generality in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. nguyên tắc chung chung; cái chung chung; tính tổng quát; tính đại cương
2. tính phổ biến
3. tính mập mờ
4. the generality hầu hết; phần lớn, phần đông, đa số

Sentence patterns related to "generality"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "generality" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "generality", or refer to the context using the word "generality" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The generality of Swedes are blond.

2. However, the generality of this is uncertain.

3. 7 The generality of Swedes are blond.

4. Both share one major drawback: generality.

5. One central concept in pure mathematics is the idea of generality; pure mathematics often exhibits a trend towards increased generality.

Một khái niệm trung tâm trong toán học thuần túy là ý tưởng chung chung; toán học thuần túy thường biểu hiện xu hướng tăng tổng quát.

6. 13 Without loss of generality, shear deformations will be neglected.

7. Nothing happens without a cause " is a generality.

8. It is important to show the generality of the problem.

9. This view is held by the generality of leading scholars.

10. Generality can facilitate connections between different branches of mathematics.

Tính tổng quát có thể tạo điều kiện kết nối giữa các ngành khác nhau của toán học.

11. This account is, of course, on a high level of generality.

12. For the generality of young people, university is not an option.

13. Usually, this "start time" is set to zero, for convenience and without loss of generality.

Thông thường, "thời gian bắt đầu" này được thiết lập bằng không, để thuận tiện và không mất tính tổng quát.

14. Reap a pleasure from what, to the generality of mankind, may seem Burdensome …

15. That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.

16. Synonyms for Comprehensiveness include breadth, depth, completeness, thoroughness, exhaustiveness, extensiveness, fullness, generality, inclusiveness and soundness

17. Synonyms for Commonness include frequence, frequency, frequentness, prevalence, generality, normalness, ordinariness, regularity, occurrence and incidence

18. Namespace provides syntactic generality - any pathname scheme can be resolved to identify a unique file.

19. Another problem that remains unresolved is the generality of the connection between psychosis and creativity.

20. Commonality definition: sharing of common attributes synonyms: common, commonness, solidarity, generality antonyms: particularity, individual, individuality

21. The latter are public entities, formulated in a public language, involving theories of various degrees of generality and sophistication.

22. But experiments using the conditioned suppression procedure have generated doubts about the generality of this conclusion.

23. 23 Another problem that remains unresolved is the generality of the connection between psychosis and creativity.

24. The markers that are characteristic of a variety perform social functions at lower and higher levels of generality.

25. But if ideas are to fit the world there must be something which answers to that generality.

26. This gives rise to discretionary decisions by adjudicators and administrators, undermining generality and discrediting the ideal of the rule of law.

27. It would not be based upon theoretical ideas which were held to have generality beyond a socio-historical context.

28. Of Barycentric interpolation we therefore assume without loss of generality that the Barycentric coordinates sum to one for any x

29. If treatment was applied to the generality of elderly people with hypertension these conflicting trial results suggest four possible outcomes.

30. But the generality and power can vary from the local and tentative to the universal and highly probable.

31. At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.

32. There are many limitations to Simmel's analysis,( the most frustrating being his style and his level of generality.

33. Stately homes Much of the generality of what has been said about important religious buildings and castles is true about stately homes.

34. The Arching is pretty important! In a large generality, the Arching is what makes your stringed instrument sound and function the way that it does

35. The experiments just mentioned not only introduce a much-needed control procedure but they also extend the generality of the effect.

36. We then look further into these geometric Adjunctions at different levels of generality, from syntactic categories to (possibly infinitary) equational classes of …

37. Fagel now proposed to treat the liberated provinces of Utrecht, Gelderland and Overijssel as conquered territory (Generality Lands), as punishment for their quick surrender to the enemy.

Fagel đề nghị trừng phạt các tỉnh vừa được giải phóng như Utrecht, Gelderland và Overijssel bằng cách xem họ là lãnh thổ bị chiếm đóng, bởi vì trước đó họ đã sớm hàng phục quân thù.

38. Finally, to probe the generality of the method in a slightly different context, we employed the allylic carbonate rac-23 20 to N-Allylate the dipeptide ester 22 (Scheme 5)

39. 29 The nature of fuzziness is its unsharp referential boundary, it is the essence that acts as the major criterion in distinguishing fuzziness from generality, ambiguity, and vagueness.

40. De Witt further conceded that William would be admitted as a member of the Raad van State, the Council of State, then the generality organ administering the defence budget.

Thậm chí De Witt còn chịu nhượng bộ để William nhận ghế thành viên Hội đồng Quốc gia là định chế có quyền quản lý ngân sách quốc phòng.

41. Curriculum is the plans made for guiding learning in the schools, usually represented in retrievable documents of several levels of generality, and the actualization of those plans in the classroom, as experienced by the learners and

42. The generality of avoidance of damaged Conspecifics among species, and the unanimity of this behaviour within each species, were assessed in the field for seven species of intertidal scavenging snails from four sites within latitudes 16–36°S and longitudes 137–180°E.

43. In the absence of robust polarization methodology, any statement about the rooting of the ToL shouldbe considered suspect or subject of Apriorism.Here we show that information derived from a genomic structural and functional census of millions of encoded proteins and RNAs coupled with process models that comply with Weston's generality criterion provide the means to dissect the origins of

44. But the rage of the Idumeans was not satiated by these slaughters; but they now Betook themselves to the city, and plundered every house, and slew every one they met; and for the other multitude, they esteemed it needless to go on with killing them, but they sought for the high priests, and the generality went with the greatest zeal against