joint-stock in Vietnamese

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huy động vốn bằng cách phát hành chứng khoá

Sentence patterns related to "joint-stock"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "joint-stock" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "joint-stock", or refer to the context using the word "joint-stock" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Cho Lon Securities Joint Stock Company

2. Zhongdong Railway Railway is a joint stock company in name only.

3. In Norway a joint-stock company is called an aksjeselskap, abbreviated AS.

4. In 1903, the firm formally incorporated as a joint-stock company, Fried.

Năm 1903, công ty chính thức hợp nhất thành một công ty cổ phần , Fried.

5. Definitions for the word, Actionist (n.) A shareholder in joint-stock company

6. Joint-stock company first came into being in the early stage of capitalism.

7. The property has gone into the hands of a joint stock company.

8. Originally, traders in these entities traded stock on their own account, but later the members came to operate on joint account and with joint stock, and the new Joint stock company was born.

9. The Commission, by Decision XXXX, accepted the undertaking offer by Joint Stock Company Achema.

10. Large European joint - stock companies had 17,000 acres under rubber in Travancore by 1911 .

11. The Mopani Colliery, which dates back to 1860, is worked by a joint-stock company.

12. Addendum No.1 to Brokerage Joint Stock Company “AB.LV Capital Markets” General Terms of Business.

13. Orders Joint-Stock Company ‘Almaz-Antey’ Air and Space Defence Corp. to pay the costs.

14. Our company was invested at Qingdao by INABA Pet Food Joint - stock corporation of Japan.

15. The Commission, by Decision No #/EC, accepted the undertaking offer by Joint Stock Company Achema


17. The new painting complex is started up in operation in joint-stock company " Neftekamsk motor works ".

18. The undertakings accepted from the companies Drumet SA and Joint Stock Company Silur are hereby withdrawn.

19. Before being once said "joint-stock company does not include commercial vehicle, " fukuda is pointed car.

20. Draeger Medical Equipment Company Limited is an enterprise solely invested by Draeger Medical Joint Stock Company Limited.

21. By Decision #/EC, the Commission accepted an undertaking from the exporting producer Joint Stock Company Silur, Ukraine

22. By Regulation (EC) No #, the undertaking which had previously been accepted from Joint Stock Company Silur was withdrawn

23. Appay is a financial technology platform that was built and developed by DIGIPAY, a digital payment solution joint stock company

24. Arses Raymon Trading Company Private joint stock Registration number: 564568 (+98) 21-26763413 (+98) 21-26763419 [email protected]

25. The joint-stock company is a contractual relationship network of the shareholders, the operator and the staff and so on.

26. Areas mainly undertake the projects from the joint-stock company and the research projects from the area of the company.

27. WuXi YuJe Elevator Accessories Co. , Ltd is a joint-stock company which specialized in producing elevator guide shoe and safety accessories.

28. RICARD joint-stock company President"s grandson and interface, because played a named "gil card secret treasures" network game and kidnapped.

29. Brisk Tabor is a joint stock company with purely Czech capital, which was established by privatization of the enterprise Jiskra in 1992

30. The Principle of Capital Majority Rule is an important mechanism for joint-stock company limited, which embodies the principle of equality of capital.

31. The Dutch later started joint stock companies, which let shareholders invest in business ventures and get a share of their profits - or losses.

Hà Lan sau này bắt đầu có các công ty cổ phần, cho phép những người giữ cổ phần đầu tư vào doanh nghiệp kinh doanh và thu được một phần chia từ lợi nhuận của nó – hay một phần thua lỗ.

32. 2 Agreement between Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited and Joint Stock Company "Cascade - Technologies” for setting up of a Special Purpose Vehicle for railways

33. Bamboo Airways Joint Stock Company Business Registration Address: Zone 4, Nhon Ly-Cat Tien Tourism Area, Nhon Ly Commune, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam

34. Tianjin Baode Packing Co. , Ltd, is a joint-stock company which is taken by the head office of Tianjin Land-reclaimable group as the investment subject.

35. Recently , real estate developer Vincom Joint Stock Corp ( VIC )has successfully issued $ 185 million in convertible bonds without an asset-backed policy on the Singapore stock market .

Gần đây , Công ty cổ phần Vincom ( VIC ) đã phát hành thành công 185 triệu trái phiếu chuyển đổi với chính sách không có tài sản đảm bảo trên thị trường chứng khoán Singapore .

36. Solis argued that a private joint stock company could raise more capital, revive the Asian trade and compete more efficiently with the Anglo-Dutch in the Indian Ocean.

37. Therefore, enhance the proxy contests concerning activity and further perfect the joint-stock company of our country shareholder meeting for the law system have already become a realistic problem.

38. Another big business , PetroVietNam Drilling and Well Services Joint Stock Co ( PVD ) , has also planned to issue $ 200 million worth of international bonds with a term of 5-10 years .

Một doanh nghiệp lớn khác là Tổng công ty cổ phần Khoan và Dịch vụ Khoan dầu khí ( PVD ) , cũng đã có kế hoạch phát hành trái phiếu quốc tế trị giá 200 triệu đô la với kì hạn 5 đến 10 năm .

39. But capitalism, as we know it, is only a few hundred years old, enabled by cooperative arrangements and technologies, such as the joint- stock ownership company, shared liability insurance, double- entry bookkeeping.

Nhưng chủ nghĩa tư bản, như chúng ta biết, chỉ mới vài trăm năm tuổi, được hình thành bởi sự dàn xếp phối hợp và công nghệ, ví dụ như công ty cổ phần, chia tiền bảo hiểm trách nhiệm, kế toán kép.

40. But capitalism, as we know it, is only a few hundred years old, enabled by cooperative arrangements and technologies, such as the joint-stock ownership company, shared liability insurance, double-entry bookkeeping.

Nhưng chủ nghĩa tư bản, như chúng ta biết, chỉ mới vài trăm năm tuổi, được hình thành bởi sự dàn xếp phối hợp và công nghệ, ví dụ như công ty cổ phần, chia tiền bảo hiểm trách nhiệm, kế toán kép.

41. Chittagong Pilotage Service is the concern of Panocean Limited, registered in Bangladesh at Joint Stock Company of Registerer and enlisted with Chittagong Port for shipping operation, with the corporate office at Chittagong.

42. Its ancestral enterprise, Burmah Oil Company, formerly Rangoon Oil Company in the British Empire, was established in the middle of the nineteenth century.In 1874, the Rangoon Oil Company was registered as a joint-stock

43. Joint Stock Company Industrial Trading Amalgamation «Polesie» for more than 35 years has been one of the largest producers of outer knitted clothes for children and adults, wool mixture and high-bulk yarn, knitted fabric in Belarus.

44. Also during the reviewed period, Sài Gòn Thương Tín Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Sacombank) showed impressive performance with pre and post-profits hitting VNĐ309 billion ($13.6 million), and VNĐ210 ($9.24 million), up 50 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively. 

45. We are a joint stock company, which does not distribute dividends, but instead re-invests the accumulated profits into the establishment of sustainable separate waste collection systems. Producers and importers of packed goods, reduce their costs on product-packaging fee by participating in the ECOBULPACK system.

46. On 22 December 2006, the Commission received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (1) by which the undertaking Open Joint Stock Company Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel (‘Norilsk Nickel’, Russia) acquires within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Council Regulation control of the nickel activities of the undertaking OM Group Inc.