intercepting in Vietnamese

danh từ
(toán học) phần (mặt phẳng, đường thẳng) bị chắn

ngoại động từ
1. chắn, chặn, chặn đứng
2. (toán học) chắ

Sentence patterns related to "intercepting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intercepting" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intercepting", or refer to the context using the word "intercepting" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. INTERCEPTING Aircraft Signals

2. Phrases for use by INTERCEPTING aircraft

3. Sir I'm intercepting communications about the terrorist identities.

Thưa ông, tôi vẫn đang bắt thông tin về nhân thân của bọn khủng bố.

4. Appeaser provides an api for intercepting requests, starting with version 2.2

5. Signals initiated by intercepting aircraft and responses by intercepted aircraft

6. (11) procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft;

7. Signals initiated by intercepted aircraft and responses by intercepting aircraft

8. (c) procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft.

9. (14) procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft;

10. (13) procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft;

11. Method and system for avoiding an intercepting vehicle by an airborne moving body

12. Blockading attempts to interfere with the commerce of the zone by intercepting merchants who service it.

13. They can include interrupting information streams, capturing ships, intercepting aircraft, comprehensive blockading or acts of sabotage.

14. And the feasibility of the head - on intercepting tactical ballistic missile is also approached in detail.

15. procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft;

16. procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft.

17. (12) procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft;

18. Booth, O'Laughlen, and the other co-conspirators planned on intercepting the president's carriage.

19. (c) procedures and visual signals information for use by intercepting and intercepted aircraft; and

20. Effective defence is a matter of intercepting their missiles before they can reach us.

21. There was nothing personal in Cheltenham intercepting and decoding a confidential message from an ally to its own embassy.

22. Trajectory stability problems of intercepting tactical ballistics missile guidance are investigated by the Lawes Criterion.

23. relay messages between the intercepting aircraft or the intercept control unit and the intercepted aircraft, as necessary;

24. China is surprisingly cooperative[sentence dictionary], even quietly intercepting several shipments of supplies useful for W.M.D. programs.

25. (4) relay messages between the intercepting aircraft or the intercept control unit and the intercepted aircraft, as necessary;

26. Packet modification is an integrity threat involving one computer intercepting and modifying a message packet destined for another system.

27. Intercepting radio and telephone traffic from and around the Eastern block, trying to stay one jump ahead of a dangerous enemy.

28. Since the World Cup, the Ministry's been intercepting more and more owls and she's too easily recognized.

Bộ pháp thuật đang ngày dần chặn thêm cú và nó lại rất dễ bị nhận thấy.

29. An approximate optimal disturbances rejection control law is obtained by intercepting a finite iterative result of optimal control law sequence.

30. Belak’s charges include felony intercepting communications and misdemeanor charges of designing/copy obscene materials, stalking and invasion of privacy, according to online court dockets.

31. In the early 1970s, the Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF) was searching for an advanced fighter, specifically one capable of intercepting Soviet MiG-25 reconnaissance flights.

Đầu những năm 1970, Không quân Hoàng gia Iran (IIAF) đã tìm kiếm một loại máy bay chiến đấu cao cấp có khả năng ngăn chặn máy bay do thám MiG-25 của Liên Xô.

32. During the traffic accident, the safety airbag signal intercepting system improves the level of safety protection, and makes the lives of occupants safer.

33. Clade Clade is a tool for intercepting build commands (stuff like compilation, linking, mv, rm, and all other commands that are executed during build)

34. Intercepting Grant's movement, Lee positioned his forces behind the North Anna River in a salient to force Grant to divide his army to attack it.

Chặn đứng cuộc hành quân của Grant, Lee bố trí lực lượng của mình sau sông Bắc Anna thành một mũi nhọn nhằm buộc Grant phải chia quân tấn công đội hình này.

35. Rather than intercepting the communications as they go over the wire, instead they now hack into your computer, enable your webcam, enable your microphone, and steal documents from your computer.

Không còn là nghe trộm thông tin trên đường dây, họ xâm nhập vào máy tính của bạn, bật webcam, microphone, và đánh cắp tài liệu từ máy tính.

36. Since an inversion will act upon the flow upward of kinetic energy as an intercepting layer, a congestion of kinetic energy will be produced below it, involving an ageostrophic increase in the wind speed, as compared with vertically adjoining layers.

37. One of the areas in which progress has been made is technical intelligence. The adroit positioning of equipment for intercepting communications and use of platform aircraft have led to the discovery of narco-terrorist plots and the consequent prevention of terrorist attacks

38. Definition of Countermine : a tunnel for intercepting an enemy mine Examples of Countermine in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Hahn described these Countermine crafts, the most widely used version being the MK18, as a gateway to broader naval use of unmanned underwater systems.