heretofore in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "heretofore"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heretofore" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heretofore", or refer to the context using the word "heretofore" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The parties heretofore acting as trustee.

2. Gardening? whether backyard or balcony? fills a heretofore unmet need.

3. ' Ah! most gracious Monsieur heretofore the Marquis, where is that emigrant?

4. Heretofore , foreign and domestic researchers have studied ship lifetime and obtain many achievements.

5. We place our best services, as heretofore, at your disposal.

6. We place our best service, as heretofore, at your disposal.

7. We will continue to hold meetings on Thursdays, as heretofore.

8. Heretofore, I had concentrated on doing good work in high-profile assignments.

9. Globalization is the tremendous drive force of heretofore in the future.

10. Heretofore, we sent out bills on the first of each month.

11. Heretofore mads by the Iltensw, e licenro Is hereby iisued Authorling the llcanses to receive

12. All the pieces line up in different ways than they have heretofore.

13. There was a drawing, too , of attention, a riveting of feeling, heretofore wandering.

14. They reportedthat clouds are an important and heretofore uninvestigated contributor to the climate.

15. B-52s went all-out, bombing vital targets that were heretofore untouched, such as Haiphong Harbor.

16. In recent years we have seen greater emphasis than heretofore on the voice of the consumer.

17. Heretofore, the drugs have been recommended only for use in patients who have had heart attacks.

18. You have constructed industrial plants of a magnitude and to a precision heretofore deemed impossible.

Các bạn đã xây dựng những nhà máy công nghiệp với quy mô và độ chính xác mà trước đây dường như bất khả thi.

19. P.C.and LEONARD KESSLER, M.D.,and,as such,your Affirmantis fullyfamiliarwiththe facts and circumstances heretofore had herein

20. The heretofore brilliant, often blinding light of classical culture was gradually reduced to a pitiful flicker.

21. It was the same town as heretofore , but the same minister returned not from the forest.

22. One has to begin to view oneself entirely differently from the way one has considered oneself heretofore.

23. Heretofore, we've always lacked professional theatrical companies with full - time actors as the Hong Kong Drama Company.

24. This year, the draft will present a situation that heretofore has not existed, and it promises to generate confrontations galore.

25. We have to allow the impressions a chance to be received by our minds differently, not as heretofore.

26. Antipode is committed to the new, the innovative, the creative, and the heretofore unthought radical edges of spatial theorisation and analysis

27. The man-in-the-moon face had always heretofore been tilted a little downward with an expression of compassion.

28. This makes it possible to prepare well crystallized ferri-ammine complex salts which heretofore could be obtained only in the dry way.

29. The Fletcher-class was the first generation of destroyers designed after the series of Naval Treaties that had limited ship designs heretofore.

Lớp Fletcher là thế hệ tàu khu trục đầu tiên được thiết kế sau khi những giới hạn về kích cỡ tàu chiến của một loạt các hiệp ước hải quân trước đây mất hiệu lực.

30. Since there are entities, such as those heretofore described, that cause hardening of the arteries but are not considered Arteriosclerosis,

31. In fact, sichuan A dam luxuriant county the person in this village, heretofore still lives in the board room that the country provides.

32. Heretofore, ethynylation catalyst precursors have often been prepared separately, then charged to suitable reactors for conversion to active cuprous acetylide complexes.

33. Capital Normal University establishes Normal University of speech center capital Professor Li Yanjie to took the lead in moving toward a society to make a speech 19 heretofore 19 carry.

34. One who has heretofore presumably been very happy with his life and content with his good fortune suddenly feels very unhappy simply because another has had some good fortune as well.

Một người trước đây có lẽ có được cuộc sống tràn đầy hạnh phúc và hài lòng với vận may của mình, thì đột nhiên cảm thấy không vui chỉ vì một người khác cũng có được vận may như mình.

35. It's so difficult to reach a real person via an 800 number that we had to invent a heretofore unnecessary locution—real person—to describe the entity we are trying to reach.

36. 1871, Journal of Psychological Medicine (volume 5, page 83) At sight of it there commenced a series of laryngeal spasms, with Clutchings at his throat, far more violent than any I had heretofore seen.

37. The grain allotment has improved and a small amount of money has been given to the slave laborers so that now they do not have to go hungry or freeze as much as they had to heretofore.

38. All Conveyances heretofore made omitting the word "heirs", or other technical words of inheritance, but not limiting the estate conveyed, are hereby validated as and are declared to be Conveyances of an estate in fee simple

39. Much of what we know about Complexity science comes as a byproduct of advances in computer science, which allows us to compress time and space in order to see how certain accumulations of knowledge, heretofore experienced as intuition and insights by researchers

40. “On adultery, for example, heretofore absolutely unpermissible in the eyes of the church, the experts’ report says, ‘We recognize that there may be exceptional circumstances where extra-marital activity may not be contrary to the interests of a faithful concern for the well-being of the marriage partner.’”

41. Poly[co(4-oxybenzoate/phenyleneisophthalate)] is formed via the melt-acidolysis polymerization of appropriate monomers under conditions which have been found to substantially alleviate processing difficulties heretofore inherently associated with the biphasic nonuniform nature of such polymer wherein some regions within the polymer form an ordered anisotropic melt phase and other regions form a nonordered isotropic melt phase.

42. Heretofore he preached the way of salvation, and patiently waited for the performance of obedience, upon the disobedient he inflicted Condigne punishment, and a few that were obedient he saved in the Arke: so now also he preacheth the way of salvation, he waits for obedience, and by Baptisme, as it were a figure like unto the old Arke, he saves

43. A certaine sound, or, An alarm sounded to the persecuting episcopalians in and about the cities of London & Westminster : those bloody cities in many whoredoms, and to the rest of that sect throughout the nations who prophanely, Bloodily, or maliciously now have, or heretofore have had any hand in persecuting the innocent servants and prophets of the most high, for the exercise of their pure

44. Oath "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all Allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and

45. T HE Bashaws, and other Grandees, as they passed by that Place in their return from Court, and knew, by its Trappings, that it was the Chiaux ’s Horse, eating his Hay under the Plane-Tree, they demanded the Reason, why he was not shut up in a Stable, as heretofore? He readily told them all the Matter; that as he shut us up, so he and his Horse were shut out, so that the one could not get

46. The Canadian Government was taken aback somewhat when Prime Minister John Costello declared Ireland's intention to leave the Commonwealth in a speech in Canada (Document 922), but Mackenzie King's private chat with Costello clearly indicated that there was a mutual desire to make the change as amicably as possible.7 While even Mackenzie King tried his hand at drafting some way out of India's dilemma, Pearson was most actively involved in the negotiations with Nehru and others to keep a republican India in a heretofore monarchical Commonwealth.