inoculated in Vietnamese

goại động từ
1. chủng, tiêm chủng
2. tiêm nhiễm cho (ai)
3. (nông nghiệp) ghép (cây)

Sentence patterns related to "inoculated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inoculated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inoculated", or refer to the context using the word "inoculated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The baby has been inoculated against diphtheria.

2. Complete medium added with glycine and Barbital was inoculated

3. Incubate the inoculated media for not less than 14 days.

4. Peroxidase (PO) activities increased more markedly in inoculated leaf tissues treated with ASM and BABA/ASM than in BABA-treated plants and in inoculated control tissues.

5. Recombinant Streptomyces lividans strains expressing plasmid-encoded ALip-P3 were also inoculated into the soil.

6. The majority of the mice inoculated successfully develop leucemic, a smaller number of them, Aleucemic lymphadenosis

7. The majority of the mice inoculated successfully develop leucemic, a smaller number of them, Aleucemic lymphadenosis

8. Aerate these inoculated mixtures with CO2-free air overnight to purge the system of carbon dioxide.

9. Were inoculated with suspensions of crushed nodules or cultures of the Actinomycetous endophyte of Comp- tonia

10. The animals should be inoculated with calf - hood vaccine at six to eight months of age .

11. Each of the containers holds an admixture of a test mixture inoculated with the test sample.

12. Suspect colonies were screened for purity and inoculated on Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) and urea agar slants.

13. Samples are inoculated into cultures of primary bovine thyroid cell cultures using at least three tubes per sample.

14. Incubation of inoculated plates and agar contact plates must begin within two hours of sampling under aerobic conditions.

15. 312 male chronic alcoholists without clinical symptons of cirrhosis hepatis are inoculated with heat-killed typhus-paratyphus bacilli.

16. Low and variable rates of acetylene reduction activity were observed from excised roots of inoculated plants without preincubation.

17. Cotyledons of four Brassica species were inoculated with zoospores of Albugo candida produced from germinating oospores or zoosporangia.

18. They also partially complemented the Apathogenic disease phenotype of the Δgpmk1 mutants causing lesions in directly inoculated wheat spikelets

19. Histological analysis of gastrointestinal tissues from inoculated birds gave no evidence for true microcolony formation by NCTC12900 or intimin and Aflagellar …

20. There was marked reduction in the activity of acid phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase in the degenerated neurones in manganese inoculated animals as compared to controls.

21. The viruses were isolated by cocultivation of sheep foetal lung cells and the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of goats inoculated with ovine progressive pneumonia virus (OPPV).

22. Hamsters and K18-hACE2 transgenic mice inoculated with the Complementation-derived virions exhibited no detectable disease, even after intracranial inoculation with the highest possible dose.

23. What the effects does low intensity constant magnetic field strapping and application with permanent magnet have on the growth of tumor in the inoculated animals?

24. Leprosy bacilli taken from two newly detected patients with lepromatous leprosy have been inoculated into the rear foot pads of BALB/C pure bred mice.

25. Single, thin-walled, acephalic cysts from cotton rat donors were inoculated intraperitoneally into the experimental hosts, and cyst weights were taken at several intervals after infection.

26. The agar slant is surface-streak inoculated, using a loop of the test culture, and is incubated aerobically for 48 hours at 63 p 1 oC.

27. For example, sending children to school, parents could earn money for that, or getting their children inoculated or immunized, parents could get paid for doing that.

Ví dụ, khi đưa con trẻ tới trường học, bố mẹ có thể kiếm được tiền, hay khi mang con đi tiêm chủng, bố mẹ có thể được trả tiền.

28. Many Bulgarians are skeptical: According to a AlphaResearch poll published on February 18, a mere 10% of Bulgarians are willing to inoculated, while a staggering 52% have refused.

29. A predetermined amount of the substance, dissolved or dispersed in a well-aerated suitable medium, is inoculated with micro-organisms and incubated at a constant defined ambient temperature in the dark.

30. When a person or test animal (e.g., a mouse) is inoculated with a particular type, an immune response ensues, generating antibodies that react specifically with antigens on the bacteria.

Khi một người hoặc động vật thí nghiệm (ví dụ chuột bạch) được tiêm truyền (inoculation) một loại sinh ra đáp ứng miễn dịch (immune response), sản sinh các kháng thể phản ứng đặc hiệu với các kháng nguyên trên vi khuẩn.

31. The presence of Acetobacter diazotrophicus in tissues of micropropagated sugarcane plants inoculated with either this bacterium or a mixture of this bacterium and Herbaspirillum seropedicae was demonstrated by PCR amplification.

32. 26 By using fluorite, swarf and others for inoculanting the nodular iron the nodule count in inoculated iron increased obviously, even by over 100% more than that the iron without inoculation.

33. After the addition of the inoculated Backwashed biofilm, the start-up period of this reactor fed with municipal wastewater was reduced to 25 days, and aerobic granulation and stabilization were enhanced

34. Chlamydospore for-mation was assessed by examining, with the lOx objective ofamicroscope, corn mealagarplates (with 1% Tween 80) that had been inoculated by deliber-ately cutting intotheagarwithaloopful ofcells from a 16-hSDAslant

35. In pouch-grown seedlings, plants were inoculated with either Rhizobium alone or in combination with Azospirillum or applied together with a flavonoid, luteolin (a nodulation gene inducer), or with a cytokinin, benzyl adenine.

36. The clarified supernatant fluid must be inoculated in #,# to #,# ml amounts into the allantoic cavity of each of a minimum of four embryonated fowls' eggs that have been incubated for nine to # days

37. The clarified supernatent fluid should be inoculated in 0,1-0,2 ml amounts into the allantoic cavity of each of a minimum of four embryonated, fowls' eggs which have been incubated for 8 to 10 days.

38. The clarified supernatant fluid must be inoculated in 0,1 to 0,2 ml amounts into the allantoic cavity of each of a minimum of four embryonated fowls' eggs that have been incubated for nine to 11 days.

39. However, results showed more variation, and the effect was shorter lived as a result of lessened peroxidase stability. Three recombinant S. lividans strains expressing the ALip-P3 gene in plasmid pIJ702.LP were also inoculated into soil.

40. New arrangements of microtubules and actin filaments in coleoptile cells of barley that had been inoculated with either a nonpathogen, Erysiphe pisi, or a pathogen, E. graminis, were observed by cytochemistry and confocal laser scanning microscopy.

41. (B) Bgh host cell entry rates on the barley mlo-3 mutant after treatment with different concentrations of Alloxan.Excised leaves of the barley mlo-3 mutant were vacuum-infiltrated with the indicated concentrations of the chemical.Subsequently, leaves were inoculated with Bgh …

42. Virus isolation in embryonated fowls' eggs The clarified supernatent fluid should be inoculated in 0,2 ml amounts into the allantoic cavity of each of a minimum of four embryonated, fowls' eggs which have been incubated for 8 to 11 days.

43. When archenteron complexes (Archenterons and varying portions of the extracellular matrix {ecm} surrounding them) are isolated from starfish embryos and inoculated in sea water containing 4% newborn bovine serum, the mesenchyme cells form large syncytia on the substratum underneath each archenteron.

44. When the primary leaves of barley seedlings were preliminarily inoculated with a compatible or an incompatible race on the abaxial leaf surface, they became resistant to the disease caused by challenge inoculation with the same pathogen on the adaxial surface.

45. ‘Imagine a Chemostat inoculated with a single clone.’ ‘In some respects our study mirrors results from earlier studies of Chemostats and other protocols of high-density passage with microbes.’ ‘For example, one such bottleneck may occur during reinoculation of a Chemostat, when tubes are changed.’

46. Solani had a positive effect compared to controls (unBacterized fungal infected plants) where the significant effect was observed in root and shoot length whereas the wet weight of shoot was significant in SS1 inoculated plants among all Bacterized plants (p < 0.001, Turkey HSD).

47. Coli strains, a 2-liter Chemostat, with a working volume of 150 ml of LB medium with 100 μg/ml carbenicillin and D of 1.3 h −1 (flow rate, 200 ml/h), and with shaking at 135 rpm at RT, was inoculated with 50 ml of the culture described …

48. Most of the Coleoptiles split naturally within 1 to 2 d after inoculation (DAI), and F graminearum hyphae could be observed inside coleoptile cells within 3 to 7 DAI (see Supplemental Figure 1 online), with dark-brown lesions be-coming apparent on the Coleoptiles of inoculated seedlings 1 …

49. And now, with the country’s national vaccination program underway At a terrific speed, lakhs of Indians are getting inoculated against the deadly virus every day. The success of India’s vaccination strategy can be greatly attributed to its major vaccine producers: Serum Institute of India, based in Pune, and Hyderabad’s Bharat Biotech.

50. Develop Aggregative sampling for preharvest food safety testing and determine its power to detect bacterial hazards using inoculated field trials.We will use a cross-sectional study design to generate fields for developing Aggregative swabbing to detect preharvest leafy green contamination by one of three mechanisms: (i) point-source (e.g., splash from in-field