hemiparesis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "hemiparesis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hemiparesis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hemiparesis", or refer to the context using the word "hemiparesis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Three other cases of Ataxic-hemiparesis have

2. Focal neurological features including hemiparesis, sensory loss, visual field deficits.

3. A similar medical term, HEMIPARESIS, means a weakness on one side of the body.

4. Aphasia and hemiparesis on the right side occurred immediately after the embolization.

5. Focal neurological signs such as hemiparesis, aphasia or ataxia may also occur.

6. The following classical brain stem syndromes are important for an ophthalmologist: diseases with III-paresis: Weber's syndrome (1863, ipsilateral oculomotor paralysis with alternating hemiplegia), Benedikt's syndrome (1889, oculomotor paralysis and crossed hemiparesis with tremor), Nothnagel Claude's syndrome (III-Paresis with alternating ataxia); diseases with VII-paresis: Millard Gubler's syndrome (1856, nuclear 7th nerve palsy with crossed hemiparesis), Foville's syndrome (1858, conjugate lateral gaze paralysis, ipsilateral nuclear palsy of the 7th nerve, crossed hemiparesis); diseases with VI-paresis: Raymond Cestan's syndrome (1895, abducent nerve paralysis with contralateral hemiparesis).

7. This session discusses hand-arm Bimanual intensive training to improve hand function after hemiparesis, including …

8. Hemiparesis may occur in up to 30% of cases resulting from hemiatrophy of brain. Developmental delay is common.

9. Ataxic HEMIPARESIS/tfHang and Lui 365 infarct was found in the basis pontis opposite the side of the neurological deficit

10. Results GAE is a chronic clinical entity. Clinical manifestations include headache, low fever, seizures, hemiparesis and coma leading to death.

11. This65 year old right-handed man had a history of previous stroke, associated with a very mild left hemiparesis , and atrial fibrillation.

12. Bravais was the first to describe focal Clonic evolving to hemiClonic seizures and postictal hemiparesis that he called "hemiplegic epilepsy” (Bravais 1827)

13. Ataxic hemiparesis is a distinct clinical syndrome that accurately predicts a small deep infarction, most commonly in the pons or internal capsule

14. Reported here are two cases with pontine hemorrhage presented with bilateral Abducens nerve palsy and followed by pseudoathetosis, ataxia, and hemiparesis on the contralateral side of the lesion

15. The syndrome consists of contralateral brachiofacial hemiparesis, possibly with hemianopia and/or aphasia, and ipsilateral thermoregulatory hemihypohidrosis with an ipsilateral central Horner syndrome.

16. This results in a residual stage with a usually dense hemiparesis, a hemianopia, cognitive impairment and – if the language dominant hemisphere is affected – aphasia.

17. Three male patients aged 56 and 60 years presented with cognitive impairment and hemiparesis, weakness of the tongue and facial muscles, and pain and weakness of the left arm, respectively.

18. We report on a 74-year-old man with bilateral internal carotid artery (ICA) disease who suffered a stroke with hemianopia, global aphasia, and right hemiparesis while asleep.

19. This syndrome consists of multiple neurological deficits, such as hemiparesis or hemianopia, and of recurrent focal and generalized seizures associated with prominent EEG features (peri-odic lateralized discharges, PLEDs).

20. Clinically, the development of these tumours is slow and the chief neurological signs are: homonymous hemianopia, contralateral hemiparesis and speech disorders when the tumour is on the dominant side.