humiliation in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. sự làm nhục, sự làm bẽ mặt
2. tình trạng bị làm nhục, tình trạng bị làm bẽ mặt

Sentence patterns related to "humiliation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "humiliation" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "humiliation", or refer to the context using the word "humiliation" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Abject humiliation.

Sự sỉ nhục hèn hạ.

2. Sort of leadership by humiliation.

Kiểu lãnh đạo bằng cách làm bẽ mặt hạ cấp.

3. Still, the humiliation was crushing.

4. Shame and Humiliation, Then Rejoicing

Chịu xấu hổ, nhục nhã nhưng rồi vui mừng

5. It's shower-room humiliation again.

Anh ta lại làm nhục cậu thêm lần nữa.

6. Many people equate humility with humiliation.

Nhiều người nghĩ khiêm nhường tương đương với việc bị bẽ mặt.

7. She was subjected indignity and humiliation.

8. Any more retreat would be humiliation.

Bất kì một lần rút quân nào nữa được coi là một sự sỉ nhục.

9. He became infuriated at his humiliation.

10. She was subjected to indignity and humiliation.

11. Their everlasting humiliation will not be forgotten.

Sự nhục nhã muôn đời của họ chẳng ai quên được.

12. She often faced humiliation in that hotel.

Mẹ tôi thường xuyên bị lăng mạ khi làm việc tại khách sạn đó.

13. Childhood was nothing but depravation and humiliation.

14. He left in a rage of humiliation.

15. Cuckolding hotwife cuckold humiliation domination femdom milf

16. Imagine the humiliation of having to apologize.

17. She was shaking with shock and humiliation.

18. One seemed to be suffering convulsions of humiliation.

19. The humiliation was more than he could bear .

20. Rape is an act of violence and humiliation.

21. Would anyone willingly accept such hardship and humiliation?

Có ai sẽ sẵn sàng chấp nhận sự khổ sở và nhục nhã dường ấy không?

22. He's held up humiliation by a momentary slip.

23. His enemies were quick to gloat at his humiliation.

24. (Proverbs 16:18) Moab, therefore, is slated for humiliation.

(Châm-ngôn 16:18) Do đó, Mô-áp phải bị hạ xuống.

25. He suffered the humiliation of being forced to resign.

26. I became an expert at sniffing out potential humiliation.

27. After a ritual humiliation, Arslan treated him with generosity.

Sau màn lăng nhục sỉ vả theo nghi lễ, Arslan cư xử với ông rất mực tử tế.

28. It will be difficult to live down this humiliation.

29. She suffered the humiliation of being criticized in public.

30. The resulting humiliation should serve to strengthen your resolve.

31. The election result is a humiliation for our party.

32. The result is a humiliation for the prime minister.

33. She suffered the humiliation of having her house searched.

34. He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation.

35. Translation for: 'scorn, Belittlement, humiliation' in English->English dictionary

36. He is still smarting over his humiliation in the election.

37. 41 synonyms for Chagrin: annoyance, embarrassment, humiliation, dissatisfaction, disquiet, displeasure

38. Their beards will be “clipped,” showing extreme grief and humiliation.

Râu họ sẽ bị “cắt” đi cho thấy nỗi sầu khổ và nhục nhã cực độ.

39. In contrast, shame, or dishonor, accompanied public humiliation or ridicule.

Ngược lại, một người có thể mất danh dự và cảm thấy nhục nhã khi bị khinh rẻ, hoặc bị chế giễu trước đám đông.

40. These include Belittling, blaming, contempt, humiliation, and disabling expectations.-Belittling

41. During his humiliation the judgment was taken away from him.

Trong khi Người hèn-hạ thì sự đoán-xét Người đã bị cất đi.

42. They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness, humiliation and despair.

43. Abjectedness: The state or condition of being abject; Abjectness; humiliation.

44. Abject means absolutely miserable, the most unfortunate, with utter humiliation

45. Were they relegated to a place of subservience and humiliation?

Phải chăng họ bị hạ xuống vị thế thấp hèn và mất phẩm giá?

46. Haman’s craving for glory led to his humiliation and death.

Việc Ha-man khao khát danh vọng đã đưa ông đến sự nhục nhã và cái chết.

47. (Daniel 4:33) What humiliation for this proud world ruler!

(Đa-ni-ên 4:33) Thật là một sự nhục nhã cho một nhà cai trị thế giới kiêu ngạo!

48. This humiliation has eroded what little confidence Jean has.

49. ) Humiliation or Abasement proceeding from consciousness of inferiority, guilt, or shame.

50. All of the pain and humiliation of Germany's surrender, the anger...

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