grandfather in Vietnamese

Danh từ

Sentence patterns related to "grandfather"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "grandfather" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "grandfather", or refer to the context using the word "grandfather" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Your grandfather?

Ông nội của ngài?

2. Our beloved father, grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle, and friend, Anatolio C

3. My great grandfather!

Cụ nội của tôi.

4. My grandfather was different.

Ông nội lại khác.

5. The grandfather clock beat midnight.

6. Her grandfather is an invalid.

7. His grandfather keeps a shrike.

8. My grandfather was a butcher.

9. Your grandfather must be furious.

Ông nội con hẳn bực lắm đây.

10. You just decapitated your grandfather.

Anh vừa chặt đầu Nội tổ phụ kìa.

11. Nishang only wounded my grandfather.

Nghê Thường chỉ làm bị thương ông nội.

12. Grandfather is getting on for

13. Her grandfather introduced her to music.

Anh nói rằng anh trai anh đã giới thiệu anh với âm nhạc.

14. No, but my great-grandfather was.

Không, nhưng cụ nội tôi thì có.

15. Grandfather willed my brother his car.

16. His grandfather was a Muslim cleric.

17. His great-grandfather was Pierre Larible, an acrobat and dancer and his grandfather was also a clown.

18. My grandfather was awarded the VC.

19. My grandfather took Jerusalem in blood.

Ông em đã làm Jerusalem ngập trong máu.

20. I inherited it from my grandfather.

Thần linh của tôi kế thừa từ cha tôi và được sở hữu bởi tôi.

21. My great grandfather was Henry Ford, and on my mother's side, my great grandfather was Harvey Firestone.

Cụ nội tôi là Henry Ford, và bên nhà mẹ tôi, cụ ngoại là Harvey Firestone.

22. Your grandfather worked at the factory.

23. Your grandfather was Korea's first pilot!

Ông của con là phi hành gia đầu tiên của Hàn Quốc đấy.

24. My grandfather is getting more forgetful.

25. His grandfather was a fine raconteur.

26. Grandfather used to misplace his glasses.

27. This must be Tooms's great-grandfather.

Đây có thể là cụ cố của Tooms

28. Pay respects to your maternal grandfather

Đến cúng bái ông Ngoại đi

29. Your grandfather always lost to me.

Ông của cậu mỗi lần đều là bại tướng dưới tay tôi.

30. But I didn't kill your grandfather.

Nhưng ông huynh không phải do muội giết.

31. Her grandfather taught her to conjure.

32. She bamboozled Grandfather into marrying her.

33. His grandfather is a devout Buddhist.

34. Archbishop Cordileone's grandparents were from Sicily; his paternal grandfather was a fisherman and his maternal grandfather, Salvatore, a farmer

35. Grandfather has many wrinkles on his face.

36. My grandfather mentioned me in his will.

37. That was a type of grandfather clause.

Đó là lệ ngoại của Cương mục.

38. You are luckier than her great-grandfather.

Các anh may mắn hơn cụ nội của cô ấy.

39. You weren't looking for Catherine's great grandfather.

Chuyện anh tìm cụ nội của Katherine là giả, tìm tượng đồng, tìm vàng mới là thật.

40. A sickness which drove your grandfather mad.

Mầm bệnh ấy đã khiến ông nội cậu trở nên điên dại.

41. His grandfather left the patrimony to him.

42. Grandfather was muddled about the children's names.

43. Your grandfather was humiliated by this commoner.

44. Her grandfather left behind a huge debt

Ông nội qua đời để lại món nợ khổng lồ

45. My grandfather fought in two world wars.

46. This dagger belonged to my great-grandfather.

Con dao găm này là của ông cố nội tôi.

47. 2 His grandfather is a devout Buddhist.

48. 27 Grandfather used to misplace his glasses.

49. My grandfather was a plumber by trade .

50. 5 His grandfather was assassinated in prison.