interfered in Vietnamese

ội động từ
(thường +with)
1. gây trở ngại, quấy rầy
2. can thiệp, xen vào, dính vào
3. (vật lý) giao thoa
4. (rađiô) nhiễu
5. đá chân nọ vào chân kia (ngựa)
6. (thể dục, thể thao) chặn trái phép; cản đối phương cho đồng đội dắt bóng lên
7. chạm vào nhau, đụng vào nhau; đối lập với nhau
8. (Mỹ) xin được quyền ưu tiên đăng ký một phát minh (khi có nhiều người cùng xin)

Sentence patterns related to "interfered"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interfered" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interfered", or refer to the context using the word "interfered" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 19 The young woman has been interfered with.

2. Complete absorption in sports interfered with his studies.

3. OGI antiperistatic Phillie lecturette grassflat Timothean interfered Baastan Arezzini

4. Whenever I saw two people fighting, I immediately interfered.

Bất cứ khi nào nhìn thấy hai người đánh nhau, tôi lập tức can thiệp.

5. 20 The truth: No one interfered with their freedom of speech.

6. Although at peace with Parthia, Rome still interfered in its affairs.

Mặc dù đang hòa bình với Parthia, La Mã vẫn can thiệp vào các vấn đề của nó.

7. How has modern life interfered with this basic function of a mother?

8. As a rule, Naina Yeltsina never interfered in her husband's political work.

Theo quy định, Naina Yeltsina không bao giờ can thiệp vào công việc chính trị của chồng.

9. To this extent, at least, the picket line interfered with the enemy plans.

10. Emperor Taizong, who was named to the Minister Fang Xuanling concubinage, the Minister's wife interfered.

11. A senior administration official said that the White House was confident Russia interfered in the election.

Một quan chức chính quyền cao cấp nói với CNN, Nhà Trắng tin là Nga can thiệp vào cuộc bầu cử.

12. For example, their homes and their community center were filled with echoes that interfered with their hearing.

Ví dụ, nhà và trung tâm cộng đồng đầy ắp những tiếng vọng làm cản trở khả năng nghe.

13. Through this shortness of transparency, data-models adjustment processes in health care are being vastly interfered.

14. The seaweed in reconnaissance photos turned out to be coral reef that interfered with the landings.

15. If you had not interfered, I should have finished my work with flying colours by now.

16. Would you not jealously guard that time slot so that nothing interfered with your personal time with Jehovah?

17. Chopping noise or hissing in the background is an acoustic indication of frequencies interfered with by IM products.

18. These mutations compromised the extracellular matrix in mice and interfered with the intracellular maturation of pro-collagen.

19. Could mule pregnancies be interfered with by giving the mare a skin graft from her prospective donkey consort?

20. For instance, he interfered with the hauling of sludge, causing sludge to back up at the plant, they said.

21. The Fascisti formed armed squads of war veterans called squadristi to terrorize anarchists , socialists and communists . The government rarely interfered.

22. Despite Spielberg's support, DreamWorks and Mendes fought constantly over the schedule and budget, although the studio interfered little with the film's content.

Cho dù được Spielberg ủng hộ, DreamWorks và Mendes phải liên tục đấu tranh trong khuôn khổ thời gian và kinh phí có hạn—cho dù xưởng phim có gây chút trở ngại với nội dung của phim.

23. Examples will be discussed, where the titration is interfered by adsorption displacement, influences of catalysators and other ions or irreversible adsorption.

24. Primafacie that right will be interfered with by a public authority if the maker of the statement is sued for defamation.

25. However, the last National Assembly was dissolved in 1975 on the grounds that it interfered with the administrative affairs of government.

26. Bombshell Intel Report Annihilates Trump’s Big Lie That The Election Was Stolen A US intelligence report found that no foreign government interfered in …

27. The Franks took control over the region about the year 260 and at first interfered with the Roman supply routes as pirates.

Người Frank đã nắm giữ quyền kiểm soát khu vực vào khoảng năm 260 và ban đầu họ trở thành những hải tặc trên lộ trình của La Mã.

28. Antiochus is not known to have interfered in the religious life of his subjects except in Judea (see Mørkholm, Antiochus IV, p

29. Design of EMC must be considered from three aspects: reducing intensity of interference source, attenuating propagation factor and enhancing anti-jamming capability of interfered equipment.

30. The Artful, meantime, who was of a rather saturnine disposition, and seldom gave way to merriment when it interfered with business, rifled Oliver's pockets with steady assiduity.

31. On the contrary, the Adducible evidence shows that members of the FBI and the DOJ interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign much more than any Russian operative.

32. For the weighbridge used in coal mine is lower precision and is interfered by people easily, a management system of coal transportation and sale was designed in the paper.

33. A Birefringent interferometer system is described which uses nematic liquid crystal cells to produce variable optical path differences (OPD) between light of different polarization states that are interfered at a polarizing analyzer

34. Baseball A player's official turn At bat, counted in figuring batting average and other statistics, usually with walks, sacrifice hits, and instances of being hit by a pitch or being interfered with by the catcher discounted

35. Iron: An Illustrated Weekly Journal for Iron and Steel Manufacturers edited by Sholto Percy, Perry Fairfax Nursey (1855) "There were three things which interfered with the useful application of caoutchouc—its clammy Adhesivenesses liability to change from

36. Axel and I interfered as peacemakers, were roughed and jostled in the mix-ups, and finally, with infinite precaution and intoxicated cunning, succeeded in inveigling our chum down to the boat and in rowing him aboard our schooner.

37. It meant the hull would be longer, which posed some challenges for the designers; a longer ship needed to devote more weight to armour to get equivalent protection, and the magazines which served each turret interfered with the distribution of boilers and engines.

Nó cũng có nghĩa là lườn tàu phải dài hơn, tạo một số thách thức cho các nhà thiết kế; một con tàu dài hơn cần dành nhiều trọng lượng hơn cho vỏ giáp để được bảo vệ tương xứng, và các hầm đạn phục vụ cho mỗi tháp pháo ảnh hưởng đến việc phân bố các nồi hơi và động cơ.

38. (Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë) This interfered with the solitude I Coveted for the prosecution of my task; yet at the commencement of my journey the presence of my friend could in no way be an impediment, and truly I rejoiced that thus I should …

39. A method and a receiver (mobile station) are described herein for mitigating interference in a radio signal received from a base station and interfered for example by at least one co-channel base station, at least one adjacent channel base station and/or additive white Gaussian noise.

40. Note: For the purposes of calculating a player's batting average and slugging percentage, an official At bat is charged for each turn At batting except when the player walks, hits a sacrifice bunt or sacrifice fly, is hit by a pitched ball, or is interfered with by the catcher

41. Dental Caries was the most prominent dental condition in children.1 Tooth decay and the pain associated with it severely interfered with the daily activities of eating, sleeping, speaking, learning, playing, and going to school and work.2 Various studies had been conducted on the incidence of Caries in children in different parts of the world