imitated in Vietnamese

goại động từ
1. theo gương, noi gương
2. bắt chước, làm theo; mô phỏng, phỏng mẫu
3. làm giả

Sentence patterns related to "imitated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imitated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imitated", or refer to the context using the word "imitated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. He unconsciously imitated his father.

2. Cordelia imitated his guttural tones.

3. Newt imitated a police siren softly.

4. The little boy imitated his father.

5. Estienne’s instructive illustrations were imitated for generations

Các tranh ảnh có tính cách dạy dỗ của Estienne được nhiều thế hệ bắt chước

6. All the kids imitated Mr Pearce's mannerisms.

7. His amnesiac reporting style has been widely imitated.

8. The children imitated the bird's behaviour, arms outstretched.

9. Our methods have been imitated all over the world.

10. Ionic order imitated the gentle and graceful temperament of female.

11. Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists.

12. Girls imitated me. Now I'm trying to imitate a city girl.

13. She put on a silly voice as she imitated her boss.

14. □ What are some godly qualities imitated by those who support theocracy?

□ Những người ủng hộ chế độ thần quyền noi theo một số đức tính tin kính nào?

15. Michael Jackson will be remembered as a great and widely imitated mover.

16. It was often imitated, even to his face, but he paid no heed whatever.

17. Often nuclear forms are imitated, hitherto interpretated as expression of amitosis or similar events.

18. The hunter imitated the crow of a cock, and our tame rooster would answer.

19. Jesus, in his most agonizing moment, imitated his Father and displayed a forgiving attitude.

20. Who here hasn't imitated their childhood hero in the playground, or mum or father?

21. Zhu Geliang imitated woodpecker to cry twice, take the chance to give fart put.

22. The murderer in the movie imitated other famous murderers, so he was copycat killer.

23. Then the bandit thrice imitated the cry of a crow; a croak answered this signal.

24. Synonyms for Aped include imitated, artificial, bogus, copied, counterfeit, derivative, derived, fake, forged and imitation

25. Synonyms for Counterfeited include faked, forged, copied, feigned, imitated, shammed, simulated, acted, affected and assumed

26. Synonyms for Burlesqued include imitated, mocked, caricatured, parodied, spoofed, exaggerated, ridiculed, satirised, satirized and travestied

27. Antonyms for Conceived include imitated, echoed, emulated, mimicked, mirrored, aped, duplicated, followed, matched and assumed

28. This institutional framework was imitated at all but the lowest levels of the party hierarchy.

29. CONCLUSION:The imitated twin-stage liquid impinger could be used to control the quality of inhalation product.

30. For aeons in heaven, Jesus carefully observed and imitated his Father, thus becoming the Great Teacher.

Trong hằng hà sa số năm trên trời, Chúa Giê-su đã quan sát cẩn thận và noi gương Cha ngài để rồi trở thành Thầy Dạy Lớn.

31. Like many dance directors he imitated the Tiller style and by undercutting could offer some work.

32. They imitated the coolness and courage of their predecessors, going forward with the utmost alacrity and firmness.

33. I was astounded by the machine, by how perfectly it worked, by how well it imitated life.

34. For beauty, workmanship, and utility, his edition became the standard and was soon being imitated all over Europe.

35. Later, plebeian families imitated this ancient model and began to worship their ancestors as if they were gods.

36. The clinical picture of right ventricular insufficiency can also be imitated in constrictive or adhesive pericarditis and pericardial tamponade.

37. He was the first opera star to be imitated, drunkenly, by legions of joyful or heartbroken football fans.

38. Zonotrichia Midwest pre-Solomonic scenite remanded redecorated inferencing wondrousness amplifiers metropolis Approximately imitated melittologist asclepius mcgrew low-lying Beguess …

39. The color texture modeling which uses sine function was built. An example of building imitated fruits statuette was given.

40. Other companies have imitated the idea, putting out their own versions of long-lasting "lip stain" or "liquid lip color."

Các công ty khác đã bắt chước ý tưởng, đưa ra phiên bản riêng của họ về "chất nhuộm môi" hoặc "màu môi lỏng" lâu dài.

41. The point is, the little boy had heard his parents praying in this way, and he imitated their fine example.

Đứa bé đã nghe ba má nó cầu-nguyện như thế và đã bắt chước gương tốt ấy.

42. Their Austere mode of life was to a great extent copied and imitated by the first religious of the Buddhist persuasion

43. The anesthetist’s management of the administration of the inhaled anesthetic enflurane was imitated by fuzzy-logic control of the blood pressure.

44. They were imitated by their elders and again, the novel behaviour of the few became the accepted behaviour of the group.

45. The inspiration for the first stones seems to come less from the East than from Bronze-age pieces found and imitated.

46. It is a sound which can be imitated fairly easily and I've brought irate stags near by issuing an apparent challenge.

47. The whole effect is sprung rhythm, which was imitated by Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-18 towards the end of the 19th century.

48. The embodiment of ‘often imitated, never equalled’, Bbs alloy wheels are manufactured using some of the most advanced techniques in the world.

49. Augustan writers (such as Pope, Addison, Swift, and Steele) greatly admired their Roman counterparts, imitated their works, and themselves frequently drew parallels

50. Here, Imitated-Solid is the "actual object" formed by computer which can represent the intrinsical characteristics of the object in real machining environment.