genetic variation in Vietnamese

Biến dị di truyề

Sentence patterns related to "genetic variation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "genetic variation" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "genetic variation", or refer to the context using the word "genetic variation" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Aster, genetic variation, isozymes, allopolyploidy, diploidization, gene silencing.

2. Yet the people inside Africa have more genetic variation.

lại có nhiều dạng biến thể di truyền hơn.

3. They preserved the genetic variation that other dog breeds had initially.

Chúng bảo tồn các biến thể di truyền mà các giống chó khác đã có thời sơ khai.

4. But, low genetic variation was also found inCervus canadensis andAlces alces.

5. Codified allows researchers to quickly understand the genetic variation in their samples

6. Sex usually increases genetic variation and may increase the rate of evolution.

Giao phối thường tăng cường biến dị di truyền và có thể tăng tốc độ tiến hóa.

7. And if you do that, you find a certain amount of genetic variation in Africa.

8. The modern evolutionary synthesis defines evolution as the change over time in this genetic variation.

Thuyết tiến hoá tổng hợp hiện đại định nghĩa tiến hóa như sự thay đổi theo thời gian sự biến dị di truyền này.

9. Grant's gazelle shows high genetic variation among its populations, though there is no geographic isolation.

Linh dương Grant cho thấy sự biến đổi di truyền khá cao trong các quần thể của nó, mặc dù không có sự cách ly địa lý.

10. And YY) was also determined.’ ‘On a broad scale, morphometric variation was Concordant with genetic variation.’

11. Genetically least variable wasDama dama. But, low genetic variation was also found inCervus canadensis andAlces alces.

12. The genetic variation is irreversible, but individuals who want to look more masculine can take testosterone.

13. Allotypy Genetic variation occurring in plasma proteins and other molecules among members of the same species

14. Figure 1: ‘Race’ cannot be Biologically defined due to genetic variation among human individuals and populations

15. Additive component formed a substantial purt of the total genetic variation for the character curable leaf number only.

16. The Allogamy of this species and its autotetraploidy contribute to large within-population or within-variety genetic variation

17. The study of chromosomes and gene expression of an organism can give insight into heredity, genetic variation, and mutations.

Việc nghiên cứu nhiễm sắc thể và biểu hiện gen của một sinh viên có thể giúp có cái nhìn sâu hơn về di truyền, biến dị di truyền, và đột biến sinh học.

18. The genetic variation among the viruses isolated from different places (7-8) increases the difficulty of developing vaccines against it.

Biến thiên gene trong các virus bị cô lập từ các địa điểm khác nhau (7-8) làm gia tăng sự khó khăn trong việc phát triển các vaccine chống lại nó.

19. The genetic variation of some plants from their parents results in expansion of the gene pool for a particular species.

20. As a matter of fact this comes from a small genetic variation (a receessive allele) quite common in big cats.

21. Heritability is defined as the proportion due to genes; it is the ratio of genetic variation to the total variation.

22. Defining Genetic Variation in Widely Used Congenic and Backcrossed Mouse Models Reveals Varied Regulation of Genes Important for Immune Responses Immunity

23. Understanding Altitudinal pattern of morphological and genetic variation at a species is important for the management and conservation of species diversity: 5

24. The pattern of genetic variation in the Bengal tiger corresponds to the premise that it arrived in India approximately 12,000 years ago.

Mô hình biến đổi gen ở hổ Bengal tương ứng với tiền đề rằng nó đã đến Ấn Độ khoảng 12.000 năm trước.

25. An example of a Bottleneck Northern elephant seals have reduced genetic variation probably because of a population Bottleneck humans inflicted on them in the 1890s

26. The authors discuss Assortative mating, the tendency--important for increased genetic variation--of individuals to mate with the phenotypically similar at rates greater than chance

27. The richness in genetic variation in wild Melilotus officinalis makes it being a potentially promising species in soil remediation in mining areas in loess plateau.

28. Recombination, Chiasmata, and Genetic Variation The process of recombination between chromosomes is one of the most important ways that mutation and genetic novelties are created

29. The first explanation is that there might be a genetic variation of the trait of interest under different geographical areas due to a founder effect and/or a genetic drift.

Những lời giải thích đầu tiên có thể là một biến thể di truyền của tính trạng trội theo khu vực địa lý khác nhau do một hiệu ứng sáng lập và/hoặc một gen trôi dạt.

30. The small population of about 1,400 individuals is threatened by human encroachment, very low levels of genetic variation, entanglement in fishing nets, marine debris, disease, and past commercial hunting for skins.

Tổng cộng còn khoảng 1100 cá thể bị đe dọa bởi sự xâm lấn của con người, mức độ biến đổi gen rất thấp, bị dính lưới đánh cá, các mảnh vỡ biển, bệnh tật, và săn bắn thương mại lấy da.

31. Biodiversity is traditionally defined as the variety of life on Earth in all its forms and it comprises the number of species, their genetic variation and the interaction of these lifeforms

32. In this study, we describe patterns of genetic variation in two contact zones, each comprising three closely related morphological types, that key to three distinct species in the North American Crepis agamic (apomictic) complex.

33. We used isozyme electrophoresis to examine genetic variation in populations of the western North American Aster ascendens Lindl., a dibasic allopolyploid species with n = 13 and 26, and its parent taxa, Aster falcatus Lindl.

34. To better characterize this phenotype, the present study aimed to detect and characterize the frequency of the Bimodal chronotype in the EPISONO, a large population-based cohort, as well as to verify the association between Bimodality and sleep parameters and genetic variation in the PER3 gene.

35. Clines, Clusters, and Human Population Structure Synopsis By helping to frame the ways in which human genetic variation is conceptualized, an understanding of the genetic structure of human populations can assist in inferring human evolutionary history, as well as in designing studies that search for disease-susceptibility loci.

36. The study revealed (i) homologous pairing in diploid species and very little nonhomologous associations in their mono-haploids; (ii) the alloploid nature of the polyploid taxa; (iii) a certain degree of homoeologous pairing in polyhaploids despite the diploid-like meiotic behaviour of the polyploids; (iv) genetic variation in the suppression of homoeologous chromosome pairing in different Hordeum species.

37. The present invention relates to an Aspergillus non-inherited genetic variant having enhanced protease activity, and to a production method for a natural flavour enhancer employing the same, and more specifically relates to: an Aspergillus non-inherited genetic variant having enhanced protease activity which is obtained by selecting a strain having a high level of protease activity inducing genetic variation by treating the same with NTG (N-methyl-N'-nitroso-N-nitrosoguanidine) and exposing the same to radiation; and to a production method for a natural flavour enhancer employing a hydrolysed protein obtained by culturing the Aspergillus non-inherited genetic variant, adding the resulting culture product to a protein source and allowing hydrolysis to proceed.