job creation in Vietnamese

Danh từ
sự tạo ra công ăn việc làm

Sentence patterns related to "job creation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "job creation" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "job creation", or refer to the context using the word "job creation" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Job creation has become an imperative for the government.

2. There's considerable uncertainty as to whether the government's job creation strategies will work.

3. The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community.

4. The private sector drove job creation, productivity, innovation and the accumulation of wealth.

5. Property developers were skeptical, and this hampered both product acceptance and job-creation efforts.

6. The report criticizes the lethargy shown by employers when it comes to job creation.

7. Promoting Blue Economy as a key source of inclusive economic growth and job creation.

8. Ontario's ability to attract new business investment is critical for job creation and economic prosperity.

9. Liberals typically argue for government action or partnership with the private sector to improve job creation.

Phái tự do có quan điểm đòi hỏi chính phủ cần có chính sách hoặc hợp tác với khu vực tư nhân để tạo ra việc làm.

10. This decision recognises the airport's potential importance for job creation and economic prosperity in the Ipswich area.

11. Job creation, HIV/AIDS, and acute effects of climate change in Africa were major sources of concern.

12. 12 In job creation terms its return on the £170 million so far invested has been small.

13. Nationalisation was , therefore , a costly job - creation ( or job - saving ) exercise cloaked in the garb of price stabilisation .

14. That is already improving our competitiveness and we shall see its effects on job creation before much longer.

15. Access to finance in this context is often difficult, thus creating an obstacle to growth and job-creation.

16. 14 Servicing private capital in this way is usually a matter of job redistribution rather than job creation.

17. From various angles, the opening-up of trade is linked with economic growth, development, job creation and reduced poverty.

18. From various angles, the opening-up of trade is linked with economic growth, development, job creation and reduced poverty

19. The aid for job creation in the form of an interest-free advance contains an aid element of FRF 360000.

20. NYCEDC is working in the Bronx to support job creation and support new economic opportunities for residents of all backgrounds.

21. Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.

22. An additional social disadvantage is the loss of competitiveness of the European aeronautics industry, impacting job creation and living standards.

23. In addition to job creation, the plan envisioned improving the quality of the labor force through education and training programs.

24. 23 In addition to job creation, the plan envisioned improving the quality of the labor force through education and training programs.

25. John Vasconcellos, D-San Jose, voted for the bill while urging the state to follow through with a job-creation program.

26. The tax advantages granted by the Qualifying Companies regime are not related to investments, to job creation or to specific projects

27. An essential element in job creation is the provision of training for school leavers and retraining for the long term unemployed.

28. Support for job creation and (re)allocation of labour should be aimed at growing sustainable activities, sectors and businesses, particularly among SMEs[10].

29. They've created think tanks that study issues like education, job creation and asset-building, and then advocated for policies to support our most marginalized communities.

Họ đã tạo ra các Viện chính sách để giải quyết các vấn đề như giáo dục, tạo ra của cải và công ăn việc làm, và từ đó đóng góp cho các chính sách ủng hộ cộng đồng thiệt thòi.

30. Not surprisingly, Krugman instead, hails Keynes as the advocate of fiscal stimulus that would "prime the pump" through deficit spending and government sponsored job creation.

31. It is important to establish a more efficient and competitive private sector — this is the driving force behind job creation, innovation, and increased levels of productivity.

Việt Nam cần nâng cao hiệu quả và năng lực cạnh tranh của khối kinh tế tư nhân, vì đây chính là động lực tạo việc làm, đổi mới, và nâng cao năng suất lao động.

32. TWELVE Amerindian leaders were yesterday presented with grants of various amounts to promote job creation, income generation and developmental projects in their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic

33. But you know that our message is structural reforms; structural reforms to elevate the growth potential of Europe and the job creation capacity of Europe are absolutely essential.

34. Despite some acceleration of growth, job creation and increases in income in the last years, the countries are still lagging behind in reforming their economic structures and improving competitiveness.

35. Here in India, the Government is making an effort towards more efficient tax collection, controlling inflation, reigniting the investment cycle, accelerating job creation and restoring the confidence of investors.

36. Department of Commerce The Department of Commerce works with businesses, universities, communities, and the Nation’s workers to promote job creation, economic growth, sustainable development, and improved standards of living for Americans.

37. A set of measures are envisaged by the governmental action plan to accompany and accelerate the information society development (PAGSI) and to exploit new possibilities of job creation in this field.

38. At Capstone, we develop partnerships across sectors, advocate for policies that support job creation and local economic development and implement innovative programs to get Vermonters to work building the sustainable communities of tomorrow

39. Working in partnership with local partners and specialist groups, local and regional authorities help to provide an environment that promotes job creation and through local economic strategies actively promote the development of businesses.


41. Firstly, by working in partnership with local partners and specialist groups, they help to provide an environment that promotes job creation, and secondly, they actively promote the development of businesses through local economic strategies;

42. Acumen Solutions worked with a State Jobs Agency to implement an enterprise system that would support their extended partners as they work together in nurturing business growth and job creation. Read the Case Study

43. Once again, there is active participation from groups from the private, public and voluntary sectors which suggest how best particular funding can be spent so as to help different local job creation projects within this region.

44. Education and job creation have been the least-funded policies of Pakistan's governments, whether military or civilian, and literacy levels are abysmal; there are now some 20 million youth under age seventeen who are not in school.

45. The 'poles de compétitivité' (regional competitiveness clusters) initiative was launched in 2005 to raise the international profile of French technology clusters and promote growth and job-creation in high value-added industries, anchoring these industries in a regional context.

46. Stresses the economic importance of airports for job creation, particularly at regional level; points out that European airport operators, airlines, maintenance firms and caterers are in a position to create a significant number of jobs, thereby contributing to the attainment of the Lisbon Strategy objectives;

47. Beckoned began when Steve and Lisa Stucky wanted to do what little they could to improve the quality of life for families in developing nations.? Partnering with artisan groups led to job creation, making it possible for these moms and dads to keep their children, rather than relinquish them to orphanages or international adoption.?