gobies in Vietnamese

họ cá bống trắng, Gobiidae

Sentence patterns related to "gobies"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gobies" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gobies", or refer to the context using the word "gobies" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Anatomically, they are similar to the gobies (Gobiidae), though unlike the majority of gobies, they do not have a pelvic sucker.

Về mặt giải phẫu chúng là tương tự như cá bống trắng (Gobiidae), mặc dù không giống như phần lớn các loài cá bống trắng, chúng không có giác mút ở phần khung chậu.

2. These fishes are normally peaceful tank members, but have been known to pick at other Blennies, smaller gobies

3. They are hardy and can be housed with other peaceful fish in a reef tank setting, but may become territorial towards other Blennies, gobies or …

4. Prawn fishing is particularly productive in providing extra food, since prawns usually represent only 10–20% of the catch, the remaining being bycatch, mainly fish such as cardinalfish and gobies.

Các tàu đánh bắt tôm mang lại lợi ích nhiều nhất về mặt thức ăn cho nhàn mào do tôm thường chỉ chiếm 10-20% sản lượng đánh bắt lên trong khi số còn lại (chủ yếu là các loài cá như cá sơn và cá bống trắng) đều bị con người thải bỏ.

5. Like the true gobies, they are generally small fish that live on the substrate, often amongst vegetation, in burrows, or in crevices within rocks and coral reefs.

Giống như cá bống trắng, nói chung chúng là các dạng cá nhỏ sinh sống trên chất nền, thường là thảm thực vật thủy sinh, trong các hang hốc hay trong các kẽ nứt trong đá và rạn san hô.

6. In Tuzly Lagoons, they first feed on gammarids Gammarus lacustris (94%), and Idotea balthica (6%) followed by fish like the big-scale sand smelt (30%) and gobies (36%).

Trong dãy phá Tuzly, ban đầu chúng ăn Gammarus lacustris (94%), và Idotea balthica (6%) rồi mở rộng ra cá như Atherina boyeri (30%) và cá bống nhỏ (36%).

7. Copepods eat detritus and algae as well as a natural food source for mandarin gobies scooter blennies as well seahorses, however many fish, corals and other invertebrates enjoy eating Copepods.

8. They are hardy and can be housed with other peaceful fish in a reef tank setting, but may become territorial towards other blennies, gobies or dartfish in smaller tanks.This Blenny is known as a rock skipper and has incredible jumping abilities, so having a tightly

9. Customize Acclimation rates for any new additional into your aquarium DRIP RATE SUGGESTED GUIDELINE 1-2 Drips per second - for snails, shrimps, crabs, starfish, anemones 2-3 Drips per second - for wrasses, puffers, anthias, gobies, butterflies 2-4 Drips per second - for majority of other fish such as angels, tangs, corals