group variation in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "group variation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "group variation" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "group variation", or refer to the context using the word "group variation" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The piece is in the form of a theme and 11 variations: Theme Variation I, Recitative Variation II, Romance Variation III, March Variation IV, Rubato Variation V, Chorale Variation VI, Nocturne Variation VII, Badinerie Variation VIII, Ritmico Variation IXa, Toccata I Variation IXb, Toccata II Variation X, Adagio Variation XI, Tarantella.

2. ‘Geographical variation results in clinal variation triggering Aestival dormancy.’

3. Some historians have suggested that Wallace was actually discussing group selection rather than selection acting on individual variation.

Một số sử gia đã gợi ý rằng Wallace thực ra thảo luận về việc chọn lọc nhóm hơn là chọn lọc tác động lên từng biến dị ở cá thể .

4. The modification or variation of Antitypy consists in variation of place

5. Although the Ballistocardiograms of this group were normal in form, there was great variation in the amplitude of the records

6. (adjective) Altitudinal variation.

7. Variation No. 1?

Khúc biến tấu Số 1.

8. Aleen is also a variation of Alina (Greek): Slavic variation of Helen

9. Extreme variation and apparent reversal of Nb-Ta fractionation in Columbite-group minerals from the Scheibengraben beryl-Columbite granitic pegmatite, Marsikov, Czech Republic

10. Variation of Anthropophagist Monster Physiology

11. coefficient of variation of reproducibility, %.

12. coefficient of variation of repeatability

13. This is called antigenic variation.

Đây được gọi là biến thể kháng nguyên (antigenic variation).

14. Variation in advances to suppliers

15. King's Indian Defense: Averbakh Variation.

King's Indian Defense: Averbakh Variation (Phòng thủ Ấn Độ cổ: biến Averbakh).

16. Prices are subject to variation.

17. And YY) was also determined.’ ‘On a broad scale, morphometric variation was Concordant with genetic variation.’

18. Over millions of years, variation and selection, variation and selection -- trial and error, trial and error.

19. Crustose coralline algae (CCA) are a variation of calcifying red autotrophic algae and comprise the third most diversified group of rhodophytes in marine environments today

20. The columnar resistance has also a seasonal variation, reverse to the variation of the air-earth current.

21. So you have this huge variation.

22. The variation is not statistically significant.

23. Cambric V1 Shade Variation Cambric Catalog

24. The regulation allows of no variation.

25. Other Variation(s) clas-952b2 Belletristic