intergovernmental in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "intergovernmental"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intergovernmental" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intergovernmental", or refer to the context using the word "intergovernmental" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Intergovernmental, and intersectoral Biodefense enterprise

2. Ad hoc ministerial conferences and intergovernmental meetings

3. Absolutely everything is based on an intergovernmental approach.

4. Recently the headlines looked like this when the Intergovernmental

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6. Intergovernmental organizations are an important aspect of public international law.

Quốc gia là chủ thể quan trọng của quan hệ pháp luật quốc tế.

7. After the words “intergovernmental bodies”, insert the words “serviced by the Department”.

8. The African Union is one of the world's most important intergovernmental organizations

9. India has this form of engagement – the Intergovernmental Consultations - only with Germany.

10. (Number of member States and intergovernmental bodies able to design appropriate policies)

11. Ad hoc Intergovernmental Meeting on Genetic Resources and Disclosure Requirements (June, 2005) 41.

12. That is as many as the number of intergovernmental organizations that we have.

Con số 200 bằng với số lượng các tổ chức liên chính phủ mà chúng ta có.

13. (b) Intergovernmental organizations: Asian Clearing Union (ACU) and Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO);

14. Observers for intergovernmental organizations, United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and other organizations: World Bank

15. Under “(a) Servicing intergovernmental and expert bodies (regular budget)”, add the following new output:

16. And now of course we need to see how the intergovernmental negotiation process advances.

17. The intergovernmental governance of the Population activities shall be assured by the Executive Committee.

18. (e) Accreditation of intergovernmental organizations, civil society organizations and representatives from the private sector;

19. The main intergovernmental bodies supported by and providing input to the Trade Development Branches are:

20. Polish representative to the first # ation Intergovernmental Meeting on a Landmine Control Regime, June # udapest

21. TRADE Blocs A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where regional barriers to trade, (tariffs and non-tariff barriers) are reduced or eliminated among the participating states .

22. Recommendations on enhancing the practice of States and international intergovernmental organizations in registering space objects

23. Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting, thirty-second session

24. The main intergovernmental bodies supported by and providing input to the Trade Development Branches are

25. Moreover, the Community adoption and adaptation processes are much quicker than the intergovernmental decision making mechanisms.

26. The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs is the main intergovernmental policy - making body dealing with all - < ...

27. A number of international intergovernmental agencies with an interest in cargo liability issues were also represented.

28. A number of international intergovernmental agencies with an interest in cargo liability issues were also represented

29. A day prior to the Intergovernmental Consultations German Foreign Minister held discussions with External Affairs Minsiter.

30. The County may, on behalf of a village, enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with other governments.

Quận có thể, thay mặt một ấp, thương nghị và ký các thỏa thuận liên chính quyền với các chính quyền khác.

31. It seems to me that relations between Parliament and the Intergovernmental Conference are more conflictual than amicable.

32. India is also actively engaged in the ongoing Intergovernmental Negotiations on UNSC reform at the United Nations.

33. Some of the recommendations on enhancing indigenous peoples' participation in intergovernmental and governmental processes are being implemented

34. In this regard, she proposed the establishment of an ad hoc intergovernmental working group with open-ended membership

35. Applications from two intergovernmental organizations for accession to the status of specialized agencies of the United Nations system

36. AI=Absolute immunity; SS=Sending State; HS=Host State; TS=Third State; FI=Functional immunity; IGO=Intergovernmental organization

37. Human Rights Council, Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

38. The group was also lauded by 2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

39. (a) international public sector organisations set up by intergovernmental agreements, and specialised agencies set up by such organisations;

40. The new Human Rights Council must move with alacrity to re-establish a credible intergovernmental human rights process

41. The International Centre is an intergovernmental organization created in 1974 through an agreement between UNESCO and the French government.

Trung tâm này là một tổ chức quốc tế thành lập năm 1974 qua một thỏa thuận giữa UNESCO và chính phủ Pháp.

42. Counterterrorism incorporates strategies from a variety of governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental agencies and organizations to prevent and combat terrorism

43. And we hope that the intergovernmental process which has already done nine rounds will now actually make that quality jump.

44. They also decided to accelerate consideration of the proposed intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the field of international information security.

45. Trade Blocs (in many cases part of a regional intergovernmental organization) help countries trade with other member countries as easily as possible

46. This will remain outside Community competence and therefore a matter for intergovernmental co-operation, with all substantive decisions being made by unanimity.

47. Both nations stressed and acknowledged the need for continued efforts by the Member States to ensure meaningful and result-oriented intergovernmental negotiations.

48. - across-the-board reductions in emissions rights thereafter in order to achieve the reduction recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),

49. The Charter of the United Nations (also known as the UN Charter) is the foundational treaty of the United Nations, an intergovernmental organization

50. Historically, due to cultural, economic and linguistic similarities, Iceland is a Nordic country, and it participates in intergovernmental cooperation through the Nordic Council.

Theo lịch sử, do những điểm tương đồng về văn hoá, kinh tế và ngôn ngữ, Iceland là một quốc gia Bắc Âu, và tham gia vào hợp tác liên chính phủ thông qua Hội đồng Bắc Âu.