intestinal flora in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "intestinal flora"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intestinal flora" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intestinal flora", or refer to the context using the word "intestinal flora" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Normal values for intestinal flora were determined on four adult, two juvenile, and four infant Agoutis (Dasyprocta sp) maintained at our institution

2. Tri-Butyrin Supreme™ represents a new approach to gut health and immune function by modulating intestinal flora, promoting colonocyte health and supporting proper gut permeability

3. Tri-Butyrin Supreme™ represents a new approach to gut health and immune function by modulating intestinal flora, promoting colonocyte health and supporting proper gut permeability.*

4. Biotherapy Clinic specializes in colon hydrotherapy with restoration of friendly intestinal flora, acupuncture and herbal medicine, hypnosis and stress reduction, ionic detox foot bath and other detoxification protocols.

5. Elegans is a particularly useful model for the microbiologist studying gut Commensals because it feeds directly on bacteria, thus minimizing the effect of exogenous nutrients on the intestinal flora

6. Tri-Butyrin Supreme by Designs for Health represents a new approach to gut health and immune function by modulating intestinal flora, promoting colonocyte health and supporting proper gut permeability

7. A specific combination of Butyrins (glycerol esters of butyric acid) reduced the impact on gut integrity, lesion scores, intestinal Eimeria levels, microbial intestinal flora when challenged with mixed Eimeria spp

8. Is the Commission aware that children aged under twelve months whose intestinal flora has not yet fully developed may, as a consequence of being fed honey, become infected with bacteria which cause botulism and that such infantile botulism may result in amyosthenia and paralysis or even death?