impressio cardiaca hepatis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "impressio cardiaca hepatis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impressio cardiaca hepatis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impressio cardiaca hepatis", or refer to the context using the word "impressio cardiaca hepatis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Viral hepatis, HELLP syndrome.

2. Alisporivr for treatment of hepatis c virus infection

3. Biotelemetry : Philips compra azienda diagnostica cardiaca Biotelemetry in deal.

4. You in the mood for hepatis a or c?

5. In spring, neurosecretory products leave firstcorpora cardiaca and thenpars inter-cerebralis.

6. The girls all got Hepatis, I bought a Jaguar.

7. So, I've never seen a case of peliosis hepatis before.

8. Peliosis hepatis is a rare hepatic disorder involving “bloody cysts” in the liver.

9. A fine needle biopsy revealed the histological diagnosis of peliosis hepatis.

10. 12 The cockroach has two corpora cardiaca, which are the organs that secrete my precious hormone.

11. Cirrhosis hepatis could not be observed in any of the family members.

12. Rupture and loss of the perisinusoidal reticulin fibres lead to peliosis hepatis.

13. The only relevant differential diagnosis in this case is the equally rare peliosis hepatis.

14. However, peliosis hepatis may present as hepatic dysfunction or shock from hepatic rupture.

15. By making me lose a bet to your ex and scrub hepatis-ridden toilets?

16. 312 male chronic alcoholists without clinical symptons of cirrhosis hepatis are inoculated with heat-killed typhus-paratyphus bacilli.

17. Peliosis hepatis usually appears as a rare autopsy finding in asymptomatic patients or in patients with chronic wasting diseases.

18. In cases of complete biliary atresia, bile is drained from the liver in the hepatic lymph at the porta hepatis.

19. Gallstone colics occurred more often with gallbladder- and porta hepatis carcinoma than with common bile tract- and duodenal papilla carcinoma.

20. Therefore, the level of transection of the fibrous tissue at the porta hepatis is of prime importance for successful hepatic portoenterostomy.

21. Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Leonurus, especially L. cardiaca, a weed having clusters of small purple or pink flowers and spine-tipped calyx lobes.

22. They eventually join with other Canaliculi, forming progressively larger bile ducts that eventually emerge from the porta hepatis as the hepatic duct.

23. Durante ese periodo, las mujeres tenían menos probabilidades que los hombres de recibir tratamientos comúnmente utilizados, como Angiogramas y cirugía de derivación cardiaca.

24. This difference of opinion concerns the interpretation of the effects (spongiosis hepatis) observed in liver cells of experimental animals in toxicity studies conducted with DINP.

25. Small bile ducts at the porta hepatis continuing to the intrahepatic ducts usually terminate in fibrous tissue replacing the hepatic radicles, which does not extend to the common hepatic duct.