immunosuppressive in Vietnamese

danh từ
sự ức chế miễn dịch (cũng immunodepression)

Sentence patterns related to "immunosuppressive"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "immunosuppressive" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "immunosuppressive", or refer to the context using the word "immunosuppressive" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Azathioprine is an immunosuppressive Antimetabolite

2. Cyclosporin A; Cyclosporin A is used for immunosuppressive studies

3. An immunosuppressive hemorrhagic diathesis of domesticated Banteng (Bos sondaicus syn

4. Immunosuppressive substance adsorbent, extracorporeal circulation column and method of treating cancer

5. An Alkylating agent that is one of the most efficacious immunosuppressive drugs available

6. PANIMUN Bioral contains Cyclosporin which belongs to the group of medicines called immunosuppressive agents

7. Aflatoxins may cause decreased production (milk, eggs, weight gains, etc.), are immunosuppressive, carcinogenic and mutagenic

8. Methods for enhancing immunosuppressive therapy by multiple administration of alpha beta tcr-binding polypeptide

9. The development of Kaposi sarcoma during immunosuppressive therapy for actinic reticuloid has not been previously described.

10. Other agents such as immunosuppressive drugs and disodium cromoglycate may also have a small role in management.

11. The patient also suffered from a testicular feminization syndrome and was treated with immunosuppressive drugs for pemphigus vulgaris.

12. Chronicity index, especially glomerular sclerosis, is the most powerful predictor of renal response following immunosuppressive treatment in patients with lupus nephritis Chronicity index, especially glomerular sclerosis, is the most powerful predictor of renal response following immunosuppressive treatment in patients with lupus nephritis

13. M. ulcerans grows optimally on routine mycobacteriologic media at 33 °C and elaborates a necrotizing immunosuppressive cytotoxin (mycolactone).

M. ulcerans phát triển tối ưu trên tầng giữa huyết quản mycobacteriologic thông thường ở 33 °C và phóng thích một cytotoxin hoại tử ức chế miễn dịch (mycolactone).

14. A pharmaceutical, dermatological, nutritional or cosmetic composition for combating the immunosuppressive action of aggressive agents on the skin

15. Although not directly analgetic, immunosuppressive drugs, too, by decreasing the immune reaction dependent inflammation, contribute to pain relief.

16. Cyclosporin: [-spôr′ēn] an alternative term for Cyclosporin A, an immunosuppressive medication often administered after organ transplants

17. Cyclosporin B (M-26) and other Cyclosporin metabolites have been found to have lower (<10%) immunosuppressive activity compared Cyclosporin A

18. Other adverse effects, such as endometriosis, neurobehavioural and immunosuppressive effects occur at much lower levels and are therefore considered relevant for determining a tolerable intake

19. One study was conducted to determine the PKs and PDs of multiple doses of efalizumab in the presence of adjunctive immunosuppressive agents.

20. Cyclosporine is a calcineurin inhibitor and potent immunosuppressive agent used largely as a means of prophylaxis against cellular rejection after solid organ transplantation.

21. 3.3.2 Pharmacokinetics One study was conducted to determine the PKs and PDs of multiple doses of efalizumab in the presence of adjunctive immunosuppressive agents.

22. From the surgical point of view, special emphasis should be placed on wound closure and on anastomotic sutures when operating on a patient receiving immunosuppressive therapy.

23. Patients with kidney disease who are being given immunosuppressive drugs or are being considered for transplant should be considered for treatment of latent tuberculosis if appropriate.

Bệnh nhân bị bệnh thận đang được cho dùng thuốc ức chế miễn dịch hoặc đang được cân nhắc để ghép nên được xem xét điều trị bệnh lao tiềm ẩn nếu thích hợp.

24. Cases of bronchial anastomotic dehiscence, most fatal, have been reported in de novo lung transplant patients when sirolimus has been used as part of an immunosuppressive regimen

25. After exclusion of a pulmonary infection, immunosuppressive therapy with systemic corticosteroids and cyclophophamide was started because of the suspicion of lupus pneumonitis and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndrome.

26. The aim of these studies is the establishment of an immunosuppressive strategy that effectively prevents cardiac allograft vasculopathy in combination with a low incidence of negative side effects.

27. Acrolein acts in an immunosuppressive manner and may promote regulatory cells, thereby preventing the generation of allergy on the one hand, but also increasing the risk of cancer.

Acrolein hoạt động theo cách ức chế miễn dịch và có thể thúc đẩy tế bào quy định, do đó ngăn ngừa sự hình thành dị ứng trên một mặt, nhưng cũng làm tăng nguy cơ ung thư.

28. The consideration of extrapulmonal tuberculosis with its various manifestations is crucial for the investigation of chronic abdominal complaints in order to avoid serious consequences of tuberculosis treated with immunosuppressive therapy.

29. Cyclosporin A (Cyclosporine A, Cyclosporine, Ciclosporin, CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent, binds to the cyclophilin and then inhibits calcineurin with IC50 of 7 nM in a cell-free assay, widely used in organ transplantation to prevent rejection.

30. A 76 year old patient with actinic reticuloid was treated with Cyclosporin A. 11 months after beginning the immunosuppressive therapy, he developed lymphoedema and livid nodular skin lesions of the right leg, which histologically showed Kaposi’s sarcoma.

31. The recipient of a hand transplant needs to take immunosuppressive drugs similar to other transplants such as kidneys or livers, as the body's natural immune system will try to reject, or destroy, the hand.

Người được ghép tay cần uống thuốc ức chế miễn dịch tương tự như các ca cấy ghép khác như ghép thận hoặc ghép gan, vì hệ thống miễn dịch tự nhiên của cơ thể sẽ cố gắng từ chối hoặc phá hủy bàn tay.

32. Here, we show this goal can be addressed using cps, an Avirulent, nonreplicating uracil auxotroph strain of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), which preferentially invades immunosuppressive CD11c (+) antigen-presenting cells in the ovarian carcinoma microenvironment.

33. It was only after the invention of the heart-lung machine, coupled with the development of immunosuppressive drugs such as ciclosporin, that organs such as the lungs could be transplanted with a reasonable chance of patient recovery.

Chỉ sau khi phát minh ra máy trợ tim, kết hợp với sự phát triển của thuốc ức chế miễn dịch như ciclosporin, các cơ quan như phổi có thể được ghép với cơ hội phục hồi bệnh nhân hợp lý. ^ Metras, H (1950).

34. Definition of Cyclosporine : an immunosuppressive drug C62H111N11O12 that is a cyclic polypeptide obtained as a metabolite from a fungus (Beauveria nivea synonym Tolypocladium inflatum) and is used especially to prevent rejection of transplanted organs and in …

35. The PSC-MSCs according to the present invention are able to differentiate into cells of osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic lineages, in addition to showing strong immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects both in vitro and in vivo in colitis models.

36. Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive drug that was first used to help prevent rejection in organ transplant patients. In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Neoral, a brand of Cyclosporine, for adults with severe psoriasis and otherwise normal immune systems.

37. Persons at increased risk for infection or more severe disease include infants; the elderly; persons with achlorhydria; those receiving immunosuppressive therapy; persons who may have received antimicrobials for another illness; and those persons with sickle-cell anemia, cancer, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

38. The present invention relates to methods of controlling or reversing chronic rejection of allografts in a transplantation patient by administering leflunomide product alone, or in combination with one or more immunosuppressive agents selected from the group consising of Cyclosporine A, FK506, rapamycin and corticosteroids.

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40. Based on new insights into the pathobiology of MDS, additional treatment approaches have been developed in recent years including differentiation therapy with hematopoietic growth factors and retinoids, immunosuppressive therapy with antithymocyte globulin or cyclosporine, cytokine inhibition by amifostine, pentoxifylline or soluble TNF-α receptor as well as angiogenesis inhibition by thalidomide.