng Kungur là một hang động đá vôi ở Ural, gần thị xã Kungur trấn ở Perm Krai, Nga, bên hữu ngạn của sông Sylva.

28. For the ‘karst collapse’ hazard, some predisposing factors can be listed: density of ancient collapses, thickness and nature of the alluvium, hydroclimatic conditions (frost, snow, heavy rain, floods, low water period etc.).

29. Some more important difficulties which have considerably delayed the building of dams are created by the karst in the Lower Cretaceous limestones forming the left abutment zone of the Mihaylovgrad dam and reservoir.

30. Human activities are an major factor of the formation of stony desert in the karst pimple plain, and peak forest basin on the water parting, where headward erosion can't occur.

31. 22 There are many factors that affect the low flow in a karst basin, such as climate, catchment area, lithology, soil, landform and so on, most of which are uncertain.

32. A case history of the application of the P-wave reflection method in that area to investigate the bedding plane of bedrock, karst cave , fault and the distribution of the dissolution belt is given.

33. The limestone has been affected by erosion to form the Huasteca Karst, and the area contains a large number of caverns, and pit caves (sótanos), some of which extend for hundreds of meters in depth.

Đá vôi bị ảnh hưởng bởi sự xói mòn để hình thành nên Huasteca Karst, và khu vực này chứa rất nhiều hang động và hang động hố (sótanos), một số trong đó kéo dài đến hàng trăm mét.

34. The Limestone Museum gives an overview of the formation of limestone, fossils, its varieties and use as a building material, the Pandivere Heights, karst, the STONE ABC- BOOK, which contains all types of rocks in Estonia.

35. If the Hin Namno, bordering Phong Nha on the west (in Laotian territory) was to be combined with the national park in a continuous reserve, the combined reserve would be the largest surviving karst forest in southeastern Asia (317,754 ha).

Nếu như khu vực Hin Namno, một khu vực bảo tồn tự nhiên của tỉnh Khăm Muộn, Lào, giáp Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng về phía tây được kết hợp thành một khu bảo tồn liên tục, thì khu vực bảo tồn này sẽ là khu rừng carxtơ còn tồn tại lớn nhất ở Đông Nam Á với diện tích 317.754 ha.

36. Aficionada gencives stelsel met variabele recordlengte As nestled sleeping kombinirana rasvjeta Dinaric Karst come up definitive الإبعاد كعقوبة jiletca leading politician, man who is experienced in administering government affairs, man who is a wise and experienced political leader, respected impartial senior male politician pravni

37. Just one hour west of San Juan, coastal Arecibo is home to some of the best off-the-beaten-path adventures on the Island.With its dramatic karst landscape — defined by limestone formations, extensive cave systems, and subterranean rivers — the trip to Arecibo is a bit like entering another world.

38. Transmission electron microscopy observations performed with cytochemical stains to detect polysaccharides and cysteine-rich proteins have been done to study the effect of an auxin transport inhibitor (2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, TIBA) on Laccaria bicolor (Marie) Orton. hypha attachment and aggregation during mycorrhiza formation in Picea abies (L.) Karst. roots.

39. The Symbolic Birth Cabin The symbolic birth cabin is enshrined within a Neo-Classical Memorial Building on the traditional site of the Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln The Sinking Spring - a Karst Window The Sinking Spring was the water source for the Lincoln family and the feature from which the farm received its name

40. Within the territory of the municipality we can find the Spipola Cave with its doline and the chalky rock emergences of the Farneto and the Croara, that give shape to a karst compound (there are about 50 caves and natural hollows crossed by a 6-kilometre (4 mi) long hypogeous stream), protected by the Parco dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi dell'Abbadessa (Natural park of Bologna's chalky rocks and the Abbess's gully).