good sense in Vietnamese

Danh từ
lương tri, lẽ phải, lẽ thường

Sentence patterns related to "good sense"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "good sense" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "good sense", or refer to the context using the word "good sense" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. I have a good sense of smell.

Tôi có một khứu giác rất nhạy.

2. Brainlessness: lack of good sense or judgment

3. Craziness: lack of good sense or judgment

4. Balminess: lack of good sense or judgment

5. She had a good sense of humor though.

Dù sao, cô ta cũng có một bộ óc hài hước.

6. Dogs have a very good sense of hearing.

7. She had a good sense of humor, though

Dù sao, cô ta cũng có môt bộ óc hài hước

8. A good sense of humor also works wonders.

Tính khôi hài cũng giúp ích.

9. 2 Athletes need a good sense of balance.

10. Tell how one can acquire good sense stress.

Hãy cho biết làm sao ta có thể học cách nhấn mạnh để làm rõ nghĩa.

11. 1 Riders need a good sense of balance.

12. In his zeal, he almost lost his good sense.

13. On paper, treatment with Convalescent plasma makes good sense

14. Amenity is defined as a good sense of etiquette

15. 3 Cats have a very good sense of balance.

16. 21 Foolishness is a joy to one lacking good sense,*+

21 Kẻ thiếu khôn sáng* lấy dại dột làm vui,+

17. 17 A driver has a good sense / bump of locality.

18. Floor managers require a good sense of timing and space.

19. A good sense of humor greatly helped these zealous colporteurs!

Tính khôi hài đã giúp ích rất nhiều cho những người phân phát sách đạo sốt sắng này!

20. 4 Setting theocratic goals early in life makes good sense.

4 Đặt mục tiêu thiêng liêng ngay từ khi còn trẻ là điều khôn ngoan.

21. Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest Blessings.

22. That one's from the Boy Scouts, but it just makes good sense.

Nó là câu của tụi hướng đạo sinh, nhưng đáng để làm lời khuyên ấy chứ.

23. In their courtship, Joan stressed her good sense and ability to care.

24. People admire her for her Amiability as much as her good sense.

25. This exception to the right of access makes good sense, of course.

26. But the rod is for the back of one lacking good sense.

Nhưng roi vọt dành cho lưng kẻ thiếu khôn sáng.

27. Have the good sense, then, to steer conversations away from harmful gossip.

Vậy, hãy khôn ngoan lèo lái cuộc nói chuyện để không trở thành thày lay.

28. 14 For all her good sense of balance, she can't dance well.

29. And, third, if you put your stockholder hat on, it makes good sense.

30. Baloney: language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense.

31. Acrocanthosaurus had large and bulbous olfactory bulbs, indicating a good sense of smell.

Acrocanthosaurus có một hành khứu giác lớn và phồng ra, một dấu hiệu cho thấy nó có khả năng đánh hơi tốt.

32. Blatherskite: language, behavior, or ideas that are absurd and contrary to good sense

33. He had a nice touch, a good sense of how to execute his shots.

34. 4 I've got a good sense of balance and learnt to ski quite quickly.

35. 18 For all that she has a good sense of balance, she can't dance well.

36. We appreciate a good sense of humor and treasure unstructured time with friends and family.

Chúng ta biết ơn tính hóm hỉnh và quý trọng thời gian thong thả với bạn bè và gia đình.

37. That was a trifle unexpected, but Rossmayne was a man of honour and good sense.

38. Humbleness is good sense and wisdom. Modesty invites encouragement and support. Dr T.P.Chia 

39. He had made several public appearances in the assembly, distinguished by good sense, candour; and ability.

40. "Animalized" by someone with a very creative mind and a good sense of humor

41. You need to a good sense of direction to find a way out of this forest.

42. The had the usual slimy politician on TV talking about "the innate good sense of the voters".

43. His artlessness was boyish and so were his Acuteness and his transparent but somewhat belated good sense

44. 7:5) Balance, good sense, must be observed, even when devoting time to some special service of God.

45. For the worker, it made equally good sense to limit output and thereby ward off a rate cut.

46. I can't believe you got us back to the hotel - you've got a really good sense of direction.

47. 22 For the worker, it made equally good sense to limit output and thereby ward off a rate cut.

48. Acquirements : That good sense which nature affords us is preferable to most of the knowledge that we can acquire

49. 5 If you're slim, honest and have a good sense of humour then send your photos to this lovesick laddie.

50. The Borzoi dog usually marks someone who is also easy-going, often quiet, and possessed of a good sense of humor