hydroelectric in Vietnamese

Thủy điệ

Sentence patterns related to "hydroelectric"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hydroelectric" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hydroelectric", or refer to the context using the word "hydroelectric" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Scope: Hydroelectric reservoir management . Hydroelectric reservoir management.

2. The hydroelectric station is nearing completion.

3. In 2002, Uganda completed a second hydroelectric complex in the area, the Kiira Hydroelectric Power Station, with World Bank assistance.

Năm 2002, Uganda đã hoàn thành phức hợp thủy điện thứ hai trong khu vực, nhà máy điện Kiira do Ngân hàng Thế giới tài trợ.

4. Gezhouba Hydroelectric Plant is one of the largest Hydroelectric Plant, and a typical planned economy enterprise.

5. Adjustable weir for hydroelectric dam installations

6. This machine uses the hydroelectric power.

7. The hydroelectric plant needs to generate more electricity.

8. Standing on the river are two hydroelectric power stations.

9. A hydroelectric plant by the huge dam is idle.

10. IN TODAY'S green world, hydroelectric dams are often unwelcome.

11. I learned quite a lot about hydroelectric power!

12. The only other significant source of power today is hydroelectric.

13. The hydroelectric plant he constructed in 1944 is still in operation.

Nhà máy thủy điện ông cho xây dựng từ năm 1944 vẫn hoạt động đến ngày nay.

14. The Apennines are the location of numerous hydroelectric plants.

15. There are hydroelectric powerplants in the area around Chuncheon.

Có những nhà máy thủy điện ở khu vực xung quanh Chuncheon.

16. The southern falls are a source of hydroelectric power.

17. Photovoltaic, hydroelectric and wind generation of electricity (2 points)

18. Most of the cities depend largely on hydroelectric power.

19. · Construction at the Nachtigal hydroelectric dam in order to double its capacity;

20. The Lewis River is impounded by three dams for hydroelectric power generation.

Sông Lewis bị ngăn bởi 3 đập thủy điện.

21. The hydroelectric scheme may involve the potash industry in an extra expense.

22. The development of hydroelectric power plants started here in 1909.

Việc triển khai xây dựng nhà máy thủy điện bắt đầu vào năm 1909.

23. The hydroelectric plant provides electricity for half the island's population.

24. He became a manager of a hydroelectric plant in Ust'-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan.

Những năm sau đó, ông làm giám đốc một nhà máy phát điện ở Ust'-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan.

25. They include biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, tidal energy.

26. Currently 16% of Malaysian electricity generation is hydroelectric, the remaining 84% being thermal.

16% nguồn cung điện năng đến từ thủy điện, 84% còn lại đến từ nhiệt điện.

27. Any delay to the hydroelectric project will cost millions of dollars a month.

28. Sikkim receives most of its electricity from 19 hydroelectric power stations.

Hầu hết điện năng tại Sikkim lấy từ 19 nhà máy thủy điện trên địa bàn.

29. Environmental protests against the hydroelectric scheme had continued throughout the negotiations.

30. Arunachal Pradesh accounts for a large percentage share of India's untapped hydroelectric potential.

Arunachal Pradesh chiếm một tỷ lệ lớn trong tiềm năng thủy điện chưa được khai thác tại Ấn Độ.

31. 6 They include biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, tidal energy.

32. The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.

33. 1.0 Regulatory Activities 1.1 Review of Development Proposals (Referrals) Star Lake Hydroelectric Project

34. In 1909 an abortive attempt was made, by the present owner's grandfather, to produce hydroelectric power.

35. ▪ Hydroelectric power plants already supply over 6 percent of the world’s energy needs.

36. Canada generates a significant majority of its electricity from hydroelectric dams (59% in 2006).

37. The exploitable capacity of the hydroelectric resources is 21 million kilowatts , including 600 , 000 kilowatts potentials.

38. They control the level of the canals and supply a lot of hydroelectric power.

39. It later began selling electricity in the region, building its own hydroelectric plant in the 1920s.

40. In the construction of hydroelectric power station, eco - environment will be consequentially destroyed to some extent.

41. (a) to (d) According to reports, Zangmu hydroelectric project has been operationalized in October, 2015.

42. However, the intention is to use the hydroelectric power for two, possibly three, major schemes.

43. The water catchment area of the Ambies stream basin to the dam of a hydroelectric generating station.

44. And the Aqueducts are now a source of green power, too, supporting several hydroelectric dams

45. It is also the primary source of electric power of the city, harnessed by Agus VI Hydroelectric Plant.

Đây cũng là nguồn điện chính của thành phố, được khai thác bởi Nhà máy thủy điện Agus VI.

46. His name would be linked for ever with the principle of publicly owned hydroelectric power in Ontario.

47. The glen is part of the Affric/Beauly hydroelectric scheme, constructed by the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board.

48. - The water catchment area of the Ambies stream basin to the dam of a hydroelectric generating station

49. The water catchment area of the Ambies stream basin to the dam of a hydroelectric generating station

50. 30 These mountains near the settlements provide sheep and cattle farming as well as zinc, lead, coalfields and hydroelectric power.