intransigent in Vietnamese

Tính từ
không khoan nhượng (về chính trị)

Danh từ
người không khoan nhượng (về chính trị)

Sentence patterns related to "intransigent"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intransigent" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intransigent", or refer to the context using the word "intransigent" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They promoted an intransigent revolutionary strategy.

2. The Russians remain intransigent on the Jordan Valley.

Người Nga vẫn không khoan nhượng vụ Thung lũng Jordan.

3. An intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency.

4. Conservatives have maintained an intransigent position on the war.

5. He can be intransigent and pig - headed at times.

6. We tend to think of it as an intransigent given.

Chúng ta có khuynh hướng nghĩ đến nó như là 1 người k khoan nhượng (về chính trị).

7. The worry is that the radicals will grow more intransigent.

8. They put pressure on the Government to change its intransigent stance.

9. Autonomies is a space for the intransigent defense of freedom and equality.

10. Owing to their intransigent attitude we were unable to reach an agreement.

11. Unions claim that the management continues to maintain an intransigent position.

12. Let us not forget that the Japanese are an intransigent people.

13. The parties, at the moment, are too intransigent for the grand gesture.

14. Sir Alex was always intransigent and denied any possibility of a transfer.

15. Although a proud and intransigent woman, she had a natural curiosity about the world.

16. Synonyms for Bullheaded include obstinate, wilful, unbending, adamant, dogged, headstrong, immovable, implacable, inflexible and intransigent

17. But is that administration is letting an intransigent regime off the hook . Administration officials explain Ms.

18. Antonyms for Assentive include rigid, inexorable, inflexible, intransigent, adamant, determined, implacable, relentless, resolute and stringent

19. The Church has been criticized for being intransigent on the issues of abortion and birth control.

20. But it was born out of frustration with the intransigent Football League and greed among the bigger clubs.

21. Mar Lodge has proved that even the most intransigent of ministers will begin to bend to public pressure.

22. Although not intransigent, Wash was clearly uneasy about the specific link with Bedfordshire as the precedent to establish a principle.

23. Many intransigent southerners never yielded the notion that the war itself was of no importance if the slave system was not maintained.

24. Wilson explores the Bohemians' eccentric use of dress, the role of sex and erotic love, the bohemian search for excess, and the intransigent politics of many.

25. So, at worst, a bitter contest could merely reinforce the gridlock, with a re-elected, more leftish Comrade Obama pitted against a still more intransigent Republican Congress.

26. Resistance in the form of rival daimyōs, intransigent Buddhist monks, and hostile merchants was eliminated swiftly and mercilessly, and Nobunaga quickly gained a reputation as a ruthless, unrelenting adversary.

Sự kháng cự từ các daimyo thù địch, các nhà sư không thỏa hiệp, và các thương gia đối nghịch bị đánh bại nhanh chóng và tàn nhẫn, và Nobunaga nhanh chóng bị coi là tàn bạo, độc ác với đối thủ.

27. The arrival of Islam and Nestorian Christians in the 7th century, and the famous Jesuit adaptation to Chinese culture during the 17th century, thwarted by an intransigent Vatican, are part of it.

28. Adamant adjective determined, firm, fixed, stiff, rigid, set, relentless, stubborn, uncompromising, insistent, resolute, inflexible, unrelenting, inexorable, unyielding, intransigent, immovable, unbending, obdurate, unshakable The minister is Adamant that he will not resign.