incursions in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. sự xâm nhập, sự đột nhập; sự tấn công bất ngờ
2. sự chảy vào (nước biển...)

Sentence patterns related to "incursions"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "incursions" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "incursions", or refer to the context using the word "incursions" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Second, extraterritorial incursions and spread risk.

2. I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.

3. Absence of air, sea and ground incursions and firing incidents across the Blue Line

4. Interviewer: Absolutely. But has the number and the frequency of incursions increased?

5. With the brief exception of the Mongol invasions, major barbarian incursions ceased.

Với một ngoại lệ ngắn với các cuộc xâm lược của quân Mông Cổ, các cuộc cướp phá lớn của các rợ chấm dứt.

6. Absence of air, sea or ground incursions or firing incidents across the Line

7. Hasdrubal had used it as his base to make incursions on the inland tribes.

Hadrusbal từng sử dụng nó làm căn cứ để tấn công các bộ lạc ở nội địa.

8. Similar smoke incursions may recur until the forest fires are Curtailed further, officials said

9. Absence of air, sea or ground incursions or firing incidents across the Blue Line

10. Absence of air, sea, or ground incursions or firing incidents across the Blue Line

11. I promise you, we are already well prepared for any incursions into our kingdom.

Ta hứa với con Bọn ta đã chuẩn bị kỹ cho bất kỳ cuộc xấm chiếm nào vào vương quốc của ta

12. 29 His incursions into the line are always well-timed and his goal-kicking has been immaculate so far.

13. In Gaza, Israeli air attacks and ground incursions continue to result in unacceptable Palestinian civilian casualties

14. It was an aggressive assertion of a predominantly male, working-class integrity against incursions from middle-class intellectuals and foreign influence.

15. The line was originally drawn to prevent South Korean incursions into the north that threatened the armistice.

Phân giới đầu tiên được vẽ để ngăn sự xâm nhập của Hàn Quốc vào miền Bắc đe dọa hiệp ước đình chiến.

16. But state incursions into the capital markets are now crowding out the private sector's ability to borrow.

17. As long as Mr Neal remains a strong bulwark against these incursions, nothing very significant is likely to happen.

18. After turning back deep Muslim incursions, the Frankish Empire under the Carolingian monarchs, created the Marches of Gothia and Hispania progressively.

Sau khi đẩy lui các cuộc xâm lấn sâu của người Hồi giáo, Đế quốc Frank dưới quyền các quân chủ Caroling dần lập ra các lãnh địa biên thuỳ Gothia và Hispania.

19. About 200 professional contestants take part in this race, which passes through the French countryside with a few incursions into neighboring countries.

20. At the same time the Vedanta , as well as other similar approaches , rather frighten me with their vague , formless incursions into infinity .

21. (Genesis 22:17) We stand in awe before the Creator, who provided such an ingenious sandy bulwark against the incursions of the stormy sea.

(Sáng-thế Ký 22:17) Chúng ta vô cùng thán phục Đấng Tạo Hóa, vì Ngài đã thiết kế một bức tường bằng cát độc đáo như thế để chắn bão biển.

22. The Battalions play an active role on the front, and are also tasked with maintaining security behind the front lines of the war in the Donbas, preventing further incursions by …

23. The rising violence against the American presence resulted in the complete withdrawal of troops from the city, with only occasional incursions trying to gain and reinforce a "foothold in the city" being attempted.

Làn sóng bạo lực chống lại người Mỹ dẫn đến việc binh sĩ Mỹ bị rút hoàn toàn khỏi thành phố, với một số cuộc xâm nhập đơn lẻ cố gắng để giành và chiếm lại "một phần thành phố" được tiến hành.

24. The Brushy Mountains were but a few miles distant, and were infested with Tories, who made predatory incursions into this part of Iredell, carrying off stock, devastating farms, and Ambuscading and shooting Whigs, who were especially obnoxious to them.

25. The Brushy Mountains were but a few miles distant, and were infested with Tories, who made predatory incursions into this part of Iredell, carrying off stock, devastating farms, and Ambuscading and shooting Whigs, who were especially obnoxious to them.

26. The Captivity really began with the first Assyrian incursions around 870—850 BC, progressed through the destruction of the ten Northern Tribes in 722 BC, then continued until the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC, and concluded when Ezra and Nehemiah finally rebuilt Jerusalem around 440 BC

27. The border defence pact seeks to coalesce the existing confidence-building measures along the Line of Actual Control under an umbrella agreement that will also provide for additional measures like intensifying interactions between border personnel to avert any crisis triggered by incursions.