interphase poisons in Vietnamese

chất độc gián kỳ

Sentence patterns related to "interphase poisons"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interphase poisons" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interphase poisons", or refer to the context using the word "interphase poisons" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. During interphase the chromosomes are too tenuous to be stained.

2. Curare is a common name for various dart poisons (arrow poisons) originating from South America

3. The intraparticle and interphase criteria are general.

4. DNA content are duplicated at interphase stage during chromosome duplication.

5. Some plants have more virulent poisons.

6. Curare [koo rah ree] is a common name for various dart poisons (arrow poisons) originating from South America

7. Interphase --- The stage of the cell cycle between two successive mitoses.

8. Murderess, poisons, et cetera, ad infinitum.

9. She is now immune to all poisons

Cho nên bây giờ bách độc bất thâm

10. 8 The poisons quickly paralyze the fish.

11. Progresses and researches on the interphase and interfacial mechanics are also outlined.

12. Pollution befouls the air and poisons water .

13. Vegetable Poisons - Saffron, Hemlock, Henbane, Strong Scented Lettuce.

14. 2 Belladonna and red arsenic are deadly poisons .

15. Turns out that rats are also resistant to poisons.

Hóa ra chuột cũng kháng được thuốc độc.

16. Cure-shrinkage stresses precracked unmodified adhesive layers and damaged the wood interphase.

17. Biotoxins are poisons that come from plants or animals.

18. Antidotes are used to counteract the toxicity of poisons

19. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, …

20. It poisons the mind and spirituality of the voyeur.

Nó đầu độc tâm trí và tình trạng thiêng liêng của người hiếu kỳ.

21. Extracts from the croton have been used as fish poisons.

22. Valli poisons the child and the child also becomes insane.

Virgil cố gắng giúp cậu bé và kết cục là cũng bị hành hạ.

23. But also, some time around the middle of interphase, the DNA replicates itself.

24. 27 The river still carries a lethal dose of poisons.

25. 4 In the last chapter, she poisons herself with arsenic.