jury-mast in Vietnamese

Dụng cụ giữ đầu bệnh nhân lao cột sống.

Sentence patterns related to "jury-mast"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jury-mast" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jury-mast", or refer to the context using the word "jury-mast" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The mast broke.

Chỉ tại cái cột buồm gãy.

2. Antihistamine/ Mast Cell Stabilizers

3. Concealed in the mast.

Giấu trong cái cột buồm.

4. The mast has to be there.

Cột buồm phải ở đó.

5. This was in the mast!

Đây là cái cột buồm!

6. The jury trial finds expression_r in the American legal system in three places: the grand jury, the criminal petit jury, and civil petit jury.

7. Court Proceedings, Jury Proceedings and Jury Trials; Statewide grand jury proceedings shall remain suspended through July 26, 2020

8. The Brig uses several smaller sails, while the Brigantine uses a square mast on the fore mast and fore-and-aft triangular shaped rigging on the main mast

9. He has been called for jury service or us for jury duty.

10. The USA trial jury is similar to active jury of United Kingdom.

11. This is a petit (small) jury, in contrast with a grand jury.

Đây là ban hội thẩm phán định, khác với phòng luận tội.

12. He stood there like a mast.

13. All right, so tie me to the mast."

Được rồi, anh buộc tôi vào cột buồm đi."

14. Barkentines are three-masted vessels with square sails on the foremast and gaff sails on the main mast and the mizzen mast

15. The mast is not a worthy opponent.

Cột buồm đâu phải một đối thủ xứng tầm.

16. Wear the pants, her mast was Lola.

17. There is no jury.

Không có... hội đồng xét xử nào.

18. The right trial jury.

19. A Courtroom typically features a jury box, where the members of the jury sit

20. Antigen interacts with the surface of sensitized mast cells.

21. Old wooden mast with Crosspieces, backstays,mainsail ,staysail

22. Mast head capable of adjusting tension of ropes

23. Allergin-1 inhibits IgE-mediated, mast cell–dependent anaphylaxis in mice and is expressed in myeloid cells (dendritic cells and macrophages) and on mast cells

24. No jury and no appeal.

Không có bồi thẩm đoàn, không kháng án.

25. Promised you'd rig the jury.

Và đã hứa dựng lên màn kịch bồi thẩm đoàn.