incubation period in Vietnamese

Thời kỳ ủ bệnh

Sentence patterns related to "incubation period"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "incubation period" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "incubation period", or refer to the context using the word "incubation period" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Incubate under anaerobic conditions for the duration of the incubation period.

2. Yellow fever begins after an incubation period of three to six days.

Sốt vàng bắt đầu sau giai đoạn ủ bệnh từ ba đến sáu ngày.

3. If the results come back positive, the incubation period is five to ten years.

Nếu kết quả dương tính, thời gian ủ bệnh sẽ từ 5 đến 10 năm.

4. 7 Under natural conditions, the incubation period in feedlot cattle is uncertain in length.

5. Learn more about how Contagious it is, the incubation period, and how antibiotics affect it here.

6. The average incubation period for chickens is 21 days but may depend on the temperature and humidity in the incubator.

Thời gian ấp trung bình là 21 ngày nhưng có thể phụ thuộc nhiệt độ và độ ẩm trong lò ấp.

7. • Colonized • infected and asymptomatic • in incubation period before disease • convalescent from acute disease The carrier status may be short or lengthy

8. After an incubation period of 2–5 days (range 1–10 days) common symptoms are severe abdominal pain, watery and/or bloody diarrhoea and fever.

9. Said air bubbles remain inside the medium during the incubation period and create interphases activating the production of S. agalactiae pigment producing heavily pigmented colonies.

10. Selective Plating 3.5.1 After the incubation period, streak a loopful of each of the selective enrichment broths onto BS agar and BGS agar plates to obtain well isolated colonies.

11. COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) can be Contagious for weeks or longer, depending on how sick a patient is. The incubation period for COVID-19 (the time from infection to the start of symptoms) ranges from 4 days to 2 weeks, though patients are believed to be Contagious before symptoms develop.

12. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when, after exposure to COVID-19, an infected individual would become Contagious. However, based on what we know about the incubation period for this virus, there’s almost no chance that your sister could have passed on the virus to your family members just 24 hours after being exposed herself.

13. Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand or “CBOD” shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter (Carbonaceous demand) and the oxygen used to oxidize inorganic material such as sulfides and ferrous iron.The test measures the molecular oxygen utilized during a specified incubation period for the biochemical degradation of organic material, under

14. List of buildings with Confirmed / probable cases visited from 2 days before onset of symptoms or buildings with 2 or more Confirmed / probable cases visited during incubation period (Note: The buildings will remain on the list for 14 days, and buildings with clusters will remain for 28 days since the last date of visit by the cases.)

15. Since the BSE follow-up committee was stood down, deaths from CJD have continued to accelerate alarmingly, with ten recorded in the last quarter of 1998. Deaths are still being recorded in the United Kingdom and, with an incubation period of 5 to 30 years, many cases of new variant CJD caused by BSE have still to emerge.