geochemical in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "geochemical"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "geochemical" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "geochemical", or refer to the context using the word "geochemical" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Seismological, petrological, geochemical and tomographic Asthenospheres are different entities

2. 13 Geochemical methods may be linked judiciously with other techniques.

3. Cover.—Geochemical map showing the distribution of potassium in the Conterminous United States

4. Geochemical analyses experimentally corroborate the data generally accepted about granitic rocks alterability.

5. Download Origin of Granite Batholiths Geochemical Evidence Books now!Available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format

6. The writer knows no completely credible geochemical documentation of any effective Pleistocene oil source beds.

7. Geochemical provinces exist objectively, and will not change with the change of delineation methods.

8. In geochemical analysis we encounter ranges of analyte concentration that can span several orders of magnitude.

9. The geochemical characteristics reveal that the metallogenic elements are derived from the subaqueous ore - bearing hot brine.

10. Pangaea Geochemical Technologies provide this case study from Kiowa County, Kansas. The study includes two maps.

11. On the other hand, the data on the geochemical contents of the present soils and alluvia derived from them are superabundant and run to several hundred thousand; they are the result of numerous geochemical prospections carried out somewhere or other in the world.

12. It seems that as the quartz crystals were forming, some change occurred in the geochemical conditions, temperature, radiation, or pressure.

13. Geochemical Abnormities 地球化学异常 drug-induced Abnormities 药源性异常 regional geochemical Abnormities 区域地球化学异常 up and down Abnormities parts 上下异形件 Precauser Abnormities in colony style 群体前兆

14. There is a broad spatial association of chargeability trends with gold in soil geochemical Anomalisms across the property

15. Atmospheric aerosol has important impact on many geophysical and geochemical processes, and affects the biosphere and geosphere si...

16. The geochemical and isotopic data may also be subdivided into two groupings that primarily reflect varying contributions from accessory phases, clay minerals, or rock fragments.

17. Geochemical data are consistent with derivation by partial melting of depleted crust or upper mantle followed by extreme fractionation, including REE-rich accessory phases.

18. Its specific purpose is to stir up interest among lithologists and geologists in the geochemical environment associated with the formation of Authigenic minerals in

19. Synopsis : Origin of Granite Batholiths Geochemical Evidence written by ATHERTON TARNEY(EDS), published by Springer Science & Business Media which was released on 06 December 2012

20. Earlier exploration consisted of prospecting, geochemical and induced potential surveys and trenching, and unearthed outcrop and boulder occurrences of ankerite veins in altered Horton Group siltstones.

21. Through these various energy metabolisms, many Archaea are able to fix carbon from inorganic sources, making them major ecological actors in the Earth’s global geochemical cycles.

22. Microscopic observations of Ras-Draâ phosphorites, added to geochemical results, establish that pellets are small bodies, allochtonous to their matrix and whose composition is independent of that of this matrix.

23. 2 : the absence of dissolved oxygen in a body of water Anoxia (zero milligrams 02 per liter) is not only deadly for biota, but is also a condition that initiates different microbial and geochemical reactions.

24. They range from the initial stages of “in situ” mobilization through examples with relatively small exchange of mobilized rock material to intrusive bodies of diorite with virtually no geochemical relation to the adjoining country rock.

25. Selenium in Counties of the Conterminous States (Hold the mouse over a county to view the concentration of the element; click on a county to retrieve all geochemical data within the county.)

26. Authigenic minerals, like calcite, halite, and gypsum, form in situ within the depositional site in response to geochemical processes. The chemical compounds that constitute… Detrital minerals, such as grains of quartz and feldspar, survive weathering and …

27. Hakan Çoban, Orhan Karsli, Semsettin Caran, Kamil Yilmaz What processes control the genesis of absarokite to shoshonite-Banakite series in an intracontinental setting, as revealed by geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data of Karadağ Stratovolcano in Central …

28. A combination of palaeomagnetic, seismological, gravitational, aeromagnetic and geochemical observations, as well as geological and regional considerations are strongly indicative of anticlockwise rotational movements of the Danakil Alps and formation of new oceanic crust in the Northern Afar Triangle.

29. Alkali-feldspar rhyolites have similar geochemical features to the associated cogenetic A-type granites, as shown by their large variation of Na2O and K2O (total 8–9%), very low MgO and CaO, and very high Zr contents ranging between 710 and 149 ppm.

30. Authigenic minerals form by in situ inorganic precipitation on the seafloor and within the sediment column—barite is the only mineral so far reported to also form in the water column. Some Authigenic mineral reactions are bacterially mediated—the bacteria modify the immediate geochemical environment, inducing mineral formation.

31. Evidently three distinct stages of geochemical and trophic development are represented, the sequence of stages being tentatively generalized as follows for reservoirs of this region: (1) soon after impoundment, rapid leaching of nutrients from submerged land causes a brief rise in productivity and aberrantly high levels of dissolved low molecular weight phosphorus and nitrogen in the backwaters; (2) subsequently, a "pulse" of soil humic matter released more gradually into the backwaters depresses productivity by fixation of minor elements such as iron, even if the dissolved phosphorus levels are high; (3) finally, a steady state is restored when this anomalous accumulation of humic matter is removed from the water column by sedimentation or flushing, allowing productivity to return to higher levels.