innervated in Vietnamese

goại động từ
1. làm cho có gân cốt, làm cho cứng cáp; làm cho rắn rỏi; kích thích
2. (giải phẫu) phân bố các dây thần kinh

Sentence patterns related to "innervated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "innervated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "innervated", or refer to the context using the word "innervated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The mammary acini are sparsely innervated.

2. Acoustic energy is delivered to innervated vascular that contributes to renal sympathetic nerve activity, such as innervated tissue of the renal artery and abdominal aorta.

3. Atropine inhibits the muscarinic actions of acetylcholine on structures innervated by postganglionic cholinergic nerves, and on smooth muscles which respond to endogenous acetylcholine but are not so innervated.

4. Amphids (Greek: amphi, around, double) are innervated invaginations of cuticle in nematodes

5. The vegetative nervous system also supplies the innervated cells through efferent and afferent fibrills.

6. Therefore, a mental nerve block Anesthetizes only the structures innervated by the mental nerve

7. Clinically, there was significant hypesthesia of the skin area innervated by the left inferior alveolar nerve.

8. Arterioles are innervated and can also respond to other circulating factors to regulate their caliber

9. This can cause any muscle that is innervated by the radial nerve to become partially or fully paralyzed.

10. Results obtained after basal LB Blastemas were grafted to an innervated wound on the anterior side of the arm

11. The intracranial blood vessels supplying the dura and brain are innervated by sensory afferents from the trigeminal nerve.

12. The outer layer of the Annulus fibrosus is highly innervated, which causes a lot of pain to the patient

13. This block Anesthetizes the lower vagina, perineum, and posterior vulva; the anterior vulva, innervated by lumbar dermatomes, is not anesthetized

14. It is a composite muscle as the adductor and hamstring portions of the muscle are innervated by two different nerves.

15. Mechanism of action The most important therapeutic action of Atropine is the inhibition of smooth muscle and glands innervated by postganglionic cholinergic nerves

16. The grafting of EB Blastemas from a denervated donor limb to an innervated wound resulted in the formation of an ectopic limb

17. (2) The aganglionic LAS of patients with HD was more strongly innervated by cholinergic nerves than the normal IAS (p<0.05).

18. An ultrastructural study of early post-Amputational events in innervated forelimbs of larval "ambystoma" by Gwendolyn Loris Ann Horbay, 1986 edition, in English

19. Lesion of nucleus Ambiguus results in atrophy (lower motor neuron) and paralysis of innervated muscles, producing nasal speech, dysphagia, dysphonia, and deviation of the uvula toward the CONTRA

20. Autogenetic inhibition was originally described as a disynaptic inhibition of motoneurones evoked by activation of Ib afferents from muscle tendons belonging to the muscle innervated by the motoneurones

21. Injury to the Abducens, or sixth, nerve causes double vision, due to the unopposed action of the opposite medial rectus muscle, which is also innervated by the oculomotor nerve.

22. Alexandrakis and Saunders found that in most cases the abducens nucleus and nerve are absent or hypoplastic, and the lateral rectus muscle is innervated by a branch of the oculomotor nerve.

23. The word Bulbar can refer to the nerves and tracts connected to the medulla, and also by association to those muscles innervated, such as those of the tongue, pharynx and larynx.

24. The Abductor pollicis longus muscle is innervated by the posterior interosseous nerve, which is a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve after it passes through the supinator muscle

25. Bulbar poliomyelitis results from paralysis of muscle groups innervated by the cranial nerves, especially those of the soft palate and pharynx, which may present as dysphagia, nasal speech, and sometimes dyspnea

26. The abductor pollicis brevis muscle, preoperatively innervated by the median nerve, did not respond to electrophysiological stimulation of the transected median nerve but to stimulation of the ulnar nerve via the nerve graft.

27. The Antennules (or first antennae) are almost universally regarded as true appendages, though they differ from all the other appendages in the fact that they are always innervated from the " brain " (or …

28. Arthralgia is the term used for TMJ pain caused by capsulitis/synovitis, which is an inflammatory condition of the articular capsule and soft tissues that surround the TMJ, especially the highly vascularized and innervated extracapsular articular tissues

29. The Biramous antennules of decapods, in particular, are considered the primary sensory organs for olfactory chemoreception and exclusively contain, on the outer flagellum, the aesthetasc sensilla, each innervated by hundreds of olfactory receptor neurons (Schmidt and Mellon, 2011 ).

30. The NPO is known to be richly innervated by mono- aminergic fibers (Santer, 1977; Ekengren and Terlou, Biorhythmicity from NPO of freely swimming trout 33 1978; Kah and Chambolle, 1983; Parent, 1983; Kah et al., 1984) which might control this rhythmicity.