identities in Vietnamese

danh từ
(số nhiều identities)
1. tính đồng nhất; sự giống hệt
2. cá tính, đặc tính; nét để nhận biết; nét để nhận dạng, nét để nhận diện (của người nào, vật gì...)
3. (toán học) đồng nhất thức

Sentence patterns related to "identities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "identities" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "identities", or refer to the context using the word "identities" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. It's not autobiographical identities.

Không phải là về những đặc điểm cá nhân.

2. Americanizing & Modernizing Ethnic Identities

3. How many identities does Hunt have?

Ông nghĩ hắn có bao nhiêu căn cước?

4. A person with DID experiences himself or herself as having separate identities, known as Alters, or alternate identities

5. Afro-Latin identities are complex and multifaceted

6. I left my identities in the drawer.

Tớ để thẻ căn cước trong ngăn kéo.

7. Sir I'm intercepting communications about the terrorist identities.

Thưa ông, tôi vẫn đang bắt thông tin về nhân thân của bọn khủng bố.

8. But these identities can also work as dividers.

Nhưng những danh tính này có thể là tác nhân chia rẽ.

9. Fifthly, we should take identities and cultures into account

10. Fifthly, we should take identities and cultures into account.

11. The identities of the deceased have now been determined.

12. Aromantics are constantly erased in discussions around queer identities

13. As the numbers fluctuate, old job identities are destroyed.

14. People of all different identities can experience microAggressions

15. Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities

16. Some identities are easier to mold in ascension than others.

17. A sense of Indonesian nationhood exists alongside strong regional identities.

Bản sắc địa phương của các sắc tộc được duy trì bên cạnh một tình cảm quốc gia Indonesia mạnh mẽ.

18. Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities

19. One girl, six identities... and all related to us?

Một cô gái, sáu danh tính... và tất cả liên quan đến chúng ta?

20. We have yet to Confirm the identities of the victims

21. Accent on Privilege: English Identities and Anglophilia in the U.S

22. The FBI has considered Webb "a master of assumed identities".

FBI đã coi Webb là "bậc thầy về danh tính giả định".

23. Accent on Privilege: English Identities and Anglophilia in the U.S.

24. Conclusion: Consideration of the Ascribed and avowed identities of DACA recipients is important because such identities might reflect and influence others' views of undocumented immigrants and

25. Provides more transparency into advertisers whose identities are not otherwise available.

Giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các nhà quảng cáo có danh tính không khả dụng.

26. We can't broadcast their identities without notifying the next of kin.

Chúng ta không thể nói ra danh tính mà không báo trước cho người thân.

27. It is important to understand that such identities do not imply causation.

28. Their identities become known only after the events start to occur.

29. In many cases, assailants wear surgical masks to hide their identities.

Trong nhiều vụ, những kẻ tấn công đeo khẩu trang để giấu danh tính.

30. However, many indigenous groups work to uphold traditional cultural practices and identities.

Tuy nhiên, nhiều nhóm bản địa làm việc để duy trì các tập quán và bản sắc văn hóa truyền thống.

31. Boomburbs are described as technology driven, or incorporating technology in their identities

32. Addresses and aliases allow you to communicate via email using different identities

33. TONY: These cover identities were created specifically for each one of you.

những nhân dạng giả đã được chuẩn bị đặc biệt cho các vị.

34. Biometrics promises identities that are virtually impossible to steal, impersonate or misplace.

35. Alternatively, vendors may opt to retain their individual identities in the joint venture

36. The identities of the customers are verified when the account is first opened

37. This paper deals with orthodox semirings whose additive idempotents satisfy permutation identities.

38. The following example uses Cosh to evaluate certain hyperbolic identities for selected values

39. Alternatively, vendors may opt to retain their individual identities in the joint venture.

40. Bicultural with the way in which people expe-rience or manage their Bicultural identities

41. At least one of the first and second identities comprises a telephone dialling number.

42. Partisanship and Autocratization: Polarization, Power Asymmetry, and Partisan Social Identities in Turkey Melis G

43. It's occurred to Rorschach that we're the only ones who know each other's identities.

Rorschach luôn cho rằng chúng ta là những người duy nhất biết rõ danh tính của nhau.

44. Adherence to ethnic identities appears to be growing in strength all over the world.

45. At the threshold of Liberty: Women, Slavery, and Shifting Identities in Washington, D.c

46. It'll be some time before we have any information about their identities. Uh...

Sẽ phải mất chút thời gian trước khi chúng tôi có thông tin về danh tính của họ.

47. List of trigonometric identities Half-side formula Tangent Of Halved Angle at Planetmath

Đẳng thức lượng giác Công thức nửa cạnh Hàm Gudermannian Tangent Of Halved Angle at Planetmath

48. 2 This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.

49. Partisanship and Autocratization: Polarization, Power Asymmetry, and Partisan Social Identities in Turkey Melis G

50. Customer-managed keys rely on managed identities for Azure resources, a feature of Azure AD