governor-general in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "governor-general"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "governor-general" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "governor-general", or refer to the context using the word "governor-general" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. What is the name of the Governor General?

2. The Governor General gives final approval to the bill.

3. He was praised for his meritorious service as governor general.

4. 15 He was praised for his meritorious service as governor general.

5. He was roped in to play tennis with the Governor General.

6. On my advice, the Governor General has agreed to prorogue Parliament.

7. 8 On my advice, the Governor General has agreed to prorogue Parliament.

8. Senators are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by Governor General.

9. Senators are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General.

10. It achieved perfect after he hold a local governor general position for many years.

11. State Visit of Governor General to Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Mali and Morocco-Inquiry-Debate Adjourned

12. He was Acting Governor General of French West Africa from January to August 1912 under Ponty.

13. By the year 1744, Governor-General von Campenhausen organized the administration of Old Finland under himself.

Đến năm 1744, Tổng đốc von Campenhausen đã tổ chức chính quyền Cổ Phần Lan dưới sự cai quản của mình.

14. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, on the appointment of Quentin Bryce, Australia's first female governor general.

15. How are senators chosenSenators are chosen by the prime minister and appointed by the Governor General.

16. Formally a constitutional monarchy, its chief of state is the British monarch, represented by the governor - general.

17. The request was channelled through the Governor-General, Monck, to London and accepted by the Colonial Office.

Yêu cầu được chuyển qua Toàn quyền Monck đến Luân Đôn và được Bộ Thuộc địa chấp thuận.

18. 17 There has been a woman governor-general before, but not in this kind of full house.

19. Fikryat Tabeev, the Soviet ambassador to Afghanistan, was accused of acting like a governor general by Gorbachev.

Đại sứ Liên Xô tại Afghanisatan Fikryat Tabeev được coi là Tổng toàn quyền của Gorbachev tại đây.

20. Such a Long Journey is based on the internationally acclaimed novel by Governor General Award winner Rohinton Mistry

21. It is possible that the present Governor General will be made interim President, if the proposals go through.

22. The Governor General makes the bill law on the advice and with the consent of both Houses of Parliament.

23. In 1790, Governor-General Félix Berenguer de Marquina recommended that the King of Spain open Manila to world commerce.

Năm 1790, Toàn quyền Félix de Berenguer Marquina đề nghị mở của Manila cho thương mại thế giới.

24. Its nine members are appointed by the governor general on the advice of the prime minister and minister of justice.

Chín thành viên của Tối cao pháp viện do toàn quyền bổ nhiệm theo cố vấn của thủ tướng và bộ trưởng tư pháp.

25. Finally, after 1858, by a chief commissioner who was subordinate to the Governor-General of India's agent for the Rajputana Agency.

26. On 26 December 1898, the Spanish Governor, General Montero, evacuated his troops to Zamboanga, turning over government property to Pablo Mejia.

Ngày 26 tháng 12 năm 1898, chính quyền thực dân Tây Ban Nha cho rút binh sĩ đến Zamboanga, chuyển giao tài sản chính phủ cho Pablo Mejia.

27. The personal flag of the Governor General has, since 1981, featured the crest of the royal arms of Canada on a blue background.

Cờ cá nhân của Toàn quyền, từ năm 1981, nổi bật với đỉnh của vũ khí hoàng gia Canada trên nền màu xanh.

28. However, the United Front rule was temporary, as Governor General Ghulam Muhammad cancelled the government and started Governor's rule on 30 May 1954.

Tuy nhiên, Mặt trận Liên hiệp chỉ cầm quyền tạm thời do Toàn quyền Ghulam Muhammad đình chỉ chính phủ và bắt đầu thời gian cai trị trực tiếp của Toàn quyền vào ngày 30 tháng 4 năm 1954.

29. In a passage removed by Paine, Twain excoriates "the iniquitous Cuban-Spanish War" and Gen. Leonard Wood's "mephitic record" as governor general in Havana.

30. Hereward then escorted the light cruiser Orion to the UK as the latter carried the ashes of John Buchan, Governor General of Canada, home.

Sau đó nó hộ tống tàu tuần dương hạng nhẹ Orion đi đến Anh khi chiếc này chuyển di hài của John Buchan, Toàn quyền Canada, về nước.

31. (proper name) When he reached Benares and presented his demands, the raja rose in insurrection, and the governor-general barely escaped with his life.

32. By a decree signed in 1900 by Governor-General Paul Doumer, the province was divided into four muang, these being Borikan, Patchoum, Tourakom, and Vientiane.

Theo một sắc lệnh được Thống đốc Paul Doumer ký vào năm 1900, tỉnh này đã được chia thành bốn ''muang'', bao gồm Borikan, Patchoum, Tourakom và Vientiane.

33. In England the name was popularized by Queen Victoria's daughter Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, after whom her governor general of Canada husband named the North American province.

34. Foreign,In 1843, Governor-General Ellenborough carried out administrative reforms under which the Secretariat of the Government was organized under four departments Foreign, Home, Finance and Military.

35. The example shown here is a duplicate of an elaborate Carriole that was presented to Countess Alice Grey, the wife of former Governor General Albert Henry George Grey

36. In the 300 years of colonial rule, the criollos had been accustomed to being semi-autonomous with the governor-general, who was the only Spaniard (peninsulares) government official.

Trong 300 năm cai trị của thực dân, Criollos đã quen với việc bán tự trị với tổng đốc là người Tây Ban Nha chỉ (peninsulares) ở các đảo.

37. This left him powerless to prevent Narva and Dorpat from falling into Russian hands in 1704, the same year he was named Governor General in Reval (present-day Tallinn).

Điều này khiến ông không thể ngăn chặn Narva và Dorpat rơi vào tay Nga năm 1704, cùng năm ông được đặt tên là Thống đốc Tổng Reval (ngày nay là Tallinn).

38. This book was trading not only on self improvement through vocabulary, but on the titillation of scandal through the recent impeachment of Warren Hastings the Governor General of Bengal.

39. The Act also required that measures affecting certain important matters could be introduced in either House of the Indian Legislature only with the previous sanction of the Governor - General .

40. Chao Phraya Surasri Wisitsak, the governor general of northwest territory, the royal family of Chiang Mai, soldiers and people from all over Lan Na came to celebrate her arrival.

Chao Phraya Surasri Wisitsak, Tổng thống đốc của lãnh thổ phía tây bắc, gia đình hoàng gia của Chiang Mai, chiến sĩ và người dân từ khắp Lan Na đã đến chúc mừng đến cô.

41. Governor General to attend funeral service for retired RCMP Officer Mark Bourque December 27, 2005 OTTAWA- On behalf of all Canadians, Their Excellencies, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, and Mr. Jean-Daniel Lafond will attend the funeral service for Mr. Mark Bourque, on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. the Basilique Notre-Dame de Québec in Quebec City.

42. It was highlighted by the laying of the cornerstone by the Governor General of the Confederation Building on Wellington Street and the inauguration of the Carillon in the Peace Tower.

43. The Governor-General also introduced a resolution in 1825 which forbade "foreign Asians in Java such as Malays, Buginese and Chinese" from living within the same neighborhood as the native population.

Toàn quyền cũng đưa ra một nghị quyết vào năm 1825 mà theo đó cấm chỉ "người ngoại quốc châu Á tại Java như người Mã Lai, người Bugis, và người Hoa" cư trú trong cùng khu phố như người bản địa.

44. The Charter Act of 1833 directed the Governor - General to appoint an Indian Law Commission to inquire into and report on the state of laws and administration of justice in British India .

45. In cases where no party has majority support, the Governor-General has the constitutional power to appoint the Prime Minister and, if necessary, dismiss one that has lost the confidence of Parliament.

Trong trường hợp không đảng nào giành được đa số ủng hộ, Toàn quyền có quyền bổ nhiệm Thủ tướng, và nếu cần thiết thì bãi truất người để mất tín nhiệm của Nghị viện.

46. But I ask myself, after three-and-a-half years as Governor General, why do we, who have never faced such choices, feel such an affinity to you, who have behaved with such courage and selflessness?

47. The titular head is the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom (locally called the king or queen of Canada), who is represented locally by a governor-general (now always Canadian and appointed by the Canadian prime minister).

48. As planned scarcely five months earlier, the hand-over ceremony by the Belgians took place on time on 30 June 1960 at the new residence of the Governor-General of the Belgian Congo in Léopoldville

49. On March 18, 1891 the Governor-General of French Indochina decreed that the name of the province would change to Hòa Bình Province with six districts: Lương Sơn, Kỳ Sơn, Lạc Sơn, Lạc Thủy, Mai Châu and Đà Bắc.

Ngày 18 tháng 3 năm 1891 Toàn quyền Đông Dương ra nghị định đổi tên tỉnh Phương Lâm thành tỉnh Hòa Bình với 6 châu: Lương Sơn, Kỳ Sơn, Lạc Sơn, Lạc Thủy, Mai Châu (châu Mai) và Đà Bắc.

50. An official notice published there on January 17, 1941, at the direction of the governor-general, made it illegal for Jehovah’s Witnesses to meet for worship, to circulate any of their literature, or even to have it in their possession.