instar in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "instar"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "instar" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "instar", or refer to the context using the word "instar" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Late instar pink Bollworm larva

2. The case enlarges with each instar.

Mỗi khi cầu đều linh ứng.

3. Individuals were collected as Apteroid fourth instar nymphs

4. Pulegium essential oil showed high level of Antifeedant activity at 74.15%, and 61.72% when applied on the second instar larva and third instar larvae, respectively.

5. First instar pink Bollworm adjacent to entry hole “wart” on the inner carpal wall of a boll

6. After the last instar, each caterpillar spun a cocoon—a large mass of grayish threads affixed to a stick.

7. Collected third- or fourth-instar Apteroid nymphs from field colonies and caged them singly on screenhouse plants

8. Acarine group, for example, ixodid ticks have 1 nymphal instar and some argasid ticks have up to 8 nymphal instars

9. Crude extracts of twenty five plants were screened for their Antifeedant activitiy against the third instar larvae of Spodoptera litura

10. The injection of farnesyl methyl ether into last instar larvae results in preventing metamorphosis completely (production of a supernumerary larva) or partially (production of adultoids).

11. The anal plate length of fourth instar adult females differed between 0.162 and 0.246 mm, whereas those of male puparians ranged between 0.075 and 0.098 mm.

12. Four semi-synthetic and fourteen quassinoids were tested for their Antifeedant and insecticidal activity against 3 rd instar larvae of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) [111].

13. Apterous (Ap, a selector protein), and the Notch and Wingless (Wg) signaling pathways, can sequentially control wing development through direct regulation of Ser expression in instar stages

14. Viviparous females, 2 second instar nymphs and 1 fourth insta r Apteroid nymph with the same collection d ata as holotype; 16 apterous vi viparous females, CHI NA : …

15. 21 Culex pipiens pallens were exposed as adults and fourth instar larvae to the sublethal dosages of deltamethrin by impregnated mesh net fibres, topical appication, contaction, and treated larvae.

16. Up to 10% cash back  · Juvenile hormone titers in penultimate and last instar larvae ofPieris brassicae andBarathra brassicae, in relation to the effect of juvenoid application

17. Doody briefly described the mushroom like so: "fungus pulverulentus, coli instar perforatus, cum volva stellata" (a powdery mushroom, perforated like a colander, with a star-shaped volva), and went on to explain that he found it in 1695 in Kent.

Doody mô tả ngắn gọn về loài nấm này: "fungus pulverulentus coli instar perforatus, cum volva stellata" (thân nấm phủ bụi, như một cái chao đục lỗ, volva (bộ phận vươn ra từ chân nấm) hình sao), và viết rằng ông tìm thấy nó năm 1695 ở Kent.

18. Average June–September estimates of early instar abundance within two coastal estuaries and the adjacent nearshore are compared with alongshore and cross-shelf transport vectors during the preceding 4- to 5-mo pelagic larval phase.

19. Novum industria Accommodationem est non muneris ut non facile sit amet daunting et Zeevou ut instar ex, sed diu stans vision societatis coniungar autem modo mos muneris scio Im 'questus meus pecuniam valeat? Dave Hitchings.

20. Larvicidal activity of crude hexane, ethyl acetate, petroleum ether, acetone, and methanol extracts of the leaf of five species of Cucurbitaceous plants, Citrullus colocynthis, Coccinia indica, Cucumis sativus, Momordica charantia, and Trichosanthes anguina, were tested against the early fourth instar larvae of Aedes aegypti L

21. Les effets Antifeedant et insecticides de cinq plantes, a savoir de Argemone mexicana, Artemisia absinthium, Cassia occidentalis, Cymbopogon citratus et Siegesbeckia orientalis furent teste sur la troisieme instar de larvae de Crocidolomia binotalis, qui represente de nos jours un des plus grand fleau de nos plantes cruciferes a Maurice.Lors cette etudes, on a detecte des proprietes