iter in Vietnamese

Lối đi, ống dẫ

Sentence patterns related to "iter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "iter" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "iter", or refer to the context using the word "iter" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Taking into account the positive recommendations of this review, the ITER Council endorsed ad referendum the new ITER baseline in November 2016 21 .

2. The Bolometers ITER will use are miniaturized metal resistor Bolometers.


4. I am current Director General of ITER Korea at the NFRl.

5. There is an old Roman saying, Longum iter est per preaecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!

6. - Controlled ignition experiments in ITER will address confinement, stability and impurity control in alpha particle heated plasmas.

7. The construction of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) makes a great effect on fusion materials research and development.

8. Approval was ad referendum because still subject to a final decision by the Budgetary Authorities of the ITER Members.

9. One aspect on which all parties do agree is that ITER is more likely to come to Europe if only one bid is submitted.

10. If I expect anything to work, it's EMC2's Polywell and ITER (if it doesn't die of advanced hardening of the spleen and pernicious Bureaucratitis first).

11. Mela, quibus Gallio et Seneca parentibus natus, petitione honorum abstinuerat per Ambitionem praeposteram ut eques Romanus consularibus potentia aequaretur; simul adquirendae pecuniae brevius iter credebat per procurationes administrandis principis negotiis.

12. This includes the International Thermonuclear Research Reactor or ITER project, in which India has already joined as a full and equal member along with a handful of technologically advanced countries.

13. Iter backpack by Ambitionem is a combination of suitcase and backpack in one product- by allowing you to bind the strap to the suitcase's handle, the backpack is transformed to a suitecase

14. Inde cum perpopulato agro urbem oppugnare adortus esset, cum magna caede suorum repulsus, coniectans ex unius coloniae haud 1 prospere temptatae viribus quanta moles Romanae 3 urbis esset, in agrum Picenum avertit iter non copia solum omnis generis frugum Abundantem, sed refertum praeda, quam effuse avidi atque egentes rapiebant.

15. Accommodationem; Nullam fugae (Salzburg quique domi patria) valetudinis fides de damno resarciendo interposita; de cibo Lunae - Solis; cogatur (praeter agrum iter ITB Berlin) 205.- € per mensem sinu pecuniam; Non includitur in litterate dicta sunt: quique de hospicio transferre finem nisl elit egressum; visa fee et visa feodis solvit ad esse

16. Opponi autem Affirmationem negationi dico contradictorie quae universal[iter] significat eidem quoniam non universaliter, ut 'omnis homo albus est', 'non omnis homo albus est', 'nullus homo albus est', 'quidam homo albus est'; contrarie vero universalem Affirmationem et universalem negationem, ut 'omnis homo iustus est', 'nullus homo iustus est