indignities in Vietnamese

danh từ
sự sỉ nhục, sự làm nhục

Sentence patterns related to "indignities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "indignities" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "indignities", or refer to the context using the word "indignities" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The prisoners were subjected to all sorts of indignities.

2. After all the indignities she made you suffer?

Sau tất cả những hành động hạ nhục, những đau khổ mà bà ấy đã khiến anh phải chịu?

3. She'd suffered enough traumas and indignities already, she thought grimly.

4. 12 Violent shaking or other gross indignities are expressly forbidden.

5. Synonyms for Affronts include insults, slights, indignities, outrage, slurs, abuse, injury, provocation, epithets and offences

6. Execution on a torture stake subjected the victim to the worst of all possible indignities.

Nỗi sỉ nhục lớn nhất là bị chết trên cây khổ hình.

7. But Alas, a snub is yet another of the many indignities Valerie Cherish shall endure

8. Mob violence and various indignities were experienced by Jehovah’s faithful servants in the United States.

Tại Hoa Kỳ, những tôi tớ trung thành của Đức Giê-hô-va bị đám đông hành hung và bị đối xử thô bạo.

9. Whatever trials we suffer, none will ever equal the agonies and indignities experienced by Jesus.

Dầu bị thử thách cách nào đi nữa, không có sự thử thách nào của chúng ta có thể bằng được sự đau đớn cùng cực và nhục nhã mà Giê-su đã từng trải.

10. They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts, including having to get dressed and undressed in public.

11. This son of a Georgia sharecropper endured unspeakable indignities and taunts to become baseball's first black player.

12. They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts,[] including having to get dressed and undressed in public.

13. 30 They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts, including having to get dressed and undressed in public.

14. The true language of sisterhood does not speak of the pain of childbirth or the indignities of male oppression.

15. ANIMAL activists lament the abuse of animal rights and the suffering and indignities inflicted on the millions of animals used in experimentation.

16. Micro-Aggressions are defined as “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or

17. “Late capitalism,” in its current usage, is a catchall phrase for the indignities and Absurdities of our contemporary economy, with its yawning inequality and super-powered corporations and

18. Defining Micro-Aggressions 7 Racial micro-Aggressions are the brief and everyday slights, insults, and indignities and/or denigrating messages sent by well-intentioned people who are unaware of the hidden messages they communicate

19. ‘The coffin was forced, the Cerements torn, and the melancholy relics, clad in sackcloth, after being rattled for hours on moonless byways, were at length exposed to uttermost indignities before a class of gaping boys.’

20. Historical usually Cerements Waxed cloth for wrapping a corpse. ‘The coffin was forced, the Cerements torn, and the melancholy relics, clad in sackcloth, after being rattled for hours on moonless byways, were at length exposed to uttermost indignities before a class of gaping boys.’

21. To let it be landed, would be giving up the Principle of Taxation by Parliamentary Authority, against which the Continent have struggled for 10 years, it was loosing all our labour for 10 years and subjecting ourselves and our Posterity forever to Egyptian Taskmasters—to Burthens, Indignities, to Ignominy, Reproach and Contempt, to Desolation

22. ‘Aled Jones came to the late Queen Mother's notice in the early '80s when he was a little Welsh Choirboy.’ ‘Although he was easily intimidated by the other boys, especially by Jack, he did not lack the self-confidence to protest or speak out against the indignities from the boys as the shy former Choirboy …