inspected in Vietnamese

goại động từ
1. xem xét kỹ, kiểm tra, thanh tra
2. (quân sự) duyệt (quân đội)

Sentence patterns related to "inspected"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inspected" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inspected", or refer to the context using the word "inspected" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They inspected the merchandise carefully.

2. Parcels inspected and X-rayed

3. The machines are inspected daily.

4. They inspected the DR Congo first.

5. They inspected the work of the institute.

6. All welded seams are inspected visually.

7. Weapons systems are being loaded and inspected.

Hệ thống vũ khí đang vận chuyển và kiểm tra trên tàu

8. We inspected medical centers and food warehouses.

Chúng tôi kiểm tra trạm y tế và kho thực phẩm.

9. The plants are regularly inspected for disease.

10. The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.

11. Once Ashore, the vessel was thoroughly inspected

12. PM inspected the facilities at the hospital.

13. Examples: The laboratory will be inspected for Cleanness

14. Somebody inspected the fire escape before it collapsed?

15. (i) accept cattle inspected within 48 hours of departure

16. □ Roof and gutters should be inspected and cleaned regularly.

□ Nên đều đặn kiểm tra và giữ sạch mái nhà và máng xối.

17. 2 He inspected the water tank carefully for cracks.

18. She inspected the rooms and found them perfectly tolerable.

19. Range Brass is sorted, cleaned, inspected and packaged.

20. I inspected the solar panels on our roof.

21. Albumin should be inspected for turbidity prior to administration

22. Adhesively bonded joints must, and have been, thoroughly inspected.

23. 45 total, but 33 have docked and been inspected.

Tổng cộng 45, nhưng 33 chiếc đã cập bến và được thanh tra.

24. It should be inspected for cleanliness and Cleaned if necessary

25. Currently, the following four inspected LOs carry out capacity building:

26. She playfully inspected Martin's hand and told his fortune.

27. Are resharpened drill bit inspected and identified prior to use?

28. New items are inspected, sorted, tagged, and loaded into trucks.

Sản phẩm mới được kiểm tra, sắp xếp, dán nhãn, và đưa vào xe tải.

29. All planes are being inspected for possible cracking and corrosion.

30. After leaving the chapel the Czar inspected the chapter library.

31. Axolotls for sale, home-bred and veterinary inspected in eastern USA

32. Then she put down the hairbrush and inspected her countenance.

33. The full survey will ensure every nook and cranny is inspected.

34. Trees have been inspected in the nursery for trueness to name.

35. Before putting him into the cooking pot he was thoroughly inspected .

Trước khi bỏ vào nồi , ông ấy được đem ra kiểm tra kỹ càng .

36. His wife tilted his head to the side and inspected the wound.

37. • ensure a site access log is maintained and inspected periodically; and

38. Inspected 265,816 railcars upon receipt at licensed terminal and transfer elevators.

39. When the boy was born like all Spartans, he was inspected.

Khi đứa trẻ đó ra đời như những đứa trẻ Spartan khác nó được kiểm tra kỹ càng.

40. homes are inspected and monitored by LSC's full-time Accommodation Co-ordinator.

41. Every Crankshaft is 100 percent inspected for critical dimensions, andRead More

42. She gave a little whimper as the vet inspected her paw.

43. Saleswoman: There are certified and inspected domestic brands, like this one.

44. Crash helmets were inspected before each race meet, as were the cars.

45. The seat was visually and physically inspected and all charges were confirmed fired.

46. (c) The number of Passport offices inspected year-wise is given below:

47. At the airport, Customs officials inspected my purse and hand luggage.

48. Shovels were used to scrape the cutbanks, providing additional exposures, which were inspected.

49. The Commission inspected all projects at least once in the first 18 months.

50. 23 He cannot be allowed to dictate what can and cannot be inspected.