interstitial myocarditis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "interstitial myocarditis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interstitial myocarditis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interstitial myocarditis", or refer to the context using the word "interstitial myocarditis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Less frequently, periCarditis, endoCarditis, myoCarditis, pericardial effusion, …

2. The clinical course of myocarditis is highly variable and varies from subclinical infections to fulminant acute myocarditis with congestive heart failure.

3. abnormal EKG consistent with myocarditis or pericarditis

4. Add a video interstitial creative

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5. Abbrevs with interstitial capital letters

6. That’s because myoCarditis can lead to heart failure

7. All MRI parameters demonstrate the best accuracy in infarct-like acute myocarditis, whereas in chronic myocarditis sensitivity and specificity are less accurate.

8. AdMob interstitial ad guidance

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9. Bacterial myocarditis has also been reported secondarily to sepsis.

10. By including immunohistochemical parameters the WHF Task Force for the Definition of Acute and Chronic Myocarditis expanded the light microscopical Dalla criteria of myocarditis.

11. [ kahr-di´tis] inflammation of the heart; myoCarditis

12. In 2015 cardiomyopathy and myocarditis affected 2.5 million people.

Vào năm 2015, bệnh cơ tim và viêm cơ tim đã ảnh hưởng đến 2,5 triệu người.

13. Interstitial laser coagulation technique . Executive summary.

14. Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of myoCarditis.

15. • Patients suffering from acute cardiac disorders such as viral myocarditis.

16. Don't surprise users with interstitial ads.

Đừng gây ngạc nhiên cho người dùng với quảng cáo trung gian.

17. Interstitial frequency capping lets you limit the number of times interstitial ads are shown to the same person.

18. Anhedral plagioclase is interstitial to augite and olivine, and subhedral, reddish-brown phlogopite is interstitial to plagioclase and pyroxene

19. 4 Characteristics of cerebral interstitial fluid movement.

20. Medical definition of Carditis: inflammation of the heart muscle : myoCarditis.

21. • Temperature (may be elevated with myocarditis or acute rheumatic fever)

22. Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic pain condition

23. Rend tubules and interstitial tissue were damaged.

24. MyoCarditis is a disease marked by the inflammation of heart muscle

25. evidence of myocarditis or pericarditis on histologic examination of heart tissue