intruders in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. người vào bừa; người không mời mà đến (một nơi nào)
2. người xâm phạm, người xâm nhập (đời sống riêng tư của ai...)
3. (quân sự) máy bay xâm phạm (vùng trời, đối phương)
4. người bắt người khác phải chịu đựng mình

Sentence patterns related to "intruders"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intruders" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intruders", or refer to the context using the word "intruders" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Intruders slashed and mutilated several paintings.

2. Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders.

3. Any intruders will be shot on sight.

4. The dogs snarled at the intruders.

5. Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders.

6. He set about the intruders with a stick.

7. The birds roundly scolded the long-necked intruders.

Các con chim la mắng om sòm những kẻ xâm phạm cao cổ.

8. The security guards set their dogs on the intruders.

9. The barbed wire fence round the perimeter discouraged intruders.

10. The guards have orders to shoot intruders on sight .

11. All will welcome you or your guests, but startle intruders.

12. The enemy intruders cast down their weapons and surrendered.

13. They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out.

14. Yet you send intruders to pay for my good deeds?

Thế mà các ngươi sai thích khách... lại lấy oán báo ân

15. We keep dogs in the yard to drive off intruders.

16. She showed a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruders.

17. But if I'm reading this correctly, the intruders are taking them.

Nhưng nếu dữ liệu này là đúng, Bọn chiếm tàu đã bắt giữ hết bọn họ.

18. Acolyte: Damn these intruders! They must not interfere with the master's plan!

19. The intruders also interrogated and beat Nguyen Tin, the singer, at the cafe.

Những vị khách không mời này cũng thẩm vấn và đánh ca sĩ Nguyễn Tín tại quán café.

20. 14 Vast expanses of untamed wilderness punish intruders with feral brutality.

21. Staff were instructed to repel intruders with physical force, if need be.

22. In the beginning of 360 BC, Nectanebo's predecessor Teos started preparations for war against intruders.

Vào đầu năm 360 TCN, vị tiên vương của Nectanebo là Teos đã bắt đầu chuẩn bị cho cuộc chiến tranh chống lại những kẻ xâm lược.

23. However, the intruders managed to steal the Sacred Treasures – the mirror, the sword and the jewel.

Tuy nhiên, những kẻ xâm nhập này đã cướp đi Tam Chủng Thần Khí là gương, thanh kiếm và viên ngọc quý.

24. Synonyms for Buttinskies include busybodies, meddlers, intermeddlers, buttinskis, interferers, interlopers, intruders, kibbitzers, kibitzers and backseat drivers

25. Each pride has its territory, several miles in diameter, and the big males keep intruders out.

26. She was making sounds like a bird: the screeching of a bird, defending its nest against intruders.

27. Repairing holes in doors and windows will keep out not only dust but also tiny intruders.

28. The young blue - skinned commander was able to decimate the intruders despite inferior weapons and numbers.

29. Dummy Cctv cameras are a great deterrent for potential intruders at a fraction of the cost.

30. (Firewalls defend computers from intruders by limiting access to ports and machines, but they can still be circumvented.)

31. Sometimes a sudden shift in color can be used to startle potential predators or threaten intruders.

32. Set in the near future, *Colony* finds Los Angeles in a state of occupation by alien intruders

33. Firewalls are designed to block intruders attempting to access your computer while letting you enjoy the Internet.

34. Security issues may arise during Broadcasting and lead to data loss if a network is attacked by intruders.

35. 8 The smallish birds have an unsavory habit: they dive-bomb intruders and defecate on them as a defense.

36. A-6 Intruders were later used in support of other operations, such as the Multinational Force in Lebanon in 1983.

Chiếc A-6 Intruder sau đó được sử dụng để hỗ trợ các chiến dịch khác, như các lực lượng quốc tế gìn giữ hoà bình tại Liban năm 1983.

37. The dolphins were trained to use pressurized canisters to shoot intruders with a.45 calibre bullets at point-blank range.

38. A wavering scream may be used in bluff charges against intruders, while a low growl is used for aggressive warning.

Tiếng thét không ồn định có thể được sử dụng trong những trận chiến trực tiếp chống lại kẻ xâm nhập, trong khi một tiếng gầm thấp được dùng như một lời cảnh báo giận dữ.

39. 21 Ted is no stranger to the misfortunes of war, as Simon Parry's excellent book Intruders over Britain eloquently relates.

40. Ciphering, also known as encryption, ensures that intruders cannot read the data and signalling messages that the mobile and network exchange

41. Ciphering, also known as encryption, ensures that intruders cannot read the data and signalling messages that the mobile and network exchange

42. Barring exceptions, the reality is that a majority of cross-border intruders are the abject poor who deserve a humanitarian approach.

43. It was most likely one of many towers built by the knights affiliated to Pestilac Castle to give advanced warning of intruders and attacks.

44. Whether it’s protecting your home from intruders or preparing for Mother Nature’s worst, every day in the Boonies presents a new challenge to tackle

45. In the wild the Syrian Hamster lives alone and is fiercely territorial, attacking any intruders or other hamsters it may be confronted with during its travels.

46. When American soldiers inadvertently steal Attila the Hun's secret riches, the wrath of the barbarian is awakened; the mummified warrior will stop at nothing to kill the intruders.

47. Using this call both male and female Chickadees challenge or scold intruders, and send information about the location of food and predators to their partners, their offspring

48. He was a member of a gang and lived in a house that was a veritable fortress, with gardens patrolled by three guard dogs to keep out intruders.

Ông là người thuộc một băng cướp và sống trong căn nhà được củng cố giống như một thành lũy, có ba con chó canh gác khu vườn để ngăn chặn kẻ xâm nhập.

49. There's just one problem; the inscriptions told of the altar's curse: the spirits of the city's King and Queen possessing intruders and leading them to their doom through deception.

Chỉ có một vấn đề, Dòng chữ chạm khắc cảnh báo về lời nguyền của đền thờ: linh hồn của Hoàng đế và Hoàng hậu của thành phố sẽ nhập vào kẻ xâm nhập. khiến họ lừa dối nhau dẫn tới tai họa.

50. The word Chowkidar is derived from the Urdu word chauki, which essentially means one of the four outposts on the periphery of a village that guard it from intruders and dacoits