ironically in Vietnamese

Phó từ
mỉa mai, trớ trêu

Sentence patterns related to "ironically"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ironically" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ironically", or refer to the context using the word "ironically" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ironically enough, you are now.

Đủ mỉa mai là con đang có.

2. Ironically James is a great admirer.

3. His name, perhaps ironically, was Yorkie.

4. Ironically, it also has directly Countermanded the …

5. Ironically likening Bathos to the depths of

6. Ironically, he is also patron of foresters.

7. 12 Ironically James is a great admirer.

8. Ironically, the Thatcherites deserve part of the credit.

9. Ironically, the Titanic was advertised as being unsinkable.

10. Ironically, this is not far from the truth.

Thật mỉa mai, chuyện này không xa với sự thật là bao.

11. Which, ironically, seems to be helping the show.

12. Ironically, corporate downsizing may actually work to your advantage.

13. Ironically I do not make a very good sailor.

14. Ironically, we need to do a colonoscopy to confirm.

Mỉa mai là ta cần soi dạ dày để xác minh.

15. While her eyes glazed with panic, his sparkled ironically.

16. Ironically, there was a general feeling of well-being.

17. Ironically, Vivian herself becomes the object of scholarly study.

18. Ironically, so is Tony King, boss of the Cartel

19. Ironically, Bacteriophages have also been used to treat bacterial infections

20. Ironically, it may, indeed, frighten the lay reader away altogether.

21. Ironically, the papacy must bear some responsibility for these developments.

22. Ironically, Blathers is insectophobia, meaning he is afraid of insects

23. Ironically, it was the United States for the Soviet dissentient Bukovsky.

24. Ironically, in order to defend Hebron, we have to leave Hebron.

25. He often explored these topics ironically, making comedy out of suffering.

Ông thường khám phá các chủ đề này một cách mỉa mai, tạo dựng hài kịch từ sự đau khổ.

26. Ironically, of course, these atavistic impulses no longer correspond to reality.

27. He looks at Candice and she puckers her lips, perhaps ironically.

28. Ironically, Armco was originally AK Steel’s parent company, but AK Steel had

29. But ironically, the lottery ticket I'd bought earlier was a big winner.

Nhưng trớ trêu thay lại biến tôi trở thành người trúng số độc đắc.

30. In an ironically tender twist, the Boorish facade turns out to c

31. Ironically, a primary father may offer a special benefit to his children.

32. Ironically Abandonment had been my special focus as a psychotherapist at the time

33. Ironically, the small packets, often emblazoned with a skull-and-crossbones, are harmless.

34. Ironically, it is these mawkish , calcified heads that have tarnished the sculptor's reputation.

35. Ironically, when Job himself was under severe trial, he received no such encouragement.

Mỉa mai thay, khi chính Gióp bị thử thách trầm trọng, không ai đã khích lệ ông như vậy.

36. Ironically, I knew nothing about paralysis or the function of the spinal cord.

37. But suddenly —and ironically— it revealed its secret weapon, the low-tar cigarette.

38. See, ironically, I'm bound by this court order that your ace attorney got.

Mỉa mai là tôi đã có lệnh tòa án nhờ mợ luật sư của cô đấy.

39. They are, ironically, the modern version of the church of the Middle Ages.

40. Ironically, when Leicester did run at the opposition, the previously secure Quins looked vulnerable.

41. Ironically, the industry has been very supportive of Weld, showering him with campaign contributions.

42. Our expected rivals for gold medals were Leeds City, ironically including Thames second Claimer …

43. Ironically, much of the Marina district was built on rubble from the 1906 quake.

44. Ironically, men are primarily motivated by being needed, but are turned off by neediness.

45. Ironically, this was at the hands of bishops and princes favorably disposed toward Rome.

Mỉa mai thay, những người ám hại ông lại chính là những giám mục và hoàng tử ủng hộ Rome.

46. The etymology of the word proclivity is ironically appropriate for this flavor of usage.

47. Ironically, Azrael himself died during the fall of the angels, which was the result of …

48. Ironically, damage to this undersea ecosystem could accelerate the very process that hastens its demise.”

49. Ironically, it is said that many slave traders and slave owners were deeply religious individuals.

Mỉa mai thay, nhiều tên buôn nô lệ và chủ nô lại là người rất sùng đạo.

50. Ironically enough, Sunstein himself has recently been the object of a right - wing disinformation campaign.