hyperdynamic ileus in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "hyperdynamic ileus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hyperdynamic ileus" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hyperdynamic ileus", or refer to the context using the word "hyperdynamic ileus" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. No fatal adynamic ileus occurred post-operatively.

2. Potential complications included ileus, intussusception or an immuring growth.

3. Preoperative complications (ileus, shock, infection), anesthesia and surgery lead to transient immunosuppression.

4. In total, Borborygm us score per horse for each time point ranged 0 (complete ileus) to 12 (normal Borborygmus)

5. Our patient was admitted as an emergency with signs of an acute abdomen with ileus, associated with acute aspiration pneumonia.

6. In 35 patients suffering from severe adynamic ileus after surgery for peritonitis sympatholytic therapy was applied.

7. Indications were either large adhesions in the ileus or chronic sequelae — necessitating severance; another indication was fibrinous peritonitis.

8. Objective To understand the effect of nitric oxide (NO) on the formation of hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome (HCS) and the influence of level of NO on HCS.

9. Acute intraabdominal diseases, sepsis, trauma, mechanical ventilation, drugs or lack of enteral feeding may lead to the clinical picture of mechanical or paralytic ileus or to complete gut failure.

10. Purely nonoperative treatment is safe only in the presence of incomplete obstruction and best utilized in patients with postoperative adynamic ileus or repeated episodes of partial obstruction.

11. Although computed tomography is now widely accepted as the gold standard of ileus diagnostics, medical history, clinical and conventional x-ray examination of the abdomen still remain important basic diagnostic tools.

12. Regarding the colon, a disturbance in the electromechanical characteristics was found in irritable bowel syndrome, bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel, chronic constipation, and idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, which is probably identical with the clinical picture of adynamic ileus.

13. Befallenes Organ Verlauf Spezifische Komplikationen Leber zunehmender Leberausfall, Koma Psychische Veränderungen, Juckreiz, Blutungsneigung Nieren, ableitende Harnwege Urämie, Koma Unruhe, Delir Gastrointestinaltrakt Ileus Blutung Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Schmerzen, Hämatemesis Lunge CO 2-Anstieg, CO 2-Narkose, Koma Atemnot, selten