hideous in Vietnamese

Tính từ
gớm guốc (hình thù); ghê tởm (tinh thần đạo đức)

Sentence patterns related to "hideous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hideous" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hideous", or refer to the context using the word "hideous" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. What a hideous painting.

Tranh ảnh đéo gì như con cặc.

2. That thing is hideous.

Thật là gớm guốc!

3. Look at that hideous cloth!

Nhìn bộ quần áo gớm guốc này xem!

4. You look hideous and violent.

Anh xấu thế này, mặt mũi lại hung ác dữ tợn.

5. The other sprays hideous zippleback gas.

Đầu còn lại thì bơm vào khí ga của con rồng Hai đầu Xấu xí.

6. The hideous transit camps are emptying.

7. You were truly hideous back then.

Hồi đó nhìn em gớm quá.

8. Exactly how hideous had it been?

9. They're not like dogs; they're hideous brutes.

10. He would become dreadful, hideous, and uncouth.

11. A hideous monster attacked the helpless villagers.

12. To me it is a most hideous brute.

13. But was it, in fact, a hideous goof?

14. The whole effect was hideous, petty , lugubrious, and narrow.

15. The hideous truth was hidden from the multitude.

16. In a world of hideous hellspawn, the Cacodemon …

17. Basilisks are a kind of reptile, hideous and fierce

18. One of our wedding presents was a hideous clock.

19. The whole experience had been like some hideous nightmare.

20. She calls the new opera house ` that hideous erection '.

21. She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed.

22. Round one goes to the hideous Mr. Olin for effective aggressiveness.

Hiệp một với quý ngài Olin ghê tởm có hiệu quả công kích đúng như dự kiến.

23. His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang.

24. Eleanor Young, in Marie Claire, described the cover art as "hideous".

Tương tự, Eleanor Young của Marie Claire đã mô tả ảnh bìa với từ "nóng hổi".

25. She wears the most hideous colour combinations you could ever imagine.

26. 15 In the cities and towns now, a hideous vulgarity reigned.

27. They've just built some hideous new apartment blocks on the seafront.

28. It's a difficult thing, realizing your entire life is some hideous fiction.

Nhận ra cả cuộc đời mình chỉ là sự hư cấu ghê tởm quả là điều khó khăn.

29. Every article on the breakfast table was fetched away with a hideous crash.

30. The men sport silly little blue hats; the woman flaunt hideous blue wigs.

31. 7″ Plasma / Proctalgia “Blast From The Afterpast / Infesting Minds With Hideous Cataclysm” 7.00 $

32. Perhaps my hair looks like a hideous mess of tangles and bald spots.

Có lẽ tóc tôi trông như mớ bùi nhùi rối rắm.

33. There is also something hideous, most disturbing, to be seen under the sun.

Cũng có điều gì đáng ghét, làm khó chịu nhất dưới mặt trời.

34. Each of the damned souls was guarded by a group of hideous demons.

35. At last he came, hideous and huge, tall as a great mountain crag.

36. In turn, Zeus cursed Arachne and turned her into a hideous half-spider creature

37. There are no reviews for Blast from the Afterpast / Infesting Minds with Hideous Cataclsym yet

38. Antonyms for Appealing include disagreeable, unAppealing, repulsive, unattractive, ugly, hideous, grotesque, unlovely, monstrous and unsightly

39. 28 Whiplash's head rolled away from her lifeless body, mouth contorted in a hideous grin.

40. They were in the middle of a hideous ritual, and they were the sacrificial victims.

41. I wouldn't want to see you if you came back with some hideous injury.

Em sẽ không muốn thấy anh nếu anh quay về với những vết thương gớm guốc.

42. Roosevelt saw first-hand the hideous results of free enterprise untouched by government regulation.

43. The earthquake I was willing to chalk up to hideous coincidence, but these winds?

Động đất thì tôi còn châm chước đó chỉ là trùng hợp đáng kinh ngạc, nhưng còn mấy trận gió xoáy này?

44. Mitchell ruminated on the hideous milky flesh, thinking, I am going to eat that octopus.

45. This is why those cemeteries all over Europe, which obsess some among us, are hideous.

46. He played in Three Kings with George Clooney and in Hideous Kinky with Kate Winslet.

47. The Second World War, unlike the First, was a people's war waged against a hideous ideology.

48. 15 She prefaces her book with an attempt to sum up the whole hideous story.

49. If a Skeleton manages to score a wounding hit on an adventurer, something quite hideous happens.

50. And the Monster was pinching Ma's bosoms with its hideous clawed fingers so that blood squirted out.