inseparable in Vietnamese

Tính từ
không thể tách rời được, không thể chia lìa được

Danh từ
(thường số nhiều) những người (bạ..) không rời nhau, những vật không tách rời được

Sentence patterns related to "inseparable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inseparable" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inseparable", or refer to the context using the word "inseparable" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Inseparable!

Sát cánh bên nhau!

2. We were inseparable.

Hai chúng tôi như hình với bóng.

3. She and Kristin were inseparable.

4. Rights are inseparable from duties.

5. We've become inseparable from this country.

Chúng ta đã trở thành bộ phận không thể tách rời của quốc gia này.

6. The two brothers are almost inseparable.

7. We soon became inseparable friends.

Không bao lâu, chúng tôi trở nên thân thiết như hình với bóng.

8. Religion is inseparable from politics.

9. The three girls were inseparable friends.

10. Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.

11. Love and Affection are two inseparable feelings

12. Tom was inseparable from his dog, Snowy.

13. Unbreakable unity, inseparable conjunction between the two.

14. Democracy and open debate were inseparable.

15. Motor and intellectual development are inseparable.

16. The two girls are inseparable friends.

17. George later became our inseparable companion.

18. There I met Dorothea, and soon we became inseparable.

Tôi gặp chị Dorothea ở đó, và chẳng bao lâu sau, chúng tôi trở thành đôi bạn tri kỷ.

19. He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.

20. 5 Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.

21. As children, Laura and I were inseparable.

22. People understood the sacred as inseparable from the land.

23. Ever since they met those two have been inseparable.

24. All these, with emancipate the mind to be inseparable.

25. Moreover, Conformations are inseparable from each other while the

26. Kelly considers equality to be inseparable from true liberty.

27. When we were kids Zoe and I were inseparable.

28. InAlienable Not subject to sale or transfer; inseparable

29. Our economic fortunes are inseparable from those of Europe.

30. Britain's economic fortunes are inseparable from the world situation.

31. Indeed, science with its “mystic ideas” was inseparable from religion.

Thật thế, khoa học với những “ý tưởng huyền bí” không thể tách rời khỏi tôn giáo được.

32. Crime and freedom are inseparable. You can't have one without the other.

33. Afrikaner nationalism, apartheid, and Afrikaner identity were, for many years, practically inseparable.

34. Like two sides of a coin, the temporal and spiritual are inseparable.

Giống như hai mặt của đồng tiền, phần vật chất và thuộc linh không thể tách rời được.

35. 30 My brother and James have been inseparable since they were at primary school.


37. Utah: Allocution is an inseparable part of the constitutional right to appear and defend

38. A true intercession and a deeper adoration will ever be found to be inseparable.

39. My brother and James have been inseparable since they were at primary school.

40. A prefix or particle in the nature of an inseparable proposition, signifying with or in Conjunction

41. Generally speaking, at that time the question of religious faith was inseparable from civil allegiance.

42. (Verse 31; Leviticus 19:18) Love of God and love of neighbor are really inseparable.

Thứ hai, Chúa Giê-su nói: “Ngươi phải yêu người lân cận như chính mình” (Câu 31; Lê-vi Ký 19:18).

43. Social Security to make big stock market with a positive sound investment strategy are inseparable.

44. camera-heads with a recording unit in the same, inseparable housing (TARIC additional code A727);

45. Dialect, oriental or occidental, as it came into being, was well nigh inseparable with sophistry.

46. Buddy Bear activities and help for children in need have formed an inseparable unit.

47. Absolutisme ghi, in sien auwal version, est inseparable ud un legitimitat sult ed garantiet ab Religion

48. Zoe and I were inseparable as kids - my mother used to call us the terrible twosome.

49. Non-maleficence is the sister to Beneficence and is often considered as an inseparable pillar of ethics

50. In the calcination process of cement Clinker, preheating, calcining, and cooling are three inseparable process links