journeyed in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. cuộc hành trình (thường là bằng đường bộ)
2. chặng đường đi, quãng đường đi (trong một thời gian nhất định)

nội động từ
làm một cuộc hành trình

Sentence patterns related to "journeyed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "journeyed" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "journeyed", or refer to the context using the word "journeyed" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Some journeyed to the moons and planets.

Một số đã lên mặt trăng và các hành tinh.

2. " In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long... "

" Dưới ánh nắng và trong bóng râm, Một cuộc hành trình dài... "

3. 12 She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey.

4. She has journeyed through purgation watching crimson turn to black.

5. As we journeyed south, the landscape became drier and rockier.

6. She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey.

7. She's journeyed all over the world with her husband.

8. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you.

Ta đã du hành qua đại dương sao để tới chỗ các người.

9. I journeyed out to the old manor house near Buxfield.

10. You must tell no-one that you journeyed through the gateway.

Cậu không được phép nói với ai rằng cậu đến đây thông qua'Cánh cổng'.

11. Whether Paul journeyed to Ledra or not, we do not know.

Chúng ta không biết Phao-lô có đi đến thành Ledra hay không.

12. They journeyed to the distant Molucca islands in quest of spices.

13. " In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, singing a song,

" Dưới ánh nắng và trong bóng râm, Một cuộc hành trình dài, miệng hát bài ca,

14. Dole and his retinue of campaign aides and national reporters journeyed to former Sen.

15. But a certain Samaritan as he journeyed, came where hehe saw him, he had compassion.

16. Synonyms for Cabbed include journeyed, travelled, traveled, went, gone, flew, flown, sailed, traversed and voyaged

17. Synonyms for Bused include transported, delivered, took, taken, moved, carried, conveyed, journeyed, travelled and traveled

18. And after we had journeyed for the space of many days we did pitch our tents.

19. (Ac 2:10) The proselytes from other lands had journeyed to Jerusalem in obedience to Jehovah’s law.

20. In 1913, on the advice of Gordon, she journeyed to Toulouse, France to study agronomy and drawing.

21. Synonyms for Barnstormed include canvassed, campaigned, travelled, traveled, went on tour, gone on tour, trouped, journeyed, went and gone

22. Gaily Bedight, A gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado

23. Where might he have journeyed in the footsteps of the Saviour, unencumbered and released from the responsibilities of wealth?

24. Gaily Bedight, A gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado

25. Gaily Bedight, A gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado

26. Gaily Bedight, a gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, singing a song, In search of Eldorado

27. 29 Where might he have journeyed in the footsteps of the Saviour, unencumbered and released from the responsibilities of wealth?

28. Paleodrainage map of Beringia. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2019-2) During the last ice age, people journeyed across the ancient land bridge connecting Asia to …

29. Bombinate’s co-founders, Massimiliano Gritti and Elliott Aeschlimann Perales, journeyed from Switzerland to Mongolia and became enraptured by the exotic artisanal goods they encountered

30. He journeyed widely as a Bible lecturer in the United States, speaking in many colleges and universities by request, and he also addressed large audiences throughout Europe.

31. Based on Nephi’s description of the ball in 1 Nephi 16:10, how might such a gift be helpful to Lehi and his family as they journeyed to the promised land?

Dựa trên điều mô tả của Nê Phi về quả cầu trong 1 Nê Phi 16:10, làm thế nào một ân tứ như vậy có thể hữu ích cho Lê Hi và gia đình của ông khi họ hành trình đến vùng đất hứa?

32. A large number of mourners journeyed to Lieng's home to pay respects in the week following her death, though many were reportedly intercepted on the roads by state security forces.

Một dòng dài người đưa tang đi đến nhà của Liêng để bày tỏ sự thương tiếc trong tuần sau cái chết của bà, mặc dù nhiều báo cáo cho biết họ đã bị chặn trên đường bởi các lực lượng an ninh nhà nước.

33. In the spring of 1848, my great-great-grandparents, Charles Stewart Miller and Mary McGowan Miller, joined the Church in their native Scotland, left their home in Rutherglen, Scotland, and journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean.

Vào mùa xuân năm 1848, ông bà tổ của tôi, Charles Stewart Miller và Mary McGowan Miller, đã gia nhập Giáo Hội trên quê hương Scotland của họ, rời nhà họ ở Rutherglen, Scotland, và hành trình ngang qua Đại Tây Dương.

34. Aaron went to meet Moses at Mount Sinai and was informed of the far-reaching proportions of the divinely outlined program of action involving Israel and Egypt, and the brothers then journeyed back to Egypt. —Ex 4:14-16, 27-30.

35. Awaking Wonder explains how author and former homeschooling mama Sally Clarkson journeyed through the years of educating her four unique children in a way that would point them to a creative, loving, good and just God and ignite a lifelong passion for learning and beauty.

36. The last work of renowned travel writer Norman Lewis: a thrilling adventure through 1930s Spain on a pilgrimage to the tomb of a Spanish Ancestorin the 1930s, Norman Lewis and his brother-in-law, Eugene Corvaja, journeyed to Spain to visit the family's ancestral tomb in Seville.

37. Independent private school kids take expensive Crammer lessons to help pass these stringent snobby entrance exam tests.: After his re-sits at a Crammer, he journeyed north to Edinburgh University to study divinity.: Last minute cramming for exams is a bad idea, take it from someone who was a professional Crammer.: Even so, he left a year early and went off to a Crammer in Brighton to do his A

38. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did make Bellowses where with to blow the fire, of the skins of beasts; and after that I had made Bellowses, that I might have wherewith to blow the fire, I did smite two stones together, that I might make fire, for the Lord had not hitherto suffered that we should make much fire, as we journeyed in the wilderness; for he saith, I will make that thy food

39. These small compact women, who remind me of my own grandmothers years ago, are not, as one might expect, from Silhanoukville nor are they even Cambodian. I overhear them talking among themselves in Viet, in the heavy, flat southern accent that hangs well in the humid air. When I inquire about their “que” (home village), most gestured eastward to Chau Doc, a port town on the Cambodian border. They have left home and journeyed to a neighboring country for the small privilege of selling tidbits of food from their yoke-baskets. For a moment, I wonder unreasonably if Bao, my long-lost childhood friend might be among them—a reflex or, perhaps, an affliction of trauma. So, day after day, for weeks on end, I gravitate to beach to eat grilled squids and to hear their stories.