jugular vein in Vietnamese

tĩnh mạch cổ

Sentence patterns related to "jugular vein"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jugular vein" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jugular vein", or refer to the context using the word "jugular vein" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Pregnancy alters the anatomic landmarks for internal jugular vein (IJV) cannulation.

2. If you move, she could slip and slice your jugular vein on accident.

nó có thể vô tình đâm toạc động mạch chủ của cháu.

3. The blood is drained through the jugular vein and replaced with embalming fluid through onethe major arteries.

Máu được hút ra tĩnh mạch cổ và thay bằng chất ướp thông qua 1 trong 2 động mạch chính.

4. It was determined that the axe had missed the jugular vein and a clot had prevented Mike from bleeding to death.

Sự việc được xác định rằng nhát chém của rìu đã không trúng vào tĩnh mạch cảnh và một cục máu đông đã ngăn cản Mike bị chảy máu đến chết.

5. Initially the Canal was opposed by the British; but once opened, its strategic value was quickly recognised and became the "jugular vein of the Empire".

Ban đầu, Anh phản đối Kênh đào; song khi nó được khánh thành, giá trị chiến lược của nó nhanh chóng được công nhận và trở thành "tĩnh mạch cổ của Đế quốc".

6. We encountered an unusual case of Arterialized blood flow in the cavernous sinus on MR angiography resulting from Arterialized retrograde venous flow in the internal jugular vein

7. The laryngeal mask causes anatomical alterations of cervical structures in the newborn and therefore its use for the airway management during jugular vein cannulation appears to be limited.

8. There is a lot of vital stuff in the neck such as the carotid artery, the jugular vein, and at the lower portion of the neck the Brachial arteries.

9. The important complications of arteriography observed were: thrombosis of the carotid artery and jugular vein; hemorrhage into the tissues about the punctured vessels with a concomitant edema of the aditus laryngis; and those changes which were induced by a spasm of the cerebral arteriole with subsequent petechiae, occurring after injection of the contrast medium.