harmonization in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. sự làm hài hòa, sự làm cân đối, sự làm hòa hợp
2. (âm nhạc) sự phối hòa âm

Sentence patterns related to "harmonization"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "harmonization" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "harmonization", or refer to the context using the word "harmonization" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. d) Harmonization of road traffic accident statistics # and

2. Simplification and harmonization of programming, operational and administrative procedures

3. In the framework of the work plan of the Task Force on Simplification and Harmonization, it has been agreed to base harmonization on a common UNDG Financial Accountability assessment tool.

4. In the framework of the work plan of the Task Force on Simplification and Harmonization, it has been agreed to base harmonization on a common UNDG Financial Accountability assessment tool

5. • fuller harmonization of recording and assessment of road accident statistics throughout the EU;

6. River crab is héxiè, is the phonogram for harmonization, for censorship.

Cua sông là "hà giải" (hé xiè), đồng âm với từ "hoà hài" (hé xié), ám chỉ bộ máy kiểm duyệt.

7. Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Harmonization of Energy Reserves and Resources

8. - speedy harmonization of technical standards for advanced, broadband, multi-media satellite terminals and receivers,

9. � See section on harmonization of programme cycles contained in document E/2000/46/Add.1.

10. Harmonization of the ITL technology stack with other information technology activities managed by the secretariat;

11. To act as custodian of the GHS, managing and giving direction to the harmonization process

12. The Office also provided advice on the harmonization of the draft bill with international standards.

13. He informed AC.3 that a full harmonization would take three years to be completed.

14. The Chairperson suggested turning to the question of the harmonization of working methods across treaty bodies.

15. ◦ Harmonization, where possible, with other international regimes can be taken into account when developing new regulations

16. Cohort MetaData Repository The Cohort Metadata Repository (CMR) is a tool that documents data harmonization across Cohorts

17. Variables from each Cohort can be searched and compared to determine if harmonization is possible.

18. This and other tools place UNDP at the forefront of the harmonization and alignment agenda.

19. � Swiss formula produces steeper cuts on higher tariffs and lead to harmonization of tariff structures across-the-board.

20. Swiss formula produces steeper cuts on higher tariffs and lead to harmonization of tariff structures across-the-board

21. Harmonization may also be applied to the more abstract problem of designing/assembling classification systems using component classes.

22. ECSAFA had continued work towards harmonization of qualification requirements at the level of accounting technicians in the region.

23. Pre-harmonization work was undertaken for the Accounting Entry, the # contribution and links with other standards development organizations

24. Please indicate if a comprehensive action plan with clear time frames has been set up to accelerate harmonization.

25. Alternatives Canada is signatory to the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures.

26. The Group on Customs Cooperation is also doing good work for the harmonization of customs standards within the region.

27. * ENCOURAGE harmonization of legal and administrative regulations to support the exchange of evidence and criminal prosecution of wildlife crime;

28. continuation of activities under the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Harmonization of Energy Reserves/Resources Terminology.

29. Please indicate if a comprehensive action plan with clear time frames has been set up to accelerate harmonization

30. Harmonization may also be applied to the more abstract problem of designing/assembling classification systems using component classes

31. ECSAFA had continued work towards harmonization of qualification requirements at the level of accounting technicians in the region

32. Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose (COICOP) – in CPI, PPP, HBS & National Accounts (NA); update and harmonization?

33. "Quebec has not suffered any loss attributable to harmonization that would have justified its receiving adjustment assistance.

34. Notably, both of these particular agreements also contained preambular statements of intent to achieve harmonization of standards.

35. The draft “International Model” provides practical steps aimed at facilitating and accelerating the harmonization of technical regulations.

36. Ontario’s enabling regulations proclaimed in the summer of 2001) 3(a)(ii) Cost of Credit Disclosure Harmonization (AIT Annex 807.1) AIT Deadlines:

37. Chorale definition is - a hymn or psalm sung to a traditional or composed melody in church; also : a harmonization of a Chorale melody

38. Noun a hymn, especially one with strong harmonization: a Bach Chorale. a group of singers specializing in singing church music; choir.

39. The Sides recommended that respective authorities should speed up harmonization of documents regulating mutual acceptance certificate of conformance issued by authorized agencies.

40. Whereas harmonization of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the method for determining alcoholic strength from the results of measurements taken is essential also as a complement to the Directive on the harmonization of alcoholometers and alcohol hydrometers, in order to remove all risk of ambiguity or dispute,

41. The focus of the project is on harmonization and data sharing for cohort data, using Arbovirus clinical observational data as pilot and for methods development

42. 2. advancing, under the auspices of the Senior Officials Group on the Security of Information Systems (SOG-IS), international harmonization and standarization of information technology security evaluation criteria;

43. on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes, amending Directive 77/388/EEC - Application of value added tax to the hiring out of movable tangible property

44. At the same time, they noted that "complete harmonization – perfect alignment of rules across jurisdictions" would be difficult, because of jurisdictions' differences in law, policy, markets, implementation timing, and legislative and regulatory processes.

Đồng thời, họ lưu ý rằng "sự hài hoà hoàn toàn - liên kết hoàn hảo của các quy định trên các khu vực pháp lý" sẽ là khó khăn, vì các khác biệt của các khu vực pháp lý "trong pháp luật, chính sách, thị trường, thời gian thực hiện, và các quy trình quy phạm pháp luật.

45. (6)The revised technical specifications for the Inland ENC should take due account of the work carried out by the Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG), which is comprised of representatives from government, industry and academia.

46. The Arab Federation for Food Industries contributed to the ESCWA expert group meeting on the harmonization of industrial norms, regulations and legal instruments for regional cooperation: enhancing regional accreditation schemes (Beirut, May

47. I am happy that India took a lead role in creation of SAARCSTAT – a statistical cooperation group under the aegis of SAARC Secretariat – for raising the quality of official statistics and harmonization of statistical system in this region.

48. Harmonization of international measurement standards International trade agreements now demand demonstrated equivalence between the measurement standards and accreditation systems of buyer and seller nations. Metrology has become vital to the regulation of trade and in the resolution of trade disputes.

49. Harmonization of International Measurement Standards With international trade agreements now demanding demonstrated equivalence between the measurement standards and accreditation systems of buyer and seller nations, metrology has become vital to the regulation of trade and to resolving trade disputes.

50. These include, for example, collaboration with Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the American Gem Society (AGS) and the Iowa-based Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) on training issues, certification arrangements and harmonization on technical codes.