in-patients in Vietnamese

danh từ
người bệnh nội trú

tính từ
(thuộc) người bệnh nội trú, dành cho người bệnh nội trú

Sentence patterns related to "in-patients"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in-patients" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in-patients", or refer to the context using the word "in-patients" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin B or in patients who are

2. The risk of hypokalaemia is greater in patients with cirrhosis of liver, in patients experiencing brisk diuresis, in patients who are receiving inadequate oral intake of electrolytes and in patients receiving concomitant therapy with corticosteroids or Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) (see section

3. Enviage has been studied in # patients aged # years or older, and in # patients aged # years or older

4. Rasilez has been studied in # patients aged # years or older, and in # patients aged # years or older

5. 16 Phosphatidylglycerol was detectable in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, but not in controls or in patients with duodenal ulcer.

6. Disc Bulges can be seen in patients with no symptoms of back problems, especially in patients over the age of 40

7. The AHI was higher in patients with nocturia than in those without, especially in patients younger than 50 years of age.

8. Bruising is common in patients taking blood thinners

9. Hepatocellular Carcinoma appears frequently in patients with cirrhosis

10. Effects on Serum Liver Biochemistries in Patients With

11. Are anxiety disorders undertreated in patients with multiple sclerosis?

12. Exposures Acutely worsening respiratory symptoms in patients with COPD

13. Utilize appropriate screening and monitoring in patients taking Antipsychotics

14. Additional studies looking at the combination of Pegasys and ribavirin included one study comparing two doses and two durations of treatment (# or # weeks) in # patients, one study comparing # and # weeks of treatment in # patients, one study in # patients with normal ALT levels, one study in # patients who were also infected with HIV, and a final study in # patients who did not respond to previous treatment with peginterferon alfa-#b and ribavirin

15. The hematorrhea rate increase in patients with obstetrical complications.

16. Elevated liver Biochemistries were common in patients with COVID-19

17. Albian specializes in speech, language and swallowing disorders in patients

18. RILUTEK is used in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS

19. In patients with Clubbing, the nail seems to be floating.

20. NCSE is underdiagnosed, especially in patients without antecedent Convulsive seizures

21. Minor Athetosis is seen in patients with mild cerebral palsy

22. Finger Agnosia and cognitive deficits in patients with Alzheimer's disease

23. In patients receiving clonidine, Atenolol should be discontinued several days before withdrawal of clonidine May cause or exacerbate CNS depression (use with caution in patients with psychiatric

24. Oropharyngeal and esophageal Candidiasis are common in patients with HIV infection

25. Failed peristalsis was commonly encountered in patients as well as controls.

26. AHA recommends AGAINST routine Bicarb administration in patients with cardiac arrest

27. Acetaminophen is used to relieve pain and reduce fever in patients

28. Acinetobacter Bacteraemia in patients with diarrhoeal disease - Volume 120 Issue 2

29. Calcitonin - Calcitonin concentration is increased in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma

30. Compulsive hand washing occurs in patients with obsessive–Compulsive disorder (OCD)

31. in patients with hypo-or agammaglobulinaemia with or without IgA deficiency

32. Optokinetic nystagmus in patients with hemianopia is dealt with in detail.

33. Another technology that we have used in patients actually involves bladders.

Một kỹ thuật khác mà chúng tôi đã áp dụng cho các bệnh nhân có dính dáng đến bàng quang.

34. Cardiac auscultation is widely used to evaluate cardiac function in patients.

35. This schedule can also be used in patients aged # to # years

36. So we went ahead and implanted electrodes in patients with depression.

Vì thế chúng tôi tiến hành cấy ghép điện cực trên vùng trầm cảm của bệnh nhân.

37. Pain on inspiration is often found in patients with acute cholecystitis.

38. Prophylaxis of Candida infection in patients undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell

39. Preoperative screening in patients with carotid bruits may also be useful.

40. Acetaminophen is used to relieve pain and reduce fever in patients

41. Toe Amputation is commonly performed in patients with a diabetic foot

42. Most cases of angor Animi are found in patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome (cardiac-related chest pain) such as myocardial infarction.It is, however, occasionally found in patients suffering

43. No dose adjustment is necessary in patients with creatinine clearance # ml/min

44. decreased locoregional control in patients with advanced head and neck cancer receiving

45. To report the prevalence of alexithymia in patients recently diagnosed with cancer.

46. In patients without structural lesions the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia is justified.

47. Paraplegia was significantly more frequent in patients showing marked deformities on admission.

48. Testing for Primary Aldosteronism in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Hypertension Daniel D

49. Another phenomenon called phantom itching can occur in patients who've had amputations.

Họ tin rằng cơ thể họ đầy kí sinh và rệp đang bò dưới da, khiến họ ngứa vô cùng.

50. Objective:To investigate the efficacy of treatments in patients with traumatic subdural hygroma.